Monday, 29 September 2014

#MotivationalMondays - Get Out There

'Get Out There and Claim your Home Ground'
'Make It Happen'

You have a choice. You can either stay at home and ponder what might have been or you can get out there and have a experience which will rock your world and change who you are forever
The words 'Get out There' had such a profound effect on me while I was a young lad, still in school, still figuring a way to discover who I was or what potential I had.

That's when I heard the words 'Get Out There' I was thinking what it could mean to me or how I could apply it to my life. That was when I went a little deeper. Maybe the talent and the gifts that I had already been given needed a way to get out and the only way, is if I use them to the best of my ability

My first and existing company - 1stXp, helped people to 'Get Out There' and release what they have inside of them and show it to the whole world. Up to this very day, we believe that the only way we will discover our true potential is to Get out of our normal thinking, Get out of our fears and head into the unknown, into a new arena and discover what we truly have inside of us

It was at that time, I discovered my love of Music and Creating new and Exciting Sounds. Get Out There was a song that was given to me, it was now down to me to bring it forward, release it, show it to the world.

I knew I couldn't stay where it was or just shrivel up and hide away because I had something to offer, something to release which would inspire people so I decided to 'Get Out There' and put on a music night where I performed for the very first time. It was amazing, people had heard and now took notice. They were now excited to hear what would be next or what I would bring just because I Got out and took that step and released I had inside of me.

If I didn't take that first important step and Got out of my box that I was in, I might not have discovered what I have inside of me. I'm still learning, it's exciting but I am glad that I took that step because I am now here sharing with you what I have.

Stepping out is one of the most biggest and most exciting things you could ever imagine. It open's your mind to a whole new world and a whole new way of thinking, It expands your territory, it changes your outlook on life.
Just Imagine if you don't step out, that thing you wanted to share or say is trapped inside of you, looking for a way out but you are scared of stepping out. If you don't release, who exactly will do it for you?
My Mentor said this to me once 'If you don't use, you will lose it'
I'm not gonna lie, that scared me, it still does to this very day. In fact, it's my motivation to do what I do now.

So - What Will you Do? Stay where you are and lose what you have or Get Out There and have an experience that will rock your world and change you forever?

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Your Time Will Come

Running for the Bus, Train or trying to Hail a Cab and you miss it by a few seconds. Head in your hands, inside you are screwing at yourself. Thoughts such as 'if only, i had run faster or left earlier or only if i had been organised'

This for many people is common on a daily basis but because they have that fear of missing out they instead love to pack out the trains and buses. Once they do, commuters arent't allowed to move or have freedom, they are squashed like sardines.

Well, today, I want to tell you this - Wait, Your Time Will Come!

Imagine, trying to rush God into releasing your miracle or releasing you into your destiny just because you aren't prepared to wait or you are in a hurry. You might just end up far away from where you intended to be.

One of the main things why many people do this is because they have this fear of being left behind. They fear that they will have to wait a long time for the transport they need to take them where they need to be.
It's the gripping fear of having to wait by themselves or not getting to their destination at the stated time.

What would a few minutes give or take do to your journey. Those people who rush before their time are always delayed in their progress. Why? This is because, it just isn't their time to take that journey.
It's like if you push into a line or a queue, you are going to have to go the back which will in turn, hinder your progress.

What could take a man 40 minutes, could take another man 40 years. How you approach your journey, will determine how you get there.

It's ok to wait, there is something better coming. Just because other people took the first train or bus or they took the first opportunity, it doesn't mean you will be left out. It just means that your time hasn't come yet.

There's an appointed time for everything but if you go against it, you could become far away from your destiny, you might arrive late.

So all you have to do is Wait, Your Time Will Come

The Man and His Box

I once met a guy called Mr B. Yes, that's the name he operated under, we met a while back. He seemed like a decent guy, but there was one rather odd thing, He lived inside a Box. No, its not a proper box, it's more like a mental box.
This Box was a very special Box, it was a place he would go whenever life got tough or whenever he felt like he wanted to disappear for a while.

