Monday 22 September 2014

#ryansays - The Letter Principle

'For you to access something you need to open it, ask for it, enter it'

I've always believed that each and everyone of us have many gifts and talents. These gifts and talents are personal to us and if used correctly, will help bless many people.
There is, however, something that we fail to do which is to Open It

Yes, we fail to Open up our gifts and talents which is why I have devised 'The Letter Principle' to help us understand what it's about and what it means.

The Letter Principle
You recieve a letter through the door or it might even be a parcel or just some information which is passed on to you. It has got your name on it so in all fairness, you are entitled to open it. Nobody will have a go at you for opening it because it is yours. You are the owner and the content is delivered to you.

Now, if another letter comes and it isn't addressed to you, there's no way that you can open it due to the fact it isn't meant for you. No matter how long you agonize over the decision, it's not yours so don't open it.
There's many times I've wanted to open other people's letters but I took the choice not to open it. It's nothing personal but I wouldn't feel comfortable and in time to come I would have to answer why I did it in the first place.

Let's look into it from another perspective. God has given us all gifts and talents which are personal to us. They are specifically made for the purpose that he has designed it for. I'm certain that if you were given a Parcel from God, you would be eager to open it, you would want to see what's inside and how it can apply to your life.

What would happen if you didn't open the parcel? You would have no way of explaining its use or how you used it in your life to benefit yourself and then bless others. The person who sent it or gave it to you, what would their reaction be? What could you possibly say to defend yourself?

In the distinct possibility that someone else opened it for you, what exactly would you say? I'd imagine it would be something like "Give it back, its mine, you can't keep it" or "Why did you open it"
The reality could be that because you did not even bother to find what's inside, it could be taken away and given to someone else to benefit from. The one thing you was sent has now been accessed by someone else and now you will never know how amazing it is

If you Open up your gift, the possibilities are endless. Just because you've opened it, you can now expect to find out new things about yourself. Remember, how you use your gifts / talents is down to you but the Sender would like to know what you did with it so they can know whether to give you more.
You can now tell people about what you have and how amazing it is. You might even build upon them to acquire more talents but first - You need to Open It. Failure to do so, could have many consequences

Now, take a moment to just remember all the letters or parcels you've ignored or letters you have opened prematurely. Could it have played an important in your life.
Now, take a moment to remember the Gifts and Talents that you have.

If something is addressed to you, open it, it's yours. Whats stopping you from opening it?

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