Friday 19 September 2014

Will You Answer the Call?

This right here is like the million dollar question - Will You Answer the Call?

In our World right now, there are so many people who have answered the Call, I'm sure you could list a handful of names who left everything to follow the call.

Lets take a brief look at Samuel. Samuel was a young boy, his mother was called Hannah. She was a praying woman and in the midst of her nothingness and brokenness, God blessed her with a child. She made a promise that if God should bless her with a child and remember her, she would give him up to the Lord on a daily basis and that is what she did.

Now in this particular text, Samuel was laying down. Imagine the times you get home from work and its now time to chill out. This is what Samuel was doing, until he heard a voice. 'Samuel', hearing that, Samuel got up and went to Eli and asked if Eli had called him. Eli said no, he went back to lay down. God called Samuel 2 more times, the third time was when Eli came to his senses and said to Samuel that if God should call again, then answer and say - 'Speak Lord, thy servant heareth'

So, God called Samuel again and this time Samuel answered and said - 'Speak Lord, thy servant heareth'
God then revealed to Samuel some things which would make ears tingle. What happens next would change Samuel's destiny forever. Why? Because he answered the Call. One thing with God is that, if he wants to communicate with you he will keep on calling and calling until you answer.
God really isn't the business of giving up on people. God needed Samuel to lead a revival, a new fresh, revival.

What might Samuel of been thinking at that time? Could of been something like - 'Why me, im just a young boy, what could I possibly do'
Afterwards, Samuel went back to lie down and tried to process what had just happened. Imagine having to process that same information. What words could you use to describe what had just happened?
Samuel now had to tell Eli what God revealed to him. Imagine being told something about someone who was close to you and the information given would change their destiny and yours forever?
This is what Samuel had to deal with but fortunately, Eli told him to tell him and not keep anything back

If God wants you, he will use you. It doesn't matter how old you and where you come from. If God has a purpose for your life he will take you and promote you. God will equip you with what you need to do the job, so irrespective if you have a degree or not, the right skills or not, experience or not, God will equip you.

Now, lets take at Peter. God keeps on dealing with Peter about him getting out of the boat and leaving his comfort zone. Your calling might require you to leave your home, family and friends. Are you prepared to do that?

So, this particular night, Peter was in the boat with his fellow disciples. Now, it was just them, a boat and the sea in front of them. Ahead of them, along came a mighty storm. Imagine being on that boat with them and having to face a huge storm. No shelter, no umbrellas and nowhere to hide. The disciples were afraid but in the distance they saw a man. They were scared and afraid but Peter said, 'If it is you, bid me to come'
Jesus said to Peter - 'Come'. Straight away, Peter got out the boat aka answering the call and walked on water towards Jesus but there was one sticking point - Peter looked up at the storm and began to sink. He called out to Jesus and Jesus said to him, Why do you doubt, do you not have faith in me'

The sheer fact that Peter stepped out the boat, gave him the biggest experience of his life. It blew his mind. He actually Walked on water with Jesus. So, Peter and Jesus got back in the boat and the storm ceased.  One thing with Peter, despite the fact he denied and doubted Jesus, is that he will always make a move.

This got me thinking, what if you were on that boat with your mates and you saw someone who was basically telling you to come towards them. Now there was no rescue teams, of police boats etc. Would you step out the boat and step into your calling.

Now, imagine, tomorrow you get the same call that Samuel and Peter received and you were basically offered everything you had ever wanted. What would you do. Would you hesitate and wait for someone to tell you to answer the call or would you be like Peter and step out knowing that this could be the biggest experience of your life. An experience that will blow you mind, An experience that will change you forever

I've often thought to myself about everything I'd have to give up or what the implications could be like. Think about that for a second and then write down what you think and then tell me later after you have read this

So, What about you. Will you Answer the Call?

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