Monday, 29 December 2014

#RyanSays - Step Out

Step Out

Isaiah 41 v 10 – “Don't be afraid, for I am with you, Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand”

As I started to prepare for 2015, the words 'Step Out' and 'Dare' were playing on my mind. I then pondered on what God wanted me to understand. I felt that God was telling me that in 2015, he is almost daring us to step out and trust him.

God is always with us, he will strengthen us and help us along the way. He also tells us not to be afraid in any circumstance. This reassures me and enables me to know that in whatever I do, God will always be there with me and to comfort me. I then started to think back to Peter and his situation on the boat, for him to have an experience Jesus in his full entity, he had to step out and meet him out in the open. Peter was new to this, never done it before, but Jesus was present and that is all Peter needed to help him to Step Out of the Boat.

As we approach 2015, let's step out and do something that will challenge us, do something that will stretch us, do something that will help us grow. If we know that God is always with us and that he will strengthen and help us then why not step out of our comfort zones and head into the deep.

There's a famous saying which says this – 'If You Want to Travel, You Have to Leave your Zone'
This is something I have likened to when taking a train journey. You won't get anywhere without leaving the zone you are currently in but once you leave your zone, the trains will help you, there will be train staff to guide you to your destination.

Another scripture I have always held in high regard is Psalm 23 v 4 - “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me”

So, King David is saying here that even though he walks down some dark places, he will not be afraid because he knows God is with him. God will be there wherever he goes.
So, in knowing that, let's take on that mindset.

I dare you to Open your Eyes to see things no can see, I Dare you to Hear things what no one else listens out for, I dare you to walk in places where no one has walked before, I dare you to step out and have one of the greatest experiences of your life. Don't feel scared or discouraged because God will strengthen you, he will help you, he will give you what you need to succeed.

Just remember that God will never take you to places where you will not be able to flourish or shine and where his name will not be glorified. He will never cause you to step out in places where you will drown or where you will not be able to see him. Learn to trust him, take a leap of faith and do the unthinkable, the impossible and unimaginable.

I want to challenge us that in 2015, we step out of our comfort zones, let's do things that will challenge us, let's make bold declarations.

God is saying 'I Dare You'. Do It and See What I Will Do for you. Step out and see where I will take you
If you want to apply for a Job that you think is out of reach, apply for it
If you want to go to places where you think you won't fit in, travel there
Whatever you want to do, Do it, take a step and do it. God will always be there

Step Out, Don't Stay in your Zone.  

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

#RyanTalks - 'Sitting at The Father's Feet'

(Luke 10 v 38 - 42)
38 As they went on their way, they came to a town where a woman named Martha lived. She cared for Jesus in her home. 39 Martha had a sister named Mary. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to all He said. 40 Martha was working hard getting the supper ready. She came to Jesus and said, “Do You see that my sister is not helping me? Tell her to help me.” 41 Jesus said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 Only a few things are important, even just one. Mary has chosen the good thing. It will not be taken away from her.”

Here we had two sisters, Jesus came to visit them where Martha looked after him. As Jesus started to teach, Mary sat at the feet of the master and listened to what he said. I can imagine what It felt like, listening to a man of great wisdom and knowledge. I too, would like to sit at the Feet of the Father. Martha, meanwhile, was busy getting things prepared, she wanted to be a good servant but Jesus responded and told her she was worried about so many things. Mary chose the good thing and he will not take it away from her.

In life, you will get many distractions but what is important is that we take time out to sit at the Feet of the Father. Mary could have helped her sister prepare dinner but all she wanted to do was sit and listen. Jesus explained that Mary chose the right thing to do and that he won't take it away from her, he won't withold secrets or mysteries from her, he will share knowledge and wisdom with her.

Over the past few days, I have had the phrase 'Sitting At the Father's Feet' stuck in my head. I began to search and ask God why. What he began to tell me is that he has so much to reveal to his sons and that if we sit at his feet, he will begin to reveal to us his mysteries and secrets.
Sitting At the Father's Feet, this signifies a readiness to learn and receive his word and also the guidance that comes with his word.

When you were back at School, College or University or even when you go to your local Church, you sit down through the sermon. It's a automatic thing, this indicates that you are ready to learn and receive the word. As I began to think of it like that, I saw a vision of little children sitting at the feet of the master. Wow, what a powerful image, Those little children represent us today.

I believe that it shows a sign of humility and respect. Imagine a man of great knowledge and wisdom coming to visit you and sharing with you all he has to know. Would you rather sit and listen or would you want your surroundings to be perfect before you listen? I know I would rather sit and listen.

As you begin to sit at the Father's Feet, many secrets and mysteries will be revealed unto you. You have shown you are willing to listen and receive so he will not withold anything from you.
You too can be like Mary. By Reading the Word, entering your secret place and hiding yourself away from everyday life, you can sit at the feet of the Father.
Day by Day, you will get common distractions such as phone calls, texts, emails etc but what would happen if you took time out of each day and devoted that to sit at the feet of the Father.
Try it and see what happens. It's a bit like Private Tuition, what takes place is tailored to you and your walk with God.

Many of our Great Leaders and Teachers all had to sit and listen to someone above them to gain what they know now. Without going to their Teacher and receiving fresh wisdom and knowledge, they couldn't share what they know today. There's only so much that a person can know, they will always go back and learn something new. 

So....What about You?

