Monday 12 January 2015

#TheFathersWord - Don't Waste It

'Don't Waste It'

You are lucky to have it, don't waste it.
For many years, people don't realise what they have so they don't invest in it and it eventually gets wasted or taken away.
When God gives us something, its vital that we utilise to the best of our abilities and use it for his Glory.

Let's take a look at the parable of the Talents – Matthew 25 v 14 – 30. Here we had three servants, one was give 5 talents, one was given 2 talents and the other was given one talent. Straight away, the one with 5 talents went out and invested and received more. The one with two talents went and invested and made 2 more talents but the one with one talent, went and buried it in the ground.
It was now the day where they had to explain what they have done. Both the brothers were very comfortable and offered what they had and also what they had made. Both of them were praised and got their just rewards.
The other servant, didn't do anything with what he had been given and because of that he had it taken away and it was given to the servant with 5 talents.

So, what can we learn from this parable. I'm sure that we will all receive a different revelation but what struck me is that both the servants didn't waste what they had, they were grateful and invested what they had. Another thing is that how inconsiderate the third servant was, I don't think he saw that he was able to make more or do anything with it so he thought he would bury it and protect it. In this case, God pretty much told him that what he did was very foolish, if he had wanted to do something worthwhile, he could have put it aside and then return whatever interest is added.
Whenever God checks out the returns, he wants to see how productive you have been and how you have added to what he has given to you.

Let's take this in modern day context, before you went up for seconds you had to finish the portion first. Never rarely do you get given a new task before you the finish the first task. So, we can see that God will never give us more than we can handle, so why not use what he has given you before you receive more.
What God has given you, be sure to invest In it and help it grow. If you want God to add more unto you, Invest in yourself and help him see that you are worthwhile.

'Don't Waste what has been given to you, If you want more, make use of what you have'
You really shouldn't waste you have, use what has been given to you and you shall receive more according to the fruits of your labour.

Let's look at this way. If we invest in ourselves, and use what we have till we have nothing left, won't God feel excited and want to give you more. The more you use, the more you get. The more hungry and thirsty you are, the more you will receive

The World is waiting for you to realise what you have, so you can share it with them and so that you can receive more. What you have been given is unique, it's personal to you and God expects you to build upon it and grow more.

You are lucky to have it, don't waste it. If you want more, use what has been given to you. There is more waiting for you.

Don't Waste It

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