Monday, 26 January 2015

#TheFathersWord - How Big Is Your Faith

How Big is Your Faith

Faith, How Big Is Your Faith?

First of all, let's see what Faith means, The dictionary give us 2 meanings -
  1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something
  2. Strong belief in the doctrines or religion based on spiritual conviction rather than proof

So, we can see that straight away Faith is linked to having a complete trust in someone and believing what they say even though you can't see it yet. Let's now look at what the Bible says about Faith.

Hebrews 11 v 1 – 'Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen'
So, we see that having Faith is our way of Hoping for things even though we haven't seen the results yet. So, if this is the case, let's ask ourselves a question – How Big Is Our Faith?

Often, we claim to have faith but do we really. Hebrews 11 tells us of so many people who did things through Faith. There's a saying – 'Live By Faith and not by Sight'
Have the attitude that to see results at first you need have faith. If you don't believe or have faith, you won't be able to see results.
There is also another saying which is – 'Faith without Works is dead'. So, if you said that you have faith in someone but you don't back their ideas etc then it's dead faith. You can't do one and not the other, both of them must work hand in hand.

If we look through the bible, we see that Faith is mentioned so many times. We also see stories of people who had to contend with their Faith.
Peter, he had a choice to make, do I put my Faith in Jesus and walk on water or do I stay in the boat knowing that I will be safe. Peter had never walked on water but he decided to walk on water, instantly he looked away and looked at the present situation and began to drown. Jesus then replied “Why do you have so little faith”
That's like us sometimes, Jesus has already confirmed his word but somewhere along the line we don't quite believe it so we decide to go another way or have a plan b.

If Jesus has said it, this means it's going to happen so let's not waver or start to look towards our present situation. Instead look to Jesus and walk towards him. Even though the situation might look bleak or it's not what you first thought, don't give up. Look towards the reward

If you think of men like Abraham and Noah, they only had God's word to stand on so in faith they acted on what God had said. It might of not been easy but due to their faith, they followed God's word and they reaped the rewards that came with it.

2 Timothy 4 v 7 - ' I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race. I have kept the faith'

1 Timothy 6 v 12 – 'Fight the good fight faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses'

Running a marathon, you will only get to the finish line if you have faith and believe that you will get there. Keep the faith, don't let anything shake you sideways. Be rooted in God's word and let it take heed. God's word is final, believe in his word and you shall receive you reward.

As we ponder on Faith, can you think of a situation where you had to rely on faith alone and you had victory in that situation. Then
ask yourself this – 'How Big is Your Faith'

Thursday, 22 January 2015

#TheFathersWord - Speed v Endurance

Speed v Endurance

For a while now, I've been wondering about Speed and Endurance. Is one better than the other, do they work in hand, what could possibly make them benefit us in the long run.
As I Pondered on this, my mind drew to athletics and two particular well known athletes – Mo Farah and Usain Bolt. Both are respected superstars in their respective disciplines but in both of them – 100m and 5,000m / 10,000m they both need one or the other.
Usain Bolt needs Speed and somewhat Endurance. One to win the race and one to be able to go as fast as he can whereas Mo Farah will probably focus on Endurance and then later Speed as he goes into the final bend. Ultimately, Bolt will focus on Speed and Farah will focus on Endurance

How does this apply to us in normal everyday life?
Picture two people, both heading in the same direction. The first person is bent over, out of breath, tired. The second person seems content with life walking along, he gets to his destination with all the energy in the world.
That right there tells its own story. Which person would you rather be. I'd rather be the person who is content with life, with the knowledge that I will get to my destination with time to spare and I will still get my reward
In life, you will get people who are ahead of you in all areas of your life i.e. jobs, relationships, financial, personal development. You will probably look at them wishing you were just like them. I have been in that position but that led to me feeling stressed, burn out, loss of energy and suffering with fatigue. I didn't help but until I realised and stopped chasing after people, I became more comfortable and more content and came to the conclusion that I can make it if I go at the speed I am capable of and the speed God knows I am capable of.

Just because someone who you know or you can see them afar, they are achieving many things at a fast rate, it doesn't mean that you should jump from the starting blocks at a fast speed. Be steady

Hebrews 10 v 36 - For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.

Here, we see that it mentions that we need to have Endurance. Once we endure what life throws at us and complete the will of God, we shall receive what is promised. Be in the knowledge that you will receive what is rightfully yours in due course. Complete the journey, endure all things, endure what life has to bring you.
Life may bring you trials, obstacles, rejection, temptation and a whole host of other things but do what is right and you will get what is yours.