Are you Ready to Listen? Are you Ready to Receive his Word?

'Sitting at the Father's Feet'

Friday, 5 December 2014

#RyansWorldPresents - Firebrand: Free

Hey Folks, hope ya'll are well. It's been quite a long since we posted a #RyansWorldPresents but we are back with a bang. We want to introduce a duo who go by the name of Firebrand. Firebrand have released some fresh fire for us. The song is called Free
Watch, Be Blessed and Enjoy.

I personally love this, its a banger.

P.s. If you want to see them live, you can do so tomorrow at #PowerinPraise.
Date - Saturday 6th December
Venue - West Ham Football Club, Upton Park
Time - 5.30pm
Be There, Tell a Friend and tell them to tell a friend. Don't Miss It

Friday, 28 November 2014

#RyanTalks - Spiritual Pregnancy v Physical Pregnancy

Spiritual v Physical Pregnancy

Whenever a woman says they are pregnant, I always have a smile. The reason being is because a new addition to the world is about to arrive, I like the fact that a new life is being born. It's the same when someone says that they are 'spiritually pregnant'. That person is about to go on a journey an birth something new which could change lives.
We know what being Physically Pregnancy means but what about Spiritual Pregnancy?

Being Spiritual Pregnant and Physically Pregnant have the same hallmarks. With both, you are going to be carrying a seed which grows and grows until its fully formed and is ready to be birthed. In the first stage, the seed is planted and then your mood starts to change. Once it's confirmed that you pregnant, you would start to get ready for the birth.

You go for regular check ups, antenatal classes, scans and regular reviews with nurses etc. I believe that the pregnancy phase can be one of the most stressful periods but I believe that it will be worthwhile once you see the results.

Once you've told people that you are pregnant, depending on how supportive they might say some things to you such as 'I'm so happy for you' or 'Fantastic News'. You then could get comments such as 'Are you sure about this, have you thought it through?'
It's part of the journey, people are generally going to question you and test to see if you are ready for the new birth. In the spiritual form, it's the same way. You've told people and now the real test begins. You now need to decide on whether it's something you want to pursue and give birth to.

Afterwards, I believe that you will now start to say unusual things such as – I'm going to have the biggest brand in the world or I will have 5 different offices in different parts of the country etc. You then start to change, people that were once around you are going to feel worthless as you move in new circles. Just as expectant mum's attend pre baby classes, you might also attend classes or do things which are linked to your chosen area.

Halfway through, you will start to think about Delivery Partners. The people who are going to help you deliver and be there every step of the way. Why is there need for Delivery Partners? I believe that you will need someone at your side who will stay with you, give you encouragement and also do things for you during the Delivery stage.

As you go further down the line, the signs will be all to clear for people to see. They will start noticing that you stay away from certain environments all for the reason that you want to protect your seed.
Once you enter the final stage, you will start to act differently. You will want everything to go your way, you need everything to go to plan but when things don't go your way, you begin to get stressed which is why your Delivery Partner/s will come into play.

We now reach the final week of your pregnancy. The week of your Launch, The Week of your Labour. This is when you will really need to push and push and push, you will need to have someone hold your hand to help you with this phrase. You will always go through pain when you are about to give birth, You will always face obstacles when you are about to give birth, You will always probably have doubts or fear but this is because what you are about to deliver is going to change your life and people around you.

You have now given birth and must now register and name you newborn baby. Once you have birthed your dream, you have to register and name your company. You then need to develop and help it grown, give it life. As you introduce the world, you need to make sure that the people you have around you will also support you and help your child / vision grow.

Being Spiritually Pregnant is one of the most toughest phases ever to go through. People who you thought would be with you for a long time will not be able to go with you because they will not be able to handle where you are going. You will need people around you who will be able to support you, give you heavenly advice and help you see things clearly.

As you prepare to give birth, get ready, get yourself prepared. Don't expose your dream too early because it will not be able to survive, there will be times when it will be on life support. You have to decide if the vision is too costly to let go.

Spiritual Pregnancy and Physical Pregnancy are both the same but in different forms.  

Be Ready, You are ready to give Birth to something great. Be Prepared

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

#RyanTalks - The Power of Number Nine

As a Believer, I have always been interested in Numbers and what they represent. Many moons back, I was sitting in a service and I heard something about the number 9 so I decided to look for myself and see what I will discover.

The number 9 signifies divine completeness or finality. The End of an Era and the Beginning of a New one. Christ died at the 9th hour / 3pm to end the control that the Enemy had over his people and to usher in a new era of salvation, it became open to everyone.
Nine always represents the end of something, it represents the end of that cycle

Let's take the pregnancy cycle, after 9 months a baby is born. Why is this? This is because it's the end of the pregnancy. Let us see what this signifies in the bible and how it is connected to Jesus and the Cross.

Matthew 27 v 46
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Matthew 27 v 50
 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

It states in Matthew that Jesus died at around the ninth hour which equates to 3pm. It was the final piece in the jigsaw of God's masterplan, the end of the enemy's reign over Earth and the beginning or salvation for all of mankind.

Nine also represents the fruits of the Holy Spirit which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control.

At the 9th hour of the day, a Roman Centurion named Cornelius was told, in a vision, to contact the apostle Peter. Cornelius would eventually be baptised and receive God's spirit, becoming the first recorded Gentile convert to Christianity (Acts 10). So, we see it was the end of that cycle of Gentiles not being able to convert to Christianity.

