Tuesday 16 December 2014

#RyanTalks - 'Sitting at The Father's Feet'

(Luke 10 v 38 - 42)
38 As they went on their way, they came to a town where a woman named Martha lived. She cared for Jesus in her home. 39 Martha had a sister named Mary. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to all He said. 40 Martha was working hard getting the supper ready. She came to Jesus and said, “Do You see that my sister is not helping me? Tell her to help me.” 41 Jesus said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 Only a few things are important, even just one. Mary has chosen the good thing. It will not be taken away from her.”

Here we had two sisters, Jesus came to visit them where Martha looked after him. As Jesus started to teach, Mary sat at the feet of the master and listened to what he said. I can imagine what It felt like, listening to a man of great wisdom and knowledge. I too, would like to sit at the Feet of the Father. Martha, meanwhile, was busy getting things prepared, she wanted to be a good servant but Jesus responded and told her she was worried about so many things. Mary chose the good thing and he will not take it away from her.

In life, you will get many distractions but what is important is that we take time out to sit at the Feet of the Father. Mary could have helped her sister prepare dinner but all she wanted to do was sit and listen. Jesus explained that Mary chose the right thing to do and that he won't take it away from her, he won't withold secrets or mysteries from her, he will share knowledge and wisdom with her.

Over the past few days, I have had the phrase 'Sitting At the Father's Feet' stuck in my head. I began to search and ask God why. What he began to tell me is that he has so much to reveal to his sons and that if we sit at his feet, he will begin to reveal to us his mysteries and secrets.
Sitting At the Father's Feet, this signifies a readiness to learn and receive his word and also the guidance that comes with his word.

When you were back at School, College or University or even when you go to your local Church, you sit down through the sermon. It's a automatic thing, this indicates that you are ready to learn and receive the word. As I began to think of it like that, I saw a vision of little children sitting at the feet of the master. Wow, what a powerful image, Those little children represent us today.

I believe that it shows a sign of humility and respect. Imagine a man of great knowledge and wisdom coming to visit you and sharing with you all he has to know. Would you rather sit and listen or would you want your surroundings to be perfect before you listen? I know I would rather sit and listen.

As you begin to sit at the Father's Feet, many secrets and mysteries will be revealed unto you. You have shown you are willing to listen and receive so he will not withold anything from you.
You too can be like Mary. By Reading the Word, entering your secret place and hiding yourself away from everyday life, you can sit at the feet of the Father.
Day by Day, you will get common distractions such as phone calls, texts, emails etc but what would happen if you took time out of each day and devoted that to sit at the feet of the Father.
Try it and see what happens. It's a bit like Private Tuition, what takes place is tailored to you and your walk with God.

Many of our Great Leaders and Teachers all had to sit and listen to someone above them to gain what they know now. Without going to their Teacher and receiving fresh wisdom and knowledge, they couldn't share what they know today. There's only so much that a person can know, they will always go back and learn something new. 

So....What about You?

Are you Ready to Listen? Are you Ready to Receive his Word?

'Sitting at the Father's Feet'

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