Thursday 23 March 2017

#thefathersword - Love is the answer

Around 2.40pm yesterday afternoon, Westminster Bridge and Parliament square were the subjects of a terror attack, one of the bloodiest attacks since the 7/7 attacks in 2005.
Amongst the dead was the attacker and also PC Keith Palmer. The scenes were quite horrific as hoards of people were laid out along Westminster Bridge.

As I was digesting all the information with a friend, I felt compassion and love towards each and every person who was caught up in the attack. On my way home, the word 'love' played on my spirit and so I was pointed to a particular passage within the bible - John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

The images that I saw and the stories that I heard of people running to help the fallen and also to help the injured police officer really brought that passage to life. People laying down their life in order to help their fellow citizens really showed me that the London is full of love and compassion.

In the aftermath, people have really been divided over the attack but our message today is - Love is the answer.

1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. The one who fears has not been perfected in love

After an atrocity like the one we all witnessed yesterday, there will always be the tendency to go and attack the enemy like never before but in reality, the more you attack the enemy, the more he will attack you. We must choose the right response and respond in love.
Stand together with one another, Be united with another and resolve to not let terror grip the hearts of this nation.

This is not a time to fight evil with evil, it is time for us to stand together and love one another. Right now, it may seem like the world is in darkness but the only way to eradicate the darkness is being shining lights, by spreading love all over this nation.

Be blessed, be safe and spread love wherever you go.

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