In both examples, we see that the number 9 has a significant part to play. The number 9 will always represent the end of something or the final act. When Jesus went to the cross, it was the final act of his mission.

I've always wondered certain things happen in different stages. My understanding of Number 9 is that it is a very powerful number. It could also signify a transition of power i.e. The Enemy had control of the Earth right up until the 9th hour which is when everyone came to realization that he really was the Son of God.

In Deuteronomy, we can see that Moses was 120 when God decided that he wasn't able to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt and into the Promise Land. Joshua then took over, who I believe was 96 at the time. This signifies that there was a transition of power, the end of the reign of Moses and the beginning of Joshua's reign

The Number Nine is a powerful number. 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

#RyanTalks - Obeying God's Voice Part 7: Do You Know Me Enough to Listen to Me

Do You Know Me Enough to Listen to Me? That is one of the greatest questions ever asked, it really gets you thinking. Let's think about it..........

You meet someone and within a few days, they tell you to follow them. You hardly know them so of course you will have your doubts, whenever they tell you things you don't believe because you hardly know them and when they want you do something, you don't listen because you hardly know them. For you to trust them, believe them and follow them without any doubt you have to first get to know them.

From this you then start to become disobedient towards them and soon or later, your relationship will suffer. There will be consequences and there is a chance that you will go your separate ways. This is how God feels, when we don't listen to him or take heed on what he says. You often fail to talk to God or listen because you really don't know him.

Over the past years, many people have walked with God and saw first hand what he can do and through that they believe in him. Their Faith is taken to a new level and they put all their trust and faith in God in the knowledge that he will deliver.
There are also people who have doubted God, doubted his existence and his every word, they have also went against what he has planned for their lives. Who and what type of Person are you? The Question God wants us to answer this - Do You Know Me Enough To Listen to Me?

So, How can we get to know God. It's one of many things I have pondered on my journey through life. I believe that us getting to Know God happens every day, there is never a day that we don't learn something new and experience something new.
There a few ways that we can get to Know God.

1 - Read The Word
There is nothing like reading his word and receiving your daily strength. You will always learn something new once you read his word. As you begin to read certain passages, you will begin to find out who God is

2 - Talk to Him / Prayer
Talking to God is one of the biggest ways in which we can know God. It take us to a deeper place in him, he can now know we are passionate, he will start revealing his biggest secrets and also mysteries unknown to man.

3 - Fellowship
Having Fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ will only help us get to know God even further as they will begin to tell you about their personal experience and how God has helped them and how much he is currently doing for them.

I'm sure you can think of many other ways but from the reading the Word, there is one passage which sums it up clearly. John 14 v 6 states this "I am the Way, the truth and the Life, no one comes to the father except through me" So we see here that another essence of getting to know God is through Jesus Christ. Jesus states that no one can get to the Father except through him. So, what is he saying? I believe he is saying that we need to accept Christ as our Saviour and that way day by day, we will begin to have access to the Father. Without getting to know Jesus, we won't be able to know who God is.

Let's see this in a modern day text. You're pursuing a lady or guy but they say, for you to gain access to me you have to get to know my children. Your response depends on how much you want them. Because the children are the gateway to their parents, it is vital that you get to know them. Without that, it is impossible.

When you truly get to know God, you begin to pin all your trust and faith in him. You know for certain that he will deliver, he will be there every day of your life, you know that you can talk to him and he will respond.
God is not hiding, he is available and ready if you are willing to get to know him. Get to Know Him today and live the rest of your life.

Do You Know Me Enough to Listen to Me? What will your answer be?

Monday, 10 November 2014

#RyanTalks - Your Legacy

Early this morning, I learnt about the passing of Dr Myles Munroe. It was quite a shock to my system, I struggled to find the words to sum up about how I felt. Instead of mourning, I decided to thank God for his life. Thank God for the impact that he had on many generations, old and new. I pray that his legacy lives on for years to come.

I may not have met him or spoke with him but some of his teachings and books have inspired me and many generations and I believe it will do so for many more generations to come. 

So, as I was pondering on his life, the Father dropped something into my heart and this is what he wants to share - What will be your Legacy and how do you want people to remember you by? What impact will you have on your generation. 
Books, Songs, Ministry, Businesses etc. What will you leave behind that people will be able to identify with.

I always like to refer back to God's word when writing about certain topics but this time, I won't. I really want us to think about our legacy, what will the future generations be able to say about you? What I will say, is remember Jesus and Legacy, let that give you a starting point.

If you've been dreaming about writing a book, writing a song, starting a ministry or even starting a business, what do you have to lose. You really can't take it to the grave. What can you do with it if you are not around to anchor it? You have to leave it behind so that the people you leave behind can take on the vision and run with it?

I saw a quote once which said - “The Graveyard is a rich place, it's where people take their dreams and visions”
There's a book, a song, a ministry, a business, a new invention waiting to be created and released. That time is now. The World is waiting for the next long-lasting legacy, it is waiting for next multi-million idea which will change the hearts of men, it is waiting for a book to change the course of time.

When I think of Legacy, I think of World Dynasty. Something that people will never be able to forget. Think of Hillsborough, it created a long-lasting legacy for all the wrong reasons but the fact is, people are still able to identify it. People may want to forget what happened but the event was so tragic, up to this day people will still remember it.
Just Remember, Jesus created a legacy which is remembered by so many people today, their lives are based around this, sermons are preached, books are written, songs created, ministries birthed.

