Tuesday 8 April 2014

'Don't Worry, i'll take care of it'

Over these past few months ive been attending Salem International Christian Centre and in that time i have prayed for certain things and they have come to pass.

At that time i was quite worried about these particular situations but i poured my heart out and through it all i kept on hearing 'Don't Worry, i'll take care of it'

I felt reassured to hear that, for someone to take care of my problems so i can focus on the future. That Someone is God.
God is always there, he wants to hear what you have to say.

Whatever your facing, please don't feel like no-one is listening, pour your heart out and he will hear you.

Last week was my birthday week and last Friday i attended a meeting and a particular scripture was mentioned. it so happened to be Luke 2 v 49 - 'Did you not know that i must be about my father's business'

Out of that, i began to realise that if i focus on God and forget all my fears etc he will in turn focus on me and my problems. I have now learnt to give all my problems to God and focus on him and what he wants me to do. It really ministered me to that day and i hope it ministers to you

So i just want to tell you, whatever you are facing, Don't worry, pour your heart out because God will take care of it.

Stay Blessed

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