Friday 1 August 2014

#RyanReviews - Blazing

Good Afternoon Guys, I hope you are well. Yesterday, I went to an event called Blazing, the theme was - Spreading the Fire Of His Love.
It's a week long event but the particular one I went along to was called 'Curious', a dating and relationship Seminar
I will admit, I didn't know what to expect at first but as I settled in, I found it quite useful.
The Evening was split up into two sections. The Men and Women were both split and they both had seminars where we could discuss certain things and also gain advice from our fellow Brothers and Sisters.

We then spoke about the meaning of Dating, which I found very interesting. It was a topic which nearly took up all of our time but nevertheless we then spoke about how to honor God both as a Single Person and when you're in a Relationship. It really was an eye opener, I'm glad that I attended because it taught me a lot about Females. Another thing we were taught about was the different stages leading up to Marriage which are - Friendship, Dating, Courtship and Relationship. I really never knew this, to me it was pretty straightforward but hey, it's helpful to know.

After the break, we then had a panel and we had the opportunity to ask each other questions i.e. The Men ask the Women questions and vice versa. Some of the questions asked were interesting, I really can't lie but some I was really interested to find out what everyone had to say.

Some of the responses were very intriguing, very useful information but I was quite surprised. You could sense that everyone was eager to learn

It was then time for the Panel Discussion, which was basically for us to ask questions. It was a very pleasant evening all round, I can confess that I thought I knew everything there is to know about females but after tonight, I learnt some new and interesting things.

I really enjoyed myself and it has given me a brief highlight into the Dating and Relationship scene

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