Tuesday 2 August 2016

Do you want to be well? #openthoughts

Question - If you were in pain, what's the first thing that you would do? Would you stay silent or would you shout until someone came to help you?

This is a question that has been pondering in our thoughts for a while now. Initially we would try and ignore the pain but on the flip side we would actually look for a solution. It's only until we cry out for help that someone will notice us.

We want to look at two people who's actions help receive their healing.

The first one is the woman with the issue of blood. Now, she had this issue for 12 years and as accustomed in that period, she couldn't leave her house. You would like to think that she is now coping with her illness. She had gone everywhere to find a solution but yet nothing could heal her. In all her pain, she then saw a crowd of people and saw that Jesus was in area.
12 years is a long time to be coping with an illness but the woman decided to touch the hem of Jesus' garment. At that instant, he felt power leave him. Her touch was so powerful that he had to stop and find out who it was but despite the disciple telling him that it was nothing, Jesus insisted on finding out who it was. This lead him to the woman, who declared that it was she who had touched him. Jesus said her faith has made her whole. The woman stepped out and touched him by faith, it was her faith that healed her.

When you put your whole faith into Jesus, he will cause your situation to turn around in an instant.

The next person is 'Blind Bartimaeus'. In the text (Mark 10:46-52) we see that he was sitting by the roadside. Bear in mind, he had been in this position for some time, he had begun to cope with his issue. It was now part of his nature so he sat down and waited. Have you got so used to something that you just sit down and concede defeat?
When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was in the area, he cried out to him. The people who heard his cry told him to keep silent and to stay still. It's almost like he was an outcast, the black sheep of the crowd but nevertheless he cried out again but even louder - "You son of David, have pity and mercy on me {now}!". It was so loud that Jesus stopped. He told his disciples to call him and bring him forth. Jesus told the man that his faith has healed him, he should now go and be on his way but the amazing thing is this - he followed Jesus. His eyes were now open, he could now see the way forward.

How many of us have walked into a situation with our eyes closed? How many of us have stayed silent rather than acting upon our faith?

What is similar between the two is that they both caught the attention of Jesus. They both acted in faith which is something that pleased Jesus. They both were told to stay silent, to stay away but they refused to back down. They wanted to see and end to their pain and their affliction.
What have you done which caused you to step out in faith? Did it work?

Another thing which is similar is that they took the opportunity which was laid before them. Jesus was passing through and if they missed him, they may never get the opportunity to see him again. Whenever you see or hear that Jesus is passing through, you need to do whatever it takes to receive your blessing.

You can be healed, no longer do you need to suffer in silence. Step out, call on Jesus. You can be well if you want to.

Do you want to be well? It's not too late.

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