Friday 4 November 2016

#letstalk - The Importance of Rememberance

Each and every year in November, the whole nation stands silent in order to remember the soldiers who lost their lives in the war. For a minute or two, everybody's minds are on the wars that have recently gone by and wars in the past.

As this piece was being written, we then had this thought - Do we ever take time to just be silent and remember what God has done for us?

Some of you may be wondering why we should remember what God did for us......... Let's delve into that. One of the reasons is prayer. Prayer is a line of communication between you and God, if you want something you will ask for God it. Often, we sometimes be faint in prayer because we have forgotten what God has done for us. The time he saved you, the time he healed you etc is all forgotten and as such you are hesitant to ask.

Malachi 3:16 says  - "Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who esteem His name"
Just imagine, having your name in the book of remembrance. In that book are all the names who will enter heaven so in essence when you communicate with God he will remember you and all that you did.

Abraham had a relative called Lot and when Abraham parted from Lot, God made a covenant with Abraham. In Genesis 19, we see that Sodom and Gomorrah was about to be destroyed and henceforth because Lot was still in the land of Sodom, God delayed what he was going to do until Lot left.

Genesis 19:29 - "So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived".
So what exactly did Abraham ask God, Let's have a look.

Genesis 18:32 - 33 - And he said, "Oh, let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak again only this once. Suppose ten [righteous people] shall be found there". And [the Lord] said, "I will not destroy it for ten’s sake".
And the Lord went His way when He had finished speaking with Abraham, and Abraham returned to his place.

So we can see that whenever you make a covenant with someone you must always remember that covenant. A covenant is an agreement which must be honoured at all times but when that covenant is not remembered or it breaks, all hell will break loose.

Another reason why remembrance is so important is so that we can be obedient. Let's break this down - Someone gives you a job to and also accompanying the job is a set of instructions. It's your duty to not only finish the job but follow the instructions.  Now, you have completed the job but didn't follow the instructions, it is classed as disobedience. Most people would argue that they were obedient but in this case you didn't listen to the instructions which is classed as disobedience.

As you read this, I want you to ask yourself this - How good are you at remembering things and people. This will be key when you are building bonds with people. can we help ourselves to remember things?
We can make notes, put down reminders. If it helps, put up scriptures in your car, record voice notes to help you remember. In other cases, just ask the Holy Spirit

A reason why people don't remember is because it didn't mean much to them or in other words, call it pride.

It's important to remember. As we enter a week of remembrance take some time out to remember God. Just be silent, bring all those things back into remembrance.

'The Importance of Remembrance'

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