So, time went past, he hadn't been around for a while, it was quite unusual so I started to ask his next door neighbours if they had seen him. No one had seen or heard from him for a while, I became quite worried.
The next Night, I spotted Mr B walking down the road so I went out to meet him. We went to the local park and sat on the benches and that is where his life changed.

As we were chatting, I found out that every time he wanted to express himself or open up he would get brushed aside or people had no time for him. My heart sank, I wanted to shed some tears, I really did. Nobody really recognised him. Mr B however, had a load of gifts and talents.
He could sing, he could design and draw. There was a lot of things he really wanted to do but the one thing he wanted to do was to perform in front of his closest family and friends.

I delved a little deeper and found out that the last time he performed, he was booed off stage, people were throwing things at him. It wasn't a nice experience but that night, he was about to experience something life changing.

I asked him to sing for me. At first he was scared, but as he opened up his voice, people stopped to listen. It's like time came to a standstill. After he had stopped singing, he soon recieved a clap and standing ovation. He literally hugged me and said 'Thank You'

This was just the start. He was now out of his box. The box that held him back for many years, the box that made him feel trapped and closed off. The box that stopped him from opening up and releasing what he has inside of him.

So, on our way back, I asked him what his dream was. He said he wanted to perform at a venue or arena in front of thousands of people. I didn't promise him anything but all I said this 'Through God all things are possible'. 

We met up a few days later, Mr B seemed very confident and open but there was one thing that was holding him back. It was his fear of failure, he feared that if he didn't get to perform it would mean he had failed.
So, I decided to take him for rehearsals and help him prepare for his big day. Each and every rehearsal he grew in confidence, he become more and more involved in his progress. In front of my very own eyes, I was witnessing the birth of a new man. What a Transformation.

The Day of His Performance arrived but he failed to show up at our appointment. After a while I found him back inside the box. It troubled me, why would go back there? I soon found out he had doubts about it all, people were whispering and gossiping. It took a while but i coaxed him out of his box. I told him that God had promised that 'I will never leave nor forsake you' so this meant that while he is on stage, God will always be with him. This put a smile on his face.

We arrived at the Venue early, the band were there, the whole community had turned up to help him on his big day. I admit, I pulled in a few favors but this taught me a lesson. If people believe in you, they will support you all the way.

As he climbed on his stage, he had finally arrived. His wish was complete. The performance was amazing. Once he had finished, he got a standing ovation and amazingly enough, the people who doubted him were in the crowd. The people who questioned his ability were in the crowd. His fear of failure was removed. Mr B was now transformed.

As I stood backstage, I wondered what it was like for him living inside that box for years and years. This led me to the conclusion that If only he opened his box sooner, he could of been a superstar. Nevertheless, I told him afterwards - "I'm Proud of you, You have come so far since we first met, Never Give up, Keep Going, Don't let the Box limit you or keep you hidden away. Be open and most importantly Be Free"

Few years later, we ran into each other outside the venue he first performed at. He revealed to me that due to my diligence and my support, he wanted to thank me. He pulled out a CD and as I opened it, it was his CD and inside was 2 tickets to his UK Tour. All I said was 'Thank You God'

I hope we cross paths again but if not, I will never ever forget Mr B. The Man who once lived inside a box was now free and is now living his dream.

Don't get trapped inside the box like Mr B, break free and release what you have inside of you.

Monday, 22 September 2014

#ryansays - The Letter Principle

'For you to access something you need to open it, ask for it, enter it'

I've always believed that each and everyone of us have many gifts and talents. These gifts and talents are personal to us and if used correctly, will help bless many people.
There is, however, something that we fail to do which is to Open It

Yes, we fail to Open up our gifts and talents which is why I have devised 'The Letter Principle' to help us understand what it's about and what it means.

