Tuesday 18 November 2014

#RyanTalks - The Power of Number Nine

As a Believer, I have always been interested in Numbers and what they represent. Many moons back, I was sitting in a service and I heard something about the number 9 so I decided to look for myself and see what I will discover.

The number 9 signifies divine completeness or finality. The End of an Era and the Beginning of a New one. Christ died at the 9th hour / 3pm to end the control that the Enemy had over his people and to usher in a new era of salvation, it became open to everyone.
Nine always represents the end of something, it represents the end of that cycle

Let's take the pregnancy cycle, after 9 months a baby is born. Why is this? This is because it's the end of the pregnancy. Let us see what this signifies in the bible and how it is connected to Jesus and the Cross.

Matthew 27 v 46
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Matthew 27 v 50
 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

It states in Matthew that Jesus died at around the ninth hour which equates to 3pm. It was the final piece in the jigsaw of God's masterplan, the end of the enemy's reign over Earth and the beginning or salvation for all of mankind.

Nine also represents the fruits of the Holy Spirit which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control.

At the 9th hour of the day, a Roman Centurion named Cornelius was told, in a vision, to contact the apostle Peter. Cornelius would eventually be baptised and receive God's spirit, becoming the first recorded Gentile convert to Christianity (Acts 10). So, we see it was the end of that cycle of Gentiles not being able to convert to Christianity.

In both examples, we see that the number 9 has a significant part to play. The number 9 will always represent the end of something or the final act. When Jesus went to the cross, it was the final act of his mission.

I've always wondered certain things happen in different stages. My understanding of Number 9 is that it is a very powerful number. It could also signify a transition of power i.e. The Enemy had control of the Earth right up until the 9th hour which is when everyone came to realization that he really was the Son of God.

In Deuteronomy, we can see that Moses was 120 when God decided that he wasn't able to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt and into the Promise Land. Joshua then took over, who I believe was 96 at the time. This signifies that there was a transition of power, the end of the reign of Moses and the beginning of Joshua's reign

The Number Nine is a powerful number. 

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