Tuesday 29 October 2013

Hype but No Promise

When it comes to footballers, the media love to hype up players but then a few years down the line they fail to deliver the promise.

when I think of hyped up players I instantly think of players who could have made the grade but their careers have gone wayward.
Jose Baxter
John Bostock
Nathan Delfouneso
Fabian Delph
Daniel Drinkwater
Gavin Hoyte
Henri Lansbury

I'm sure that there are a lot more who I haven't mentioned but these were a few whose England Careers fell to the wayside

So, Who Do You Think has fallen to the wayside?

Monday 28 October 2013

My Adventures

Soo Guys, you should have guessed that im a huge football fan. Well, this week I had a footballing adventures. it started on Wednesday and ended on Sunday.


This is what I saw on my day out on Wednesday, The Borussia Dortmund team bus, while there I met Robert Lewandowski, Sven Bender, Marco Reus, Henrik Mkihratyin and Mats Hummels. I also met the man known as Jurgen Klopp as you can see. He is a very pleasant guy, it was a good day

So onto the weekend, I won a competition with Women in Sport Magazine and I recieved two free tickets to the Women's World Cup qualifier between England and Wales.
It was a very pleasant evening, I was very impressed and as a fellow spectator it was a great experience.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Brazil, Here We Come

It was the night where everything could go right or could go pear shaped. England were up against Poland and if you're a football fan like me you knew just how important this game was. All the hard work of the past couple months was about to be rewarded or wasted.

Roy Hodgson went with the same side who beat Montenegro 4 - 1 with Smalling and Carrick replacing Lampard and Walker. He also kept Townsend in the side as well which name to no surprise as he produced a man of the match masterclass against Montenegro and England were hoping for more of the same.

For a period in the first half, it looked as it Poland would score with Lewandowski their main threat but England stood firm and near the end of the half, England took the lead. Leighton Baines, so often an attacking outlet for England, provided an exquisite cross for Rooney who headed home. You could sense the sigh of relief around Wembley.

That gave England a platform to build on and you could see it gave freedom to the likes of Townsend, Welbeck and Rooney. It took England until the 88th minute to confirm their place at the world cup and the man who scored the 2nd goal was none other than Steven Gerrard.

Once the final whistle had sounded, Hodgson and the England players could relax a little. There tickets had booked and they will be in Brazil for the World Cup.

Over the coming months, Hodgson and his assistants will need to think long and hard about who wil be on the plane to Brazil but for the meantime lets forget the politics, the matter of the fact is this -


Friday 11 October 2013

Do You Have to be English to play for England?

A week in Sports can be a really long one and this week Jack Wilshere made comments which got a few people talking. Jack Wilshere is one of our current generation of young English talents and this week he waded in on the Januzaj debate on whether he should be allowed to play for England.

This is what Jack Wilshere said - We have to remember what we are. We are English. We tackle hard, are tough on the pitch and are hard to beat.
"We have great characters. You think of Spain and you think technical but you think of England and you think they are brave and they tackle hard. We have to remember that.

"The only people who should play for England are English people. If I went to Spain and lived there for five years, I'm not going to play for Spain."

Quite controversial but I can see where Jack is coming from, you're in the best form of your life and someone comes and takes your place. It's not the best but sometimes you have to just get on with it.

On another view, other sports such as cricket and athletics have people starring for our contries who have been born in places like America, South Africa and Kenya. Think of people like Mo Farah, Kevin Pietersen, Tiffany Porter. They aren't English but have helped deliver the goods in their chosen sports so what's the problem? If they can do it, so can football.

Great sporting moments such as Kevin Pietersen and England winning the Ashes and Mo Farah winning double Gold at the London Olympics. Imagine they were denied the chance to represent Britain/England?
We Can Argue, We Can Agree but if they deliver success for England then everyone's happy

It's not hard but should we allow players who aren't English to play for England?
Whats your view guys? I'd love to know

Tuesday 8 October 2013

How Strong is your Support Network

As you know, my mum recently went into hospital with kidney stones. She was in soo much pain, while I was sitting in St Mary's I posted a tweet and a message on all my other social networks, the response I got was overwhelming. Everyone wished my mum well and that if I needed them, they would be there for me.
This Got me thinking - How Strong is My Support Network. At times of crisis do you really have people there to help you when you need them.

you may not know it but there really are people in your current network who will stick by you through thick and thin and there are those who won't help, they will only come when are things are going good.

I've recent discovered a few of these people and I had to shut them off quickly. Now I've done that, things have become much easier.

So today I ask you - How Strong is your Support Network

Monday 7 October 2013

Unknown to Known

Ever get that feeling when you start a business, there will be no one to help you or they wont be able to see your vision.
I once knew this guy, he was well educated but he didn't go to university. When I first met him, it was outside my school at the time. Whether we were meant to cross paths or not, I don't know but what I do know is that he helped me to start my path to my chosen career.

When I left school, I didn't know if I would see this guy again but a few weeks later when I started 6th form, he was there chilling in my careers office. I was rather shocked but hey, im not complaining

The Summer of 2004 was a very interesting one, in that year my brand - Care Of Yoo was born. we designed t-shirt, bags, CD's, we even recorded a song together with another mate of mine. It was rather surreal and 12 months later, I was performing at my first ever headline showcase. It was a very pleasing moment for me and my family

Years went by, I met a lot of new people, networked with a load of people. One of my highlights was meeting Brian Hardgroove from Public Enemy. Before i met the guy, i was unknown but now i am very much known.

i guess what im trying to say is don't push everyone on the sideline, there will be one person who will elevate you and push you forward