Tuesday 2 September 2014

#RyanSays - Premature Exposure

What is Premature Exposure? Let's break it down into two parts

Premature means something which is done before its time. Here are just a few meanings which the dictionary defines it to be
1 - mature or ripe before the proper time.
2 - Occurring or existing before the normal or expected time
3 - Occurring, growing, or existing before the customary, correct, or assigned time; uncommonly or unexpectedly early:
Let's look at this another way - a newborn baby, born into the world, hooked up on machines just so the baby can live. It can't breathe alone because its not fully formed yet, its not ready to experience the world. Without the support of the machines, the baby would have a low fighting chance of surviving. 
Now, we all of us aren't newborn babies but the principle is still the same. We've all heard the phrase - 'Gone too soon'. This indicates this particular person had a great future ahead of them but because they went into the world before they were ready, it didn't end very well

Exposure means something being revealed. According to the dictionary, there a few meanings which stand out
1. an act or instance of revealing or unmasking
2. the fact or state being exposed
3. presentation to view, especially in an open or public manner
When you expose yourself in certain situations, you open yourself to a whole load of new experiences which you might not be ready for. You probably won't be ready to defend yourself because you haven't prepared properly. 

Now Premature Exposure is the combination of both. Being Exposed into the world too soon
It's one of the things that contributes to soo many things i.e. relationship breakdowns, business failures, jobs being lost, young people departing from the world. 

Lets take a look at the Prodigal Son. When he left his fathers house, he was exposed to life very early. Was he ready to take on the world? He certainly thought he was, confident that he could take on life's challenges but in the midst of all that he found out he wasn't ready. Of course, he knew he could go back to his father's house and that's what he did. He went back and started again, repaired the relationship with his father. 

There are so many times when we think we are ready to take on the world where we really aren't. Those times you start a new business without having a plan in place or when you get married before getting to know your partner or when you decide to start a new job without even deciding that's what you want do in life. 

We need to make sure we are ready, that we have enough resources to get the job done. Before going into the world, you need to make sure you are strong enough for life's challenges. 

Premature Expose can ruin a man's future, don't let it ruin yours 

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