I truly believe that we will all return to meet out creator once our work on earth is finished. I truly believe that when we depart, our legacy and our dynasty's will live on for years to come. So, as you read this, I want you to think about you, your life and the legacy you want to leave behind.

I could have made it sound nice, pretty but this is the plain truth -  I really believe that there is a legacy in all of us. There is something that we can create, there is something that the world is waiting for and we are the ones to create it.

I've been thinking about my legacy, what could I leave behind. I have a brand, a song, a book, in fact so many things to release which will form part of my legacy. This brand is called Care Of Yoo. By God's Grace, I know that it will be known worldwide.

So, what about you?
What will be your Legacy and how do you want people to remember you by? What impact will you have on your generation. 

Your Time
Your Season
Your Future
Your Dream
Your Vision
Your Legacy

Start Now, Leave a Legacy

Saturday, 8 November 2014

#RyanTalks -The Power of Light

Light is so powerful, it brightens up a room, it outshines darkness and it also give us access to see the world around us. When the Earth was formed, God saw that the world was living in Darkness, complete Darkness, so what did he do? He created light.
Wikipedia States light as this -
Light is radiant energy, usually referring to electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.So, we see that Light is a radiant energy and it is responsible for our sense of sight.
It also has another meaning which is - 'the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible'So, we now see that Light is very important to our everyday lives. Without it, we wouldn't be able to see, let alone figure out our everyday journeys. Living in Darkness is like living a life without God,
Let's take a look at what the bible says about Light

John 8:12
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Genesis 1: 3 - 5
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

Matthew 5:13 - 16
You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket , but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven

Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

So, what are we trying to get at here? Let's look from a more logical view. The Underground is full of dark tunnels, not many people would actually walk through it, which is why we have trains to take us to and from each station. The Train has lights at the front and inside every carriage, which first, helps the driver to see the way forward and plus for everyone in the carriage to see what's happening around them. The Perfect Solution but what if now, that light went out? Yes, the train would most likely crash. 
If the lights were at the back of the train, we would get the same result. 

From a heavenly perspective, God is the light to our path, he is the light to our darkness, the light of the world. For us to also recieve light, we must connect with God. 
God shines a light onto our dark situations and helps us see a way out, he also helps us to see things in advance so we can prepare and pray. 
God's light is never ending, it shines bright 24/7, it illuminates the whole world which is why he can truly see everything. 
Ephesians 5:8 states that we were once in Darkness but now he have been called into light, we must be Children of Light. This means that we are now the Light to someone's darkness. 

God’s light within us affects our neighbours, work colleagues and pretty much everyone we come into contact with but it isn't limited to people. Everywhere we go, we will be bringing Light everywhere with us, darkness has no other choice but to give way. Our effect on the world is more than we could ever imagine. For one person's darkness, you are a thousand lights. Our impact is not because of our works, or our emotions, it is simply because we are Children of God and as Children of God, his light will shine through us. 
Acts 17:26 states that God determines our future. He also takes pleasure where we reside and who we reside with. He also take great detail in placing us into certain areas. All these decisions were made before we were created so to God where we are now is not a surprise to him. All the things concerning our life i.e. Work, Finance, Households etc are all important and he wants his light to shine so bright that he will put us in situations where his light will shine bright. 
We have the ability to light up any dark situation, our impact will have so much power on the world. 
Light has so much power, it has power to light up any dark place no matter how big or small a room is so get connected to the light. Get connected to God and he will surely lighten up your life. 

The Power of Light

Monday, 3 November 2014

#ReleaseFromWithin - Care Of Yoo

I've been waiting for you from sundown to sunrise.
I've been searching for you across lands far and wide.
I have always known you'll be there for me, 
i have always known you will set me free.
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo
I have always known you'll be there for me,
I have always known what will be,
I have always known our destiny,
I have always known both joy and pain.
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo.
I give thanxs for the moments we share,
I give thanxs for the love we have,
I give thanxs for sendin u 2 me,
I give thanxs 4 da love nd unity.
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo,
Care of Yoo

#RyanTalks - The Importance of being Important

'To be Important you will be there when you need to be there'
In a recent interview with the BBC, Jose Mourinho, manager of Chelsea said this about Didier Drogba.
After pondering on the statement I struggled to actually comprehend on what he meant but yesterday I came across a passage which states it clearly. It's a statement that can be interpreted in different forms but when you look at it, it's all about being useful. At first thought, I initially thought that because you are available, you will be there. So I looked at it this way - You can be available but not useful, You can be useful but not available, You are useful and you are available. You can look at it like that but that's like saying, you aren't what I need but you I will use you because you are there. 

No, to be there means no matter the situation or wherever you are, you will find a way to be there. So, lets look at the following passage and consider what it means. I'm sure recently you have asked people things and they have delivered, they are important and you are important to them. There might even be a time when you have asked them but they can't deliver, which can indicate how important you are to them. Different People but everyone is important. 

