Thursday 22 January 2015

#TheFathersWord - Speed v Endurance

Speed v Endurance

For a while now, I've been wondering about Speed and Endurance. Is one better than the other, do they work in hand, what could possibly make them benefit us in the long run.
As I Pondered on this, my mind drew to athletics and two particular well known athletes – Mo Farah and Usain Bolt. Both are respected superstars in their respective disciplines but in both of them – 100m and 5,000m / 10,000m they both need one or the other.
Usain Bolt needs Speed and somewhat Endurance. One to win the race and one to be able to go as fast as he can whereas Mo Farah will probably focus on Endurance and then later Speed as he goes into the final bend. Ultimately, Bolt will focus on Speed and Farah will focus on Endurance

How does this apply to us in normal everyday life?
Picture two people, both heading in the same direction. The first person is bent over, out of breath, tired. The second person seems content with life walking along, he gets to his destination with all the energy in the world.
That right there tells its own story. Which person would you rather be. I'd rather be the person who is content with life, with the knowledge that I will get to my destination with time to spare and I will still get my reward
In life, you will get people who are ahead of you in all areas of your life i.e. jobs, relationships, financial, personal development. You will probably look at them wishing you were just like them. I have been in that position but that led to me feeling stressed, burn out, loss of energy and suffering with fatigue. I didn't help but until I realised and stopped chasing after people, I became more comfortable and more content and came to the conclusion that I can make it if I go at the speed I am capable of and the speed God knows I am capable of.

Just because someone who you know or you can see them afar, they are achieving many things at a fast rate, it doesn't mean that you should jump from the starting blocks at a fast speed. Be steady

Hebrews 10 v 36 - For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.

Here, we see that it mentions that we need to have Endurance. Once we endure what life throws at us and complete the will of God, we shall receive what is promised. Be in the knowledge that you will receive what is rightfully yours in due course. Complete the journey, endure all things, endure what life has to bring you.
Life may bring you trials, obstacles, rejection, temptation and a whole host of other things but do what is right and you will get what is yours.

Life in general is not a 100m sprint, its a marathon. It's not how fast you go, it's how far you can travel.Take your time, don't mind anybody else and just focus on yourself and your race. Remember, the person in front of you and the person behind you may be going in the same direction, they may achieve things more faster than you but if you keep what you are doing, you will surely reach the finishing line.

A reason why most people suffer from fatigue and stress is because they are going at a speed which is not suited to them. It will then take them a while to get back in top condition and this then causes them to fall back further down the pecking order. Stop, relax and go at your speed, if you go at your speed then it will help you get where God needs you to be. Let him coach you and guide you on the track. He knows best, he created you so he knows the best speed for you.

Don't get burnt out trying to chase after people, Don't get burnt out while you're on the top bend, Go at your speed and make sure you finish the race. Endurance is key, Use Speed Wisely. You can make it if you approach the journey wisely.
Finish the race, don't stop halfway.

Endurance is Key

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