Tuesday 20 January 2015

#TheFathersWord - Your Gift Part 2

Your Gift

The Importance of You and Your Gift

We have discovered that God has given all of us certain gifts, let's now look at why they are so important to God and his plan for mankind. When God gave your gifts, he gave them so you can use them for his glory. You are also an important part of God's Plan

'Without God, Man can not, Without Man, God will not'
This Statement is such a powerful statement, it reminds us that without us, God will not act. It also reminds us that without God, we can not do what is needed on Earth.

In Genesis, we witness the first time God gave mankind some sort of power and dominion. Genesis 1 v 28 – 'Then God blessed them and said “Be Fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and Govern It. Reign over the fish, in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground'
In verse 26 we see the promise – Then God Said “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground”

So we now see that God has given mankind power and dominion over everything that happens on earth. But for that, God had to create a human being to create the work which he duly did. Adam was created and placed in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and govern it. At that point, Adam had all the power so everything that happened went through him. It's the first time we see a glimpse of what God promised in verse 26.

Now that God had given mankind power and dominion to control Earthly Affairs, Adam was now the most important piece in God's plan. But of course we know that both he and his wife was deceived by the serpent. Seeing that, God removed their power and sent them tumbling down onto Earth. But God couldn't actually do anything because he would have violated the agreement he had made.
So, without Adam, God couldn't act in Earthly Affairs and without God, Adam couldn't operate in the heavenly realm.

So, we have now discovered that without us, God will not act in Earthly Affairs unless we give him the authority to do it. Until we ask God to intervene, nothing will be sorted. Heaven can not move until Earth speaks. What a position we are in, we have so much power to determine what happens on the Earth.

If you thought you wasn't important to God, dispel the rumours because you are very important. You need him and he needs you.

Let's now focus on your gift. The gifts that God has given each of us is to help us carry out the work that God wants us to do. Let's see what these gifts are. 1 Corinthians 12 v 3 – 11 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
Its the Holy Spirit who decides what person gets what but don't get so upset because whatever work you have given by God, he will equip you with what you need to do.

So, why is your Gift Important? Your Gift is Important so that God is able to operate through you so that he can be glorified. Don't Forget that without you, God will not get involved so with you gift you making a way for God to get involved and for him to get his message across.
When God wants to deliver a message, he will always use a messenger and with that he will equip you with everything needed to deliver it but without you, that message can not be delivered. There are other gifts and talents that mankind acquire. It might be possible that God has laid on your heart to write books, songs, paint pictures or write poems. He may even give you the wisdom and knowledge of putting on Events so that he can be glorified.
The list in endless, the possibilities are endless.

The world is waiting for you to open your gift and reveal what God has given you, it is waiting for you to realise what you have inside you and fulfil it. The Gifts that you have may just save someone and bring them back home to the Father's House. The Book you write, the song you sing, the picture you paint, the event that you put on or the message that you deliver to this people, it may just spark someone into action.
Don't underestimate the power behind your Gift. There is great power behind you and the Gift that God has given to you.

Realise it, Step Out and Dominate Your Territory. Your Time is Now
You are Important to God

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