Monday 29 December 2014

#RyanSays - Step Out

Step Out

Isaiah 41 v 10 – “Don't be afraid, for I am with you, Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand”

As I started to prepare for 2015, the words 'Step Out' and 'Dare' were playing on my mind. I then pondered on what God wanted me to understand. I felt that God was telling me that in 2015, he is almost daring us to step out and trust him.

God is always with us, he will strengthen us and help us along the way. He also tells us not to be afraid in any circumstance. This reassures me and enables me to know that in whatever I do, God will always be there with me and to comfort me. I then started to think back to Peter and his situation on the boat, for him to have an experience Jesus in his full entity, he had to step out and meet him out in the open. Peter was new to this, never done it before, but Jesus was present and that is all Peter needed to help him to Step Out of the Boat.

As we approach 2015, let's step out and do something that will challenge us, do something that will stretch us, do something that will help us grow. If we know that God is always with us and that he will strengthen and help us then why not step out of our comfort zones and head into the deep.

There's a famous saying which says this – 'If You Want to Travel, You Have to Leave your Zone'
This is something I have likened to when taking a train journey. You won't get anywhere without leaving the zone you are currently in but once you leave your zone, the trains will help you, there will be train staff to guide you to your destination.

Another scripture I have always held in high regard is Psalm 23 v 4 - “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me”

So, King David is saying here that even though he walks down some dark places, he will not be afraid because he knows God is with him. God will be there wherever he goes.
So, in knowing that, let's take on that mindset.

I dare you to Open your Eyes to see things no can see, I Dare you to Hear things what no one else listens out for, I dare you to walk in places where no one has walked before, I dare you to step out and have one of the greatest experiences of your life. Don't feel scared or discouraged because God will strengthen you, he will help you, he will give you what you need to succeed.

Just remember that God will never take you to places where you will not be able to flourish or shine and where his name will not be glorified. He will never cause you to step out in places where you will drown or where you will not be able to see him. Learn to trust him, take a leap of faith and do the unthinkable, the impossible and unimaginable.

I want to challenge us that in 2015, we step out of our comfort zones, let's do things that will challenge us, let's make bold declarations.

God is saying 'I Dare You'. Do It and See What I Will Do for you. Step out and see where I will take you
If you want to apply for a Job that you think is out of reach, apply for it
If you want to go to places where you think you won't fit in, travel there
Whatever you want to do, Do it, take a step and do it. God will always be there

Step Out, Don't Stay in your Zone.  

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