1 Corinthians 12:12-27

One Body but Many Parts
12 There is one body. But it has many parts. Even though it has many parts, they make up one body. It is the same with Christ. 13 We were all baptized by one Holy Spirit into one body. It didn’t matter whether we were Jews or Greeks, slaves or free people. We were all given the same Spirit to drink.
14 The body is not made up of just one part. It has many parts. 15 Suppose the foot says, “I am not a hand. So I don’t belong to the body.” It is still part of the body. 16 And suppose the ear says, “I am not an eye. So I don’t belong to the body.” It is still part of the body.
17 If the whole body were an eye, how could it hear? If the whole body were an ear, how could it smell? 18 God has placed each part in the body just as he wanted it to be. 19 If all the parts were the same, how could there be a body?20 As it is, there are many parts. But there is only one body.
21 The eye can’t say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 In fact, it is just the opposite. The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are the ones we can’t do without. 23 The parts that we think are less important we treat with special honor. The private parts aren’t shown. But they are treated with special care. 24 The parts that can be shown don’t need special care.
But God has joined together all the parts of the body. And he has given more honor to the parts that didn’t have any. 25 In that way, the parts of the body will not take sides. All of them will take care of each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in its joy.
27 You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.
So, now lets think of this in a logical sense. There's many parts to your life i.e. Work, Social, Personal, Private. There will be people who exist in your life who play an important part in your life. When you need them, they will be there in whatever shape or form they can be there. Let's consider this - A Plug and Laptop are both pieces of technology but they have different functions, The Laptop will need the Plug to give it power so it can't say that it doesn't need it when it does. 
So often in life, people claim that are they not important. There will be a time when somebody will need you and you will need to be there. You are useful to them, you are not just a spare part. God never designed you to be just a spare part, he designed you for a specific role because he knows fully well that you will meet that commitment. 
You might not be required all the time but the fact you are there will make people see you are of great importance to them. So, I would say to honor commitment when asked something, they will need to rely on you but if you can't deliver then your importance now goes down a scale. 
It's just like a work place, you are all part of the workforce but you have many parts to play. They are all important roles to fill so of course, you will be there because you are viewed as important. So, the cleaner can't say they are not important because they don't have a big role to fill. In fact, the cleaner is an integral part, they help to keep the place clean. 
Be there when you need to be there. You are important to someone's life but how do you show someone they are important to you? It might be a small gesture or a big gesture, it all adds up to something worthwhile. 
1 - Tell them
There's nothing like hearing these words 'You are important to me'. It boosts people's confidence, it fills them with joy. When they hear that, you will see a huge difference in them. 
2 - Be in their presence
Spend time with them. Whenever you are in their presence, no matter how big or small the time is give them your full commitment. It's your special time together, there should be no distractions
3 - Show them
Showing them how much they mean to you will no doubt put a smile on their face. So, it could mean you take them out or buy them something or even do something spontaneous such as a walk in the park. Let them know that you are there
4 - Honor your Commitment
Whatever the relationship is, Mother and Daughter, Father and Son, Friends, Cousins etc, always honor your commitment, if it's not possible tell them before hand but still find a way to meet your commitment. There's nothing like committing yourself and not meeting their needs, even though you can be forgiven they won't forget. 
5 - Be Understanding
Being understanding is the most crucial one because there will be times they could be having a rough patch or they might actually need help so be understanding to the situation. Don't judge, all you need to be is understanding. 
6 - Always be in Communication
In the morning, it should be a regular point of call to see how they are. So you could say something like 'Morning, It's great to hear from you, I've missed you' or even something simple as 'How are you, How's things with you'. It shows that you care, it shows you are thinking of them. 
7 - Be ready to listen
Always be ready to listen. There's nothing worse than talking to someone and they are doing something else or there mind is elsewhere. I always try and go to a quiet place so I can give my time and really listen to them. 
8 - Be at their Side at all times
When someones knows you are at their side, they know to that they can call on you and you will be there to hold them when they need to be held. They know that when they need a friendly ear, you are there or whenever they need something to be done, you are there. 
Try these things, it will help you maintain your importance. So, starting from today, start telling people how much they matter to you, it could be by text, whatsapp or even on the phone. 
The Importance of being Important
'To be Important you will be there when you need to be there' 

Friday, 31 October 2014

#RyanSays - I Am #FreetoWorship

So Many Words to Say
So Many things to talk about
I really wanted to express myself
I really wanted to express what was on my mind

The Words never came out
The Words were stuck inside
In the end I just bottled it up
Nobody ever knew how greatful I was

I was bound by shackles
There were chains all around me
I wasn't able to wriggle free
I wasn't able to open my eyes and see

But on One Night, I closed me eyes and I began to see
I began to realise what God did for me
I began to realise that he set me free
I began to realise what that meant to me

My Mouth opened up with praise
Tears rolling down my face
Hands Lifted High, Down on my Knees
Saying 'Thank you Jesus'

The Shackles were broken
The Chains were loosened
Sin was removed from me
I had been set free

I am Free to Worship, Free to Worship, Free to Worship, Worship


#RyanTalks - Where Are You

"Where are You" 
This Question at one stage used to get me quite bothered with people. In fact, I know most of us all had this problem. Someone asked where you are and you might say something like "What's it got to do with you" or "Don't worry where I am, you will see me when you see me" 

When someone asks you where you are there's usually a few reasons behind it
1. They Miss you
2. They miss your presence
3. They need you for something
4. They want to spend time with you
5. They care about you

So, instantly we can see there's always a reason why they will ask where you are. Back then, I honestly thought they wanted to control my life. I know that you feel me on this one, because we were all young once.