Life in general is not a 100m sprint, its a marathon. It's not how fast you go, it's how far you can travel.Take your time, don't mind anybody else and just focus on yourself and your race. Remember, the person in front of you and the person behind you may be going in the same direction, they may achieve things more faster than you but if you keep what you are doing, you will surely reach the finishing line.

A reason why most people suffer from fatigue and stress is because they are going at a speed which is not suited to them. It will then take them a while to get back in top condition and this then causes them to fall back further down the pecking order. Stop, relax and go at your speed, if you go at your speed then it will help you get where God needs you to be. Let him coach you and guide you on the track. He knows best, he created you so he knows the best speed for you.

Don't get burnt out trying to chase after people, Don't get burnt out while you're on the top bend, Go at your speed and make sure you finish the race. Endurance is key, Use Speed Wisely. You can make it if you approach the journey wisely.
Finish the race, don't stop halfway.

Endurance is Key

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

#TheFathersWord - Your Gift Part 2

Your Gift

The Importance of You and Your Gift

We have discovered that God has given all of us certain gifts, let's now look at why they are so important to God and his plan for mankind. When God gave your gifts, he gave them so you can use them for his glory. You are also an important part of God's Plan

'Without God, Man can not, Without Man, God will not'
This Statement is such a powerful statement, it reminds us that without us, God will not act. It also reminds us that without God, we can not do what is needed on Earth.

In Genesis, we witness the first time God gave mankind some sort of power and dominion. Genesis 1 v 28 – 'Then God blessed them and said “Be Fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and Govern It. Reign over the fish, in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground'
In verse 26 we see the promise – Then God Said “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground”

So we now see that God has given mankind power and dominion over everything that happens on earth. But for that, God had to create a human being to create the work which he duly did. Adam was created and placed in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and govern it. At that point, Adam had all the power so everything that happened went through him. It's the first time we see a glimpse of what God promised in verse 26.

Now that God had given mankind power and dominion to control Earthly Affairs, Adam was now the most important piece in God's plan. But of course we know that both he and his wife was deceived by the serpent. Seeing that, God removed their power and sent them tumbling down onto Earth. But God couldn't actually do anything because he would have violated the agreement he had made.
So, without Adam, God couldn't act in Earthly Affairs and without God, Adam couldn't operate in the heavenly realm.

So, we have now discovered that without us, God will not act in Earthly Affairs unless we give him the authority to do it. Until we ask God to intervene, nothing will be sorted. Heaven can not move until Earth speaks. What a position we are in, we have so much power to determine what happens on the Earth.

If you thought you wasn't important to God, dispel the rumours because you are very important. You need him and he needs you.

Let's now focus on your gift. The gifts that God has given each of us is to help us carry out the work that God wants us to do. Let's see what these gifts are. 1 Corinthians 12 v 3 – 11 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
Its the Holy Spirit who decides what person gets what but don't get so upset because whatever work you have given by God, he will equip you with what you need to do.

So, why is your Gift Important? Your Gift is Important so that God is able to operate through you so that he can be glorified. Don't Forget that without you, God will not get involved so with you gift you making a way for God to get involved and for him to get his message across.
When God wants to deliver a message, he will always use a messenger and with that he will equip you with everything needed to deliver it but without you, that message can not be delivered. There are other gifts and talents that mankind acquire. It might be possible that God has laid on your heart to write books, songs, paint pictures or write poems. He may even give you the wisdom and knowledge of putting on Events so that he can be glorified.
The list in endless, the possibilities are endless.

The world is waiting for you to open your gift and reveal what God has given you, it is waiting for you to realise what you have inside you and fulfil it. The Gifts that you have may just save someone and bring them back home to the Father's House. The Book you write, the song you sing, the picture you paint, the event that you put on or the message that you deliver to this people, it may just spark someone into action.
Don't underestimate the power behind your Gift. There is great power behind you and the Gift that God has given to you.

