Wednesday 12 November 2014

#RyanTalks - Obeying God's Voice Part 7: Do You Know Me Enough to Listen to Me

Do You Know Me Enough to Listen to Me? That is one of the greatest questions ever asked, it really gets you thinking. Let's think about it..........

You meet someone and within a few days, they tell you to follow them. You hardly know them so of course you will have your doubts, whenever they tell you things you don't believe because you hardly know them and when they want you do something, you don't listen because you hardly know them. For you to trust them, believe them and follow them without any doubt you have to first get to know them.

From this you then start to become disobedient towards them and soon or later, your relationship will suffer. There will be consequences and there is a chance that you will go your separate ways. This is how God feels, when we don't listen to him or take heed on what he says. You often fail to talk to God or listen because you really don't know him.

Over the past years, many people have walked with God and saw first hand what he can do and through that they believe in him. Their Faith is taken to a new level and they put all their trust and faith in God in the knowledge that he will deliver.
There are also people who have doubted God, doubted his existence and his every word, they have also went against what he has planned for their lives. Who and what type of Person are you? The Question God wants us to answer this - Do You Know Me Enough To Listen to Me?

So, How can we get to know God. It's one of many things I have pondered on my journey through life. I believe that us getting to Know God happens every day, there is never a day that we don't learn something new and experience something new.
There a few ways that we can get to Know God.

1 - Read The Word
There is nothing like reading his word and receiving your daily strength. You will always learn something new once you read his word. As you begin to read certain passages, you will begin to find out who God is

2 - Talk to Him / Prayer
Talking to God is one of the biggest ways in which we can know God. It take us to a deeper place in him, he can now know we are passionate, he will start revealing his biggest secrets and also mysteries unknown to man.

3 - Fellowship
Having Fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ will only help us get to know God even further as they will begin to tell you about their personal experience and how God has helped them and how much he is currently doing for them.

I'm sure you can think of many other ways but from the reading the Word, there is one passage which sums it up clearly. John 14 v 6 states this "I am the Way, the truth and the Life, no one comes to the father except through me" So we see here that another essence of getting to know God is through Jesus Christ. Jesus states that no one can get to the Father except through him. So, what is he saying? I believe he is saying that we need to accept Christ as our Saviour and that way day by day, we will begin to have access to the Father. Without getting to know Jesus, we won't be able to know who God is.

Let's see this in a modern day text. You're pursuing a lady or guy but they say, for you to gain access to me you have to get to know my children. Your response depends on how much you want them. Because the children are the gateway to their parents, it is vital that you get to know them. Without that, it is impossible.

When you truly get to know God, you begin to pin all your trust and faith in him. You know for certain that he will deliver, he will be there every day of your life, you know that you can talk to him and he will respond.
God is not hiding, he is available and ready if you are willing to get to know him. Get to Know Him today and live the rest of your life.

Do You Know Me Enough to Listen to Me? What will your answer be?

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