Over the past few months, we have looked at ministry and service and wondered how God wants us to do ministry. Before you actually go into ministry and service, there's something crucial that is the foundation for every believer. Let's look at a passage from the bible which will help us
Luke 10: 38-42 is a well-known passage. Let's see verse 39 - And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat Jesus' feet, and heard his word. Verse 41 says And Jesus answered and said unto her "Martha, Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things"
Martha and Mary were two sisters and no doubt both wanted to please Jesus when he came to visit them. Martha was concerned about Christ and serving but Mary was sat at the father's feet so she can hear his word. How many of us are like Mary? How many of us are like Martha? At some point in our life, we have somehow been concerned with both aspects - Serving Christ but also wanting to be at his feet.
Martha, despite all her good intentions, missed out on Christ because she was too busy trying to serve Christ, it sounds a bit harsh but the reality of it is that there are times that Christ wants us to serve him by sitting at his feet and hearing his word. Have you become too busy trying to serve Christ that you no longer have time to sit at his feet? Jesus said to Martha that she has been become troubled by many things which indicates that she was trying to do all the physical things whilst missing on the spiritual aspect.
Could it be that we are trying to serve Christ without actually having a relationship with him? Happy to serve Christ but missing out crucial time with Christ..............
In order for us to serve Christ wholeheartedly, we first need to establish a relationship Christ and that means to sit at his feet and hear his word.
Proverbs 4:20 - My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words.
21- Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.
The words of God bring life and healing, let's get into the culture of spending time at the feet of Jesus. Don't be like Martha and become troubled by many things, take time out to listen to the words of God.
As you sit at the fathers' feet, may he also give you clarity and a clear path of what he wants you to do in this season. I also pray that Christ will help you develop a culture of relationship.
Be blessed
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