Tuesday 10 March 2015

#TheFathersWord - It's not too Late


Ever had the feeling that you couldn't attend an event or you couldn't start something because there was no time. It's stressful when you feel like you are running out of time but hey, there is time. Today, the word from above is this – It's not too late

It's not too late. The Context of the message comes from Genesis 18 v 10 – 15

The Lord said, “I will be sure to return to you at this time next year. And your wife Sarah will have a son.” Sarah was listening at the tent door behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old. They had lived many years. The way of women had stopped for Sarah. So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “Will I have this joy after my husband and I have grown old?” Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘How can I give birth to a child when I am so old?’
Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”
But Sarah said, “I did not laugh,” because she was afraid. And He said, “No, but you did laugh.”

In this passage, we see that the Lord spoke to Abraham and told him that he and his wife, Sarah would have a son at that time the following year. Now, both of them were old so they both had their doubts about what the Lord said to them. Sarah laughed at the idea, but the Lord responded by saying “Is Anything too hard for the Lord”. He kept his promise, God was faithful. He told Sarah, it's not too late for her to have a child and in Chapter 21, is where the promise is fulfilled.

'Then the Lord visited Sarah as He had said and did for her as He had promised. Sarah was able to have a child and she gave birth to a son when Abraham was very old. He was born at the time the Lord said it would happen'

So, we saw that in the beginning Sarah and Abraham doubted whether they could still have a child together. Sarah looked at herself and because she was old, she thought it couldn't happen but the Lord had other plans. It's not too late, Sarah, nothing is too hard.
The next year, God showed up and delivered his promise, he kept his promise to Abraham and Sarah.

Let's look at this in a modern day context. You've been planning something for a while, time is ticking and then you decide to go something spectacular but you decide that is too late and that you should leave it as it is. At that time, you get a phone call telling you that the very thing you have always wanted to is now possible, you laugh it off and you head back. The next day, you now see the manifestation of the promise and you then wonder it to yourself 'How even was it possible'

When God really wants you to have something, no time zone, no clock, lateness, early arrival, or missed appointments will stop him from giving it to you. When God Promises you something he will deliver it to you on time.

In the New Testament when Peter and his fellow disciples were in the middle of a storm, God showed up just on time. It wasn't too late for God to step in and calm down the situation, he timed it to perfection. One of the greatest moments was when Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus laid in his resting place for 4 days, now his sisters knew Jesus had the power to do it but because it looked a hopeless situation, they doubted but Jesus came through and knew it could happen because of his Father's promise to him. He called forth Lazarus, Lazarus rose up and was freed.
What looked like a lost situation was not lost anymore, God showed up on time. What seemed late to the sisters didn't look like lateness to God. He had an appointment and showed up on time

What are you currently looking to do. What is the one thing you have always wanted to do? What is the one thing that is stopping you? Is there something that you have given up or left to the side because you felt there is no time?

It's not too late to start again, it's not too late to start a new job, it's not too late to start a new business, it's not too late to say sorry, it's not too late to resurrect dead dreams, ideas. Resurrect it and bring it back to life.

It's not too late, It's not too late

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