Thursday 25 September 2014

The Man and His Box

I once met a guy called Mr B. Yes, that's the name he operated under, we met a while back. He seemed like a decent guy, but there was one rather odd thing, He lived inside a Box. No, its not a proper box, it's more like a mental box.
This Box was a very special Box, it was a place he would go whenever life got tough or whenever he felt like he wanted to disappear for a while.

So, time went past, he hadn't been around for a while, it was quite unusual so I started to ask his next door neighbours if they had seen him. No one had seen or heard from him for a while, I became quite worried.
The next Night, I spotted Mr B walking down the road so I went out to meet him. We went to the local park and sat on the benches and that is where his life changed.

As we were chatting, I found out that every time he wanted to express himself or open up he would get brushed aside or people had no time for him. My heart sank, I wanted to shed some tears, I really did. Nobody really recognised him. Mr B however, had a load of gifts and talents.
He could sing, he could design and draw. There was a lot of things he really wanted to do but the one thing he wanted to do was to perform in front of his closest family and friends.

I delved a little deeper and found out that the last time he performed, he was booed off stage, people were throwing things at him. It wasn't a nice experience but that night, he was about to experience something life changing.

I asked him to sing for me. At first he was scared, but as he opened up his voice, people stopped to listen. It's like time came to a standstill. After he had stopped singing, he soon recieved a clap and standing ovation. He literally hugged me and said 'Thank You'

This was just the start. He was now out of his box. The box that held him back for many years, the box that made him feel trapped and closed off. The box that stopped him from opening up and releasing what he has inside of him.

So, on our way back, I asked him what his dream was. He said he wanted to perform at a venue or arena in front of thousands of people. I didn't promise him anything but all I said this 'Through God all things are possible'. 

We met up a few days later, Mr B seemed very confident and open but there was one thing that was holding him back. It was his fear of failure, he feared that if he didn't get to perform it would mean he had failed.
So, I decided to take him for rehearsals and help him prepare for his big day. Each and every rehearsal he grew in confidence, he become more and more involved in his progress. In front of my very own eyes, I was witnessing the birth of a new man. What a Transformation.

The Day of His Performance arrived but he failed to show up at our appointment. After a while I found him back inside the box. It troubled me, why would go back there? I soon found out he had doubts about it all, people were whispering and gossiping. It took a while but i coaxed him out of his box. I told him that God had promised that 'I will never leave nor forsake you' so this meant that while he is on stage, God will always be with him. This put a smile on his face.

We arrived at the Venue early, the band were there, the whole community had turned up to help him on his big day. I admit, I pulled in a few favors but this taught me a lesson. If people believe in you, they will support you all the way.

As he climbed on his stage, he had finally arrived. His wish was complete. The performance was amazing. Once he had finished, he got a standing ovation and amazingly enough, the people who doubted him were in the crowd. The people who questioned his ability were in the crowd. His fear of failure was removed. Mr B was now transformed.

As I stood backstage, I wondered what it was like for him living inside that box for years and years. This led me to the conclusion that If only he opened his box sooner, he could of been a superstar. Nevertheless, I told him afterwards - "I'm Proud of you, You have come so far since we first met, Never Give up, Keep Going, Don't let the Box limit you or keep you hidden away. Be open and most importantly Be Free"

Few years later, we ran into each other outside the venue he first performed at. He revealed to me that due to my diligence and my support, he wanted to thank me. He pulled out a CD and as I opened it, it was his CD and inside was 2 tickets to his UK Tour. All I said was 'Thank You God'

I hope we cross paths again but if not, I will never ever forget Mr B. The Man who once lived inside a box was now free and is now living his dream.

Don't get trapped inside the box like Mr B, break free and release what you have inside of you.

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