The Letter Principle
You recieve a letter through the door or it might even be a parcel or just some information which is passed on to you. It has got your name on it so in all fairness, you are entitled to open it. Nobody will have a go at you for opening it because it is yours. You are the owner and the content is delivered to you.

Now, if another letter comes and it isn't addressed to you, there's no way that you can open it due to the fact it isn't meant for you. No matter how long you agonize over the decision, it's not yours so don't open it.
There's many times I've wanted to open other people's letters but I took the choice not to open it. It's nothing personal but I wouldn't feel comfortable and in time to come I would have to answer why I did it in the first place.

Let's look into it from another perspective. God has given us all gifts and talents which are personal to us. They are specifically made for the purpose that he has designed it for. I'm certain that if you were given a Parcel from God, you would be eager to open it, you would want to see what's inside and how it can apply to your life.

What would happen if you didn't open the parcel? You would have no way of explaining its use or how you used it in your life to benefit yourself and then bless others. The person who sent it or gave it to you, what would their reaction be? What could you possibly say to defend yourself?

In the distinct possibility that someone else opened it for you, what exactly would you say? I'd imagine it would be something like "Give it back, its mine, you can't keep it" or "Why did you open it"
The reality could be that because you did not even bother to find what's inside, it could be taken away and given to someone else to benefit from. The one thing you was sent has now been accessed by someone else and now you will never know how amazing it is

If you Open up your gift, the possibilities are endless. Just because you've opened it, you can now expect to find out new things about yourself. Remember, how you use your gifts / talents is down to you but the Sender would like to know what you did with it so they can know whether to give you more.
You can now tell people about what you have and how amazing it is. You might even build upon them to acquire more talents but first - You need to Open It. Failure to do so, could have many consequences

Now, take a moment to just remember all the letters or parcels you've ignored or letters you have opened prematurely. Could it have played an important in your life.
Now, take a moment to remember the Gifts and Talents that you have.

If something is addressed to you, open it, it's yours. Whats stopping you from opening it?

Friday, 19 September 2014

Will You Answer the Call?

This right here is like the million dollar question - Will You Answer the Call?

In our World right now, there are so many people who have answered the Call, I'm sure you could list a handful of names who left everything to follow the call.

Lets take a brief look at Samuel. Samuel was a young boy, his mother was called Hannah. She was a praying woman and in the midst of her nothingness and brokenness, God blessed her with a child. She made a promise that if God should bless her with a child and remember her, she would give him up to the Lord on a daily basis and that is what she did.

Now in this particular text, Samuel was laying down. Imagine the times you get home from work and its now time to chill out. This is what Samuel was doing, until he heard a voice. 'Samuel', hearing that, Samuel got up and went to Eli and asked if Eli had called him. Eli said no, he went back to lay down. God called Samuel 2 more times, the third time was when Eli came to his senses and said to Samuel that if God should call again, then answer and say - 'Speak Lord, thy servant heareth'

So, God called Samuel again and this time Samuel answered and said - 'Speak Lord, thy servant heareth'
God then revealed to Samuel some things which would make ears tingle. What happens next would change Samuel's destiny forever. Why? Because he answered the Call. One thing with God is that, if he wants to communicate with you he will keep on calling and calling until you answer.
God really isn't the business of giving up on people. God needed Samuel to lead a revival, a new fresh, revival.

What might Samuel of been thinking at that time? Could of been something like - 'Why me, im just a young boy, what could I possibly do'
Afterwards, Samuel went back to lie down and tried to process what had just happened. Imagine having to process that same information. What words could you use to describe what had just happened?
Samuel now had to tell Eli what God revealed to him. Imagine being told something about someone who was close to you and the information given would change their destiny and yours forever?
This is what Samuel had to deal with but fortunately, Eli told him to tell him and not keep anything back

If God wants you, he will use you. It doesn't matter how old you and where you come from. If God has a purpose for your life he will take you and promote you. God will equip you with what you need to do the job, so irrespective if you have a degree or not, the right skills or not, experience or not, God will equip you.

