Wednesday 4 January 2017

#thefathersword - Obedience comes with responsibility

Obedience is very pleasing to God. As you read the bible you will see many disciples who answered the call of God over their lives. As you read on, notice that God also enabled them and equipped to do the job.
Let’s look at this analogy – A young man was offered a job. Before accepting, he had all these reservations about whether he could do it or not. So, he decided to take on the job. Once he accepted the job he was given training and PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) and a team around him so he could carry out the job that needed to be done. As of such, he had faith in his boss and began to accept more jobs in the knowledge that his boss would always provide for him.

Obedience births responsibility. When you accept the call of God, God gives you the ability to respond to that call.

Let’s look at Abraham. In Genesis, it tells us that God said to Abraham that he should take his son Isaac and get him ready to be sacrificed. Abraham did just that and when he was about to kill his son, an angel appeared and told him to stop what he was doing.

(Genesis 22:15-18)
The Angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time. And said, I have sworn by Myself, says the Lord, that since you have done this and have not withheld [from Me] or begrudged [giving Me] your son, your only son. In blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants like the stars of the heavens and like the sand on the seashore. And your Seed (Heir). will possess the gate of His enemies. And in your Seed [[e]Christ] shall all the nations of the earth be blessed and [by Him] bless themselves, because you have heard and obeyed My voice.
Before God sends you out, he will test you. If God is going to give you instructions, then he has to ensure that you are well equipped to follow them. Giving up his son would have been so painful for Abraham, he could decide to not obey God and do something else but he obeyed immediately and through his Obedience, God blessed him which still transcends right up until today.
The more obedient you are, the more responsibility that God gives you.
Even before one is given a responsibility, he must first listen to what is being said. Without listening to what is said, one will be lost and will have no direction and therefore will naturally be disobedient.
Don’t jeopardise your blessing by being disobedient.

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