Realise it, Step Out and Dominate Your Territory. Your Time is Now
You are Important to God

Monday, 19 January 2015

#TheFathersWord - Your Gift

'What Will Happen if you Open It'

One of the greatest tragedies ever known to man is The Tragedy of the Unopened Gift. There was a young boy who used to carried a special bag everywhere he went. In school everyone questioned him and asked what he was carrying. They asked him to open it up so they can see what's inside, he refused for a whole year. The boy said that he had inherited the bag from his ancestors and that he shouldn't open until the right time. So, the friends asked him a question – 'What Will Happen if you Open It'

All year they tried to figure out what would happen but after the summer holidays, they never saw him again. In fact, the young boy left and moved to a different city. The young boy then disappeared, never to be found again. As they went to pay respects, they found the special bag. On the bag, there was a note saying – You can open it now. They opened the bag and inside there was a manuscript for a book entitled – The Miracle of the Gift.
The boy never got a chance to reveal what was inside and as such the book was never written. What a great tragedy. The one question they asked themselves was ' Why did he not open it' No will ever know why or where this book would take them. It was a tragedy and to that day no ever knew what answer was.

In life, we as a generation are like this. We have so many unopened and unhidden gifts, so many hidden talents that are given to us. They are locked up until someone opens them.
In the body of Christ, God gives everyone a particular gift i.e. Gift of Healing, Gift of Teaching, Gift of Prophesying etc. These gifts are there to edify the body because everyone can't have the same gift, it's like a body with everything doing the same job, it just won't function properly.

When you are given a gift, the first thought would be to open up and see what's inside. You will never know what you possess or what you are carrying unless you open it up. So – 'What Will Happen if you Open It Up'
It could be the greatest gift ever given to you, you've decided to use the gift to win souls, to inspire people, to create songs, to write books, to write poems etc, you even use your gift to heal someone. Just like that, something great has been released now that you decided to open your gift. What has happened is you have discovered what you have inside of you.

I often hear people say things like 'I never knew I had that' or 'I didn't realise that was inside there'. My response is normally this – 'If you don't open then of course you won't know'
On the outside the packaging may look unattractive, you may not even pay attention to it, you may not even be able to see it but you what could happen if you decide to open it? What will you experience if you open it?

These questions can only be answered by you and no one else. As you read this, I want you to ask yourself these questions
  • What Can I do with my gift?
  • Where can I take my gift?
  • How can I operate my gift?
And the most important question of all – 'What Will Happen if I open It'

Never waste a moment wondering, it's better to know than to leave it and not know.

'What Will Happen if you Open Your Gift'

Life is too short to end up - What If. Open it and find out the Answers to the questions
If you never open then you will never know.................

Monday, 12 January 2015

#TheFathersWord - Don't Waste It

'Don't Waste It'

You are lucky to have it, don't waste it.
For many years, people don't realise what they have so they don't invest in it and it eventually gets wasted or taken away.
When God gives us something, its vital that we utilise to the best of our abilities and use it for his Glory.

Let's take a look at the parable of the Talents – Matthew 25 v 14 – 30. Here we had three servants, one was give 5 talents, one was given 2 talents and the other was given one talent. Straight away, the one with 5 talents went out and invested and received more. The one with two talents went and invested and made 2 more talents but the one with one talent, went and buried it in the ground.
It was now the day where they had to explain what they have done. Both the brothers were very comfortable and offered what they had and also what they had made. Both of them were praised and got their just rewards.
The other servant, didn't do anything with what he had been given and because of that he had it taken away and it was given to the servant with 5 talents.

So, what can we learn from this parable. I'm sure that we will all receive a different revelation but what struck me is that both the servants didn't waste what they had, they were grateful and invested what they had. Another thing is that how inconsiderate the third servant was, I don't think he saw that he was able to make more or do anything with it so he thought he would bury it and protect it. In this case, God pretty much told him that what he did was very foolish, if he had wanted to do something worthwhile, he could have put it aside and then return whatever interest is added.
Whenever God checks out the returns, he wants to see how productive you have been and how you have added to what he has given to you.

Let's take this in modern day context, before you went up for seconds you had to finish the portion first. Never rarely do you get given a new task before you the finish the first task. So, we can see that God will never give us more than we can handle, so why not use what he has given you before you receive more.
What God has given you, be sure to invest In it and help it grow. If you want God to add more unto you, Invest in yourself and help him see that you are worthwhile.

'Don't Waste what has been given to you, If you want more, make use of what you have'
You really shouldn't waste you have, use what has been given to you and you shall receive more according to the fruits of your labour.

Let's look at this way. If we invest in ourselves, and use what we have till we have nothing left, won't God feel excited and want to give you more. The more you use, the more you get. The more hungry and thirsty you are, the more you will receive

The World is waiting for you to realise what you have, so you can share it with them and so that you can receive more. What you have been given is unique, it's personal to you and God expects you to build upon it and grow more.

You are lucky to have it, don't waste it. If you want more, use what has been given to you. There is more waiting for you.

Don't Waste It