Now, lets take at Peter. God keeps on dealing with Peter about him getting out of the boat and leaving his comfort zone. Your calling might require you to leave your home, family and friends. Are you prepared to do that?

So, this particular night, Peter was in the boat with his fellow disciples. Now, it was just them, a boat and the sea in front of them. Ahead of them, along came a mighty storm. Imagine being on that boat with them and having to face a huge storm. No shelter, no umbrellas and nowhere to hide. The disciples were afraid but in the distance they saw a man. They were scared and afraid but Peter said, 'If it is you, bid me to come'
Jesus said to Peter - 'Come'. Straight away, Peter got out the boat aka answering the call and walked on water towards Jesus but there was one sticking point - Peter looked up at the storm and began to sink. He called out to Jesus and Jesus said to him, Why do you doubt, do you not have faith in me'

The sheer fact that Peter stepped out the boat, gave him the biggest experience of his life. It blew his mind. He actually Walked on water with Jesus. So, Peter and Jesus got back in the boat and the storm ceased.  One thing with Peter, despite the fact he denied and doubted Jesus, is that he will always make a move.

This got me thinking, what if you were on that boat with your mates and you saw someone who was basically telling you to come towards them. Now there was no rescue teams, of police boats etc. Would you step out the boat and step into your calling.

Now, imagine, tomorrow you get the same call that Samuel and Peter received and you were basically offered everything you had ever wanted. What would you do. Would you hesitate and wait for someone to tell you to answer the call or would you be like Peter and step out knowing that this could be the biggest experience of your life. An experience that will blow you mind, An experience that will change you forever

I've often thought to myself about everything I'd have to give up or what the implications could be like. Think about that for a second and then write down what you think and then tell me later after you have read this

So, What about you. Will you Answer the Call?

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

#RyanSays - Premature Exposure

What is Premature Exposure? Let's break it down into two parts

Premature means something which is done before its time. Here are just a few meanings which the dictionary defines it to be
1 - mature or ripe before the proper time.
2 - Occurring or existing before the normal or expected time
3 - Occurring, growing, or existing before the customary, correct, or assigned time; uncommonly or unexpectedly early:
Let's look at this another way - a newborn baby, born into the world, hooked up on machines just so the baby can live. It can't breathe alone because its not fully formed yet, its not ready to experience the world. Without the support of the machines, the baby would have a low fighting chance of surviving. 
Now, we all of us aren't newborn babies but the principle is still the same. We've all heard the phrase - 'Gone too soon'. This indicates this particular person had a great future ahead of them but because they went into the world before they were ready, it didn't end very well

Exposure means something being revealed. According to the dictionary, there a few meanings which stand out
1. an act or instance of revealing or unmasking
2. the fact or state being exposed
3. presentation to view, especially in an open or public manner
When you expose yourself in certain situations, you open yourself to a whole load of new experiences which you might not be ready for. You probably won't be ready to defend yourself because you haven't prepared properly. 

Now Premature Exposure is the combination of both. Being Exposed into the world too soon
It's one of the things that contributes to soo many things i.e. relationship breakdowns, business failures, jobs being lost, young people departing from the world. 

Lets take a look at the Prodigal Son. When he left his fathers house, he was exposed to life very early. Was he ready to take on the world? He certainly thought he was, confident that he could take on life's challenges but in the midst of all that he found out he wasn't ready. Of course, he knew he could go back to his father's house and that's what he did. He went back and started again, repaired the relationship with his father. 

There are so many times when we think we are ready to take on the world where we really aren't. Those times you start a new business without having a plan in place or when you get married before getting to know your partner or when you decide to start a new job without even deciding that's what you want do in life. 

We need to make sure we are ready, that we have enough resources to get the job done. Before going into the world, you need to make sure you are strong enough for life's challenges. 

Premature Expose can ruin a man's future, don't let it ruin yours