Recently, a relative asked where I am but before I could respond, I thought that because I wasn't in their presence they wanted to know where I am so they can have peace and also they miss my presence. This made me look at myself in a different light. They actually miss me, my presence is actually felt. If they didn't ask where I was, it would be like I had no impact.
I actually never used to tell people where I went before this but from them on, I get in the habit of telling people where I am.

In Genesis 2, we see that God created Eden, which was his dwelling place and he planted Adam there to rule over it. The Garden of Eden means 'The Dwelling Place, God's Secret Place'. So instantly we see that God desired to have a close relationship so he designed a place where Adam and him could build their relationship. We then see that Adam ate from the tree of evil which was forbidden so In doing that, Adam hid, he fell away from God's Presence. So, now, In Genesis 3, we can see that God said “Adam, where art thou”. It wasn't because he wanted to control Adam, Adam had a free reign over Eden. God asking where Adam was is because God didn't feel Adam's presence and he wanted to know why. So when God asks a question, we shouldn't now ask him why, it's for us to find out what he didn't already know.
This indicates to me that God missed the relationship he had with Adam, which is why he gave us his only begotten son, Jesus, who is the 2nd Adam or the Last Adam so we can see firsthand the relationship we can have if we stay in the Father's Presence.

So, in essence that whenever we leave God's presence, he will always come looking for us. He will ask us where we are, he longs to have a relationship with us, he wants that daily communication with us. When we don't talk to him or share with him what's happened, it's almost like he feels left out. But he will wait until you answer, he isn't going to leave us, he will wait for us to return.

When we now start to build a relationship with God, it gets easier, we can now start sharing our deepest fears with him and he can now comfort us.

So, whenever, you are asked “Where are You”, it's not a bad thing, you are generally missed. But what you need to watch out is when people don't ask for you, it means you're presence is not instantly felt. You haven't made an instant impact, you will make one but it will take time. A relationship needs to be built for that to happen.

Build a relationship with God because he is waiting for you. He is asking “Where Are You” so you also can have a relationship with him. He wants you to be in his presence and he wants to be in your presence. So, Stop Hiding and Present Yourself. Start building that relationship with God today.

Where Are You”

Thursday, 30 October 2014

'Obeying God's Voice' - Part 6: Be Connected

Be Connected
Connection is one the major things which makes everything tick. Information flows freely, people get what they need and are satisfied but what happens when you lose connection? You miss vital information, you have no clue what's going on around you. Not being connected can cause people to miss out on so much, there's times people want to impart some information to us but because we aren't connected, we miss out. Imagine if the Government (10 Downing Street) lost contact with the World, i'd imagine it would be catastrophic. Their allies won't be able to get information across to them. 

So, why could this be? I've often wondered what it's like to not have connection. Think of it as not having mobile data on your phone which means you can't check your emails, check social media or even connect via Whatsapp. There could be some vital information that you will miss out on because you are not connected.

Colossians 2:19 states “They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and joints, and it grows as God nourishes it”

So, we can see that people have lost connection, they just aren't receiving the right information. The Head is where everything takes place. The Head controls every part of the body but if that is not sending signals, nothing will move. The whole body will just stay still, dormant waiting for a signal to move.
Let's look at this another way. We need to connect our gadgets to a plug so we can give it life, if the charger isn't plugged in, it won't connect to your phone and so your gadget doesn't have life. You won't be able to use it to its full capacity.
So, what am I trying to say?
In order to receive information, we have to be connected at all times.

I then began to look at this from a heavenly perspective. There will be certain times God wants to tell us something, there will be times he needs us to give him our full attention but how can we do that if we are not connected. If we are not in tune with the Holy Spirit, how will we ever know what God wants us to do? Let's remember, if we really want to connect to the frequency of the heavenly realm, we must first connect to it, get in tune and pay attention.
Imagine losing connection in times of trials and tribulations, who do you contact? Because you aren't connected you can't get through. God can't get through to you and deliver what you need? I know that I would be at my wits end if I ever lost connection, even for a day. But there are some people who have no connection at all, they haven't plugged in.

So, how can we connect to God. First of all we need Access, we need a connection.
In John 14:6 Jesus states this “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man can come to the father but by me”
This lets me know that we have to call on Jesus so we gain Access, so we can connect to the Father. It also lets me that there is no other way to connect to the Father, no other source will connect me. It's like trying to use a bootleg version, it's not the original source. It won't work, no matter how many times you plug, you just can't connect.

We can also access the Father by praying. Talk to God and then listen for what he says.
Luke 18:1 states “Then he spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart”
This gives me the knowledge that if I talk to God on a daily basis, we will start to build a relationship. We will then start building something called 'Open Access'. It means you can plug in straight away and you know that you will be able to freely receive information.

