Wednesday 30 July 2014

#RyanSays - Think Big, Dream Big

    A wise man once said to me "so you do small, so you do big" , I did actually wonder what he meant by it. I was about 16 at the time, I had previously never heard that kinda talk before but the man let me in on a secret - Doing small things in life will prepare you for bigger and better things in life

When I first set up my company - 1stXp, it was a result of me thinking big and also dreaming big. I had a dream that it would be a huge international company, the brand would be well known and it would have a positive impact on people all over the world. I couldn't sleep for months, I had all these visions which was telling me what it was going to be like in the future.

From those visions, I dreamt of being in a large stadium, our anthem Care Of Yoo being played and everyone dancing away and having a good time.

I told a few others about it, they soon put doubts in my head. I began to feel like it wouldn't work or it wouldn't happen because i was a young guy who only had dreams but then I had this amazing thought - What if you took that first step, what exactly would happen. That's when I started to think big, real big

I rented out a rehearsal studio in East London each weekend, rehearsing songs that I had written and also rehearsing the very first Care of Yoo Event. The hype was real, the interest in Care of Yoo grew and grew and finally on July 26th 2005, I Performed at the very first Care of Yoo event. It really was a bittersweet moment because all the people doubted that it would take place were present at the event.

Looking back at it now and what impact it had, the dreams got bigger and bigger. I recruited a team and we had some glorious times but the people who I started the journey with are not the ones with me now.

The theme Care of Yoo is one that means a lot to me and on the last week of November 2014 I will entitle it as Care Of Yoo week.

This is just the beginning, not the end.

I challenge you to start thinking big, dream big dreams, the type of dreams that will give you sleepless nights, the type of dreams that will push you and motivate you. Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done because it can be done.

I learnt that the bigger you get the smaller you realise the obstacles are.

Think Big, Dream Big - It's the only way forward

Have a dream, idea or a vision? Bring it to life, write it down on paper and take the first step.

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