What if now, we connect but we can't speak the heavenly language? Through the fire of the Holy Spirit, everyone was in one accord. We can also connect through the Holy Spirit because Acts 2:4 states “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues and the spirit gave them utterance”
Jude 1:20 states “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit”
This lets me know that by connecting to the frequency of the Holy Spirit, I can now connect to the Father.
But how do we activate it? We can activate it by Praise. Praising God is one of the quickest ways to access God's Presence. This activates the awareness of the Holy Spirit and it also increases angelic activity from above. As you begin to Praise, other people will join in because they want to connect to that same source.
Psalm 22:3 states “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel”
God loves our Praise, it moves Heaven when we give him Praise.
People like Paul and Silas knew how to activate God's Presence. Despite their troubles they praised God.
In Acts 16:23-26 it states that “And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely:
Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed”
Paul and Silas were thrown into prison, you would expect them to be moaning but no, they prayed and praise their God. At that moment, there was a release. There was a mighty earthquake which shook the foundations of the prison, every prisoner including Paul and Silas were released, they were free. It was because of their praise, this then provided God an opportunity to channel his power in their circumstances. Wow, Imagine that, Praise can set people free. Despite of your circumstances, Praise Him, Lift Him Up, Let everyone know about him and he will certainly deliver you.
Psalm 100:4 states”Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into courts with his praise, be thankful unto him and praise him”

Another way is to completely Focus on God and what he is doing around us. As we fix our eyes on him, the Holy Spirit will come alongside to help us. It's now a one on one communication between you and God. Let God lead you, let it come freely. Sometimes, you just have to be still in his Presence. Let him Come in, Give Him an Invitation to enter.
Have Fun Connecting to God, when we are in His Presence there is fullness of Joy.

When we connect to God, it's the most best experience ever, things we don't know will be revealed to us, as we enter the secret place, a place of intimacy, this is when we will truly get to know God for who he really is.

The Season we are in, God is releasing some things to us. Let's get connected so we can receive, Let's get connected so we can partake in his Glory. 

Be Connected, Don't Miss Out
Be Connected

Monday, 27 October 2014

#MotivationalMonday - Power to Create

Genesis 1 v 3 "And God said, Let there be Light, and there was light"
This Sentence alone confirms to me, that God has so much power. He said something simple and it came to pass. Do you Know why? He has Power to Create. Before God, there was no light, the world was plunged into darkness so God created light by speaking life.

So, today, I want us to understand that we have the Power to Create. Think of the phones, gadgets, laptops etc that we use today even the homes we are living in right now. A man had a vision, he created it and it came to pass. He decided there was a need for it and he created it.
In essence, the man created his own destiny, he created his own legacy.

We as a Generation have the power to create the future tomorrow today. We have the power and authority to make things happen. When we don't speak life into a situation, it's dead, it's left dormant but the moment you say something like "Let there be Light" or even something like "I want to create a new device", those words are carried and are brought to life. They will then be manifested and be brought to life. Do you know how powerful it is to just say something and it comes to life.

Proverbs 23 v 7 states that "For a man thinketh, so is he". So, we now see that What we think about is what we will become. So If you think of yourself in a huge stadium performing live to 90,000 people, it will most likely happen because those thoughts will become feelings and sooner or later it will produce life

The rules to create are simply this - Saw, Speak, Manifest. Once you see what you want to create, speak life into it and then watch it manifest.
We are a lucky people because we basically have the future in front of us, The future of tomorrow can be created today. We have the power to create what we want to see happen in the next couple of years.

Try It and see what will happen. The Power to Create tomorrow's future today. Start speaking what you want to see in your life and watch it unravel before your own eyes.
You have the Power to Create your own destiny, your own tomorrow, your own legacy, your own business by speaking life. Speak Life and watch it come to life.

Power to Create

#RyanTalks - My Fitness Journey

Hey Guys, so as you know I started my Fitness Journey last week. It's been a long week *hides face* but God is my strength.

This past weekend, we had our 7th Day of Release at Salem International Christian Centre, it was a such a powerful service, I really felt a sense of release yesterday. All God was ministering to me was that he loves me and that he is the light to my path. All the years of condemnation and looking down on myself was over.

A few months ago, I was diagnosed with Hypogonadism but I can confirm I am now free of that illness. Anyways, with my fitness journey. I went to the hospital today and my consultant says that he is really happy with my progress and I can report that I have lost 20kg in weight since my last appointment in May.

This only confirmed to me that If I declare things, it will happen. So, that's my weekly report. Back in the Gym full time this week is another burden that has been released. I can now concentrate of being free, being the real me and becoming fit and healthy
P.s. I am Fit and Healthy In Jesus name. Amen

I appreciate all of those who have supported, I won't bait names lol but you know who you are.

Friday, 24 October 2014

'Obeying God's Voice' Part 5 - To Follow or Not to Follow

You can either follow me and and be blessed or you can go your own way and still be confused with life, wondering how to move on and where to go.

It's not a hard choice to make, in reality we choose not to follow and instead follow our own path with the conviction it's the correct choice to make. When we go down our path we realise it wasn't the correct path, so we spend a long time trying to right the wrongs in our life.
Wouldn't it be better if we just follow rather than trying to prove something that we know aren't ready for.
God told Peter and his fellow disciples "Follow me and I will make you fishes of men". They had to make one of the biggest decisions - To Follow or Not to Follow

Peter was one of the greatest followers, wherever Jesus went, he was there. He didn't hesitate about things, he reacted and followed Jesus. There was however one slight problem, he was clinging onto his old life as a fishermen. If Peter was going to follow Jesus, this meant giving up his fishing business and heading in a total new direction.

For many of us, it's like when have a business or a career, it's going well but then you recieve a mega offer. Follow this new way and you will be successful, you will never have to worry about money again. That's when hesitation sets in, do I really want to give up everything I have built and follow this new path or should I get out an experience something I haven't experienced before.

For Peter, just before Jesus went to the cross, he denied him three times. Peter struggled with his conscience. Thoughts such as 'Do I really want to be a follower anymore' or something like 'Following has got me into trouble, not what I expected' went through his mind
Jesus went to cross, Peter had to be by himself and figure out what was going on. The other Disciples decided to follow Peter onto his boat and go fishing with him. Even if we as leaders don't know the next route, our followers still follow. Peter was groomed to be a leader, this was him now leading the disciples. No idea what was going on but he still carried on in the hope that he would find an answer.
They toiled all night and caught nothing but in the morning, Peter was about to have an experience which would change his life. Jesus, who is now revealing himself to his closest disciples, stood on the shore. He called out and asked if they had caught anything, they said no. John, who is a worshipper, knew it was Jesus so he said "It is the Lord"
Peter, without a thought, jumped out and swam to Jesus. He forgot the fish and ran to Jesus, but when he got to shore, Jesus had already organised the fish, there was so much fish. In that instant, Peter realised that following Jesus would the right thing to do.
From then on, we don't see Peter going back to his old life, he remained a loyal follower. He was transformed

One of the greatest tests as a follower or as a leader, is to obey when things go wrong. It's one thing to lead a team but can you lead or follow in adversity, when nobody knows what is going to happen next. Can we stay loyal when everybody is telling us to give up. Giving up wasn't an option, it still isn't, the very person you are following might just depend on your obedience. They rely on your strength and your help, it will benefit both of you. Another day might come when you are in a leadership position and you now need their help, they give it knowing that you stayed faithful during their time in the wilderness.

Supermarkets give Loyalty Cards to their loyal members, the members who go back to the shop despite of what the media or what people say. Their loyalty is rewarded as they are given prizes which is a result of them being loyal. They might be attracted with a new shop, a new supermarket but they stay loyal to the thing they have followed for years.
God rewards those who are loyal, he rewarded Peter with the fish he had spent all night searching for, he propelled to a leader.
Joshua followed God, he had great faith and obedience. He was rewarded by being given the task of leading the Children of Israel into the Promise Land. For Joshua to become a great leader, he needed to have faith, obedience and loyalty. He needed to follow God on everything and follow his every command.
Loyalty brings great favor amongst men, Our Loyalty will be rewarded with something greater.

So I guess, the only question there is to answer is - To Follow or Not to Follow?

Thursday, 23 October 2014

#RyanTalks - My Fitness Journey

Heyyy Guys, so today I went to see my dietitian. Before today, I felt kinda hardened because my mentality was small but today I went in with an open mind. These feelings were like I felt someone was trying to control me and tell what to eat..............

She basically asked questions about what I eat. I admit, my eating habits aren't the best but I'm learning. I will get better and I will live a healthy life in Jesus name but she said that this healthy eating malarkey is fun if you do it right.
Previously, people have told me you have to watch what you eat etc but today my view was changed.

I told her that due to my household being small, I don't feel the need to cook big meals and do a big shop. I only buy what I need for that week (It saves money), correct me if i'm wrong but lately I have been spending only £20-25 a week on food so that's an improvement.

We then talked my diet. At the moment, it's going calmly, it can be better but I have the faith and belief that it will be perfect. We created a fitness and healthy eating plan. My Fitness Plan consists of Gym, Walking. Any other activity suggestions would be great, so fire away.

Recently my friend told me that Declaring that I will have a fit and healthy body will help see instant results. I've been declaring it every day and i'm starting to see results
So for the next couple of weeks, i'll be updating you all on my fitness journey. Feel free to support and inspire me, God will bless you abundantly as you do.

So what was discussed today is the following
- More Exercise or improve the levels
- No more Pizza, fast food.
- More Vegetables, Fruit
- Eat Less, watch my portions

She also suggested I have an accountability / fitness partner to help me along so if you want to offer, feel free.

This is me 'Stepping out and doing what I want to do' It will open up many doors and opportunities.

Thank you in advance to providing your support. Love you all.

The next update will be next week.

My Fitness Journey has begun

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

#RyanTalks 'Obeying God's Voice Part 4 - Trust and Faith

"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
When you have faith in something, you instantly believe in it, even though you haven't seen it yet but you know it's going to happen. So, due to your faith you then begin to trust in the knowledge that it shall be delivered. 

Let's now break this down. When promised something, you begin to put your trust and belief that what you have wanted will be delivered i.e. a new phone. Once you are told it's on its way, you get excited and happy, you begin to plan out what you can do with it. Even though you haven't seen this new phone but you have faith it's going to be the best thing right now. 

One of the main problems society has today is the ability to put their faith and trust in someone or something. They want to see it before they trust and put their faith in them, they don't like to wait and see it being done. 

In the bible, we see so many great men of God who had everlasting faith and they were rewarded for it. Let's have a look at Abraham. Abraham's Faith was severely tested (Genesis 22 v 1 - 24), God told him that he had to go and offer his son as a sacrifice on the mountains, which God will show him. Abraham, got up and done as commanded, he didn't what was going to happen but he obeyed and followed command. He took his son and two of his servants up to where to God had told him to go. After days of traveling, on the third day, Abraham saw the place and told his men to wait there, he told his servants to wait with the donkey and he and his son, Isaac would go and worship on the mountains. Isaac asked his father where the lamb was for the burnt offering, Abraham replied and said that God would provide. 
So, they reached the place where God told him to go, once they arrived Abraham took his only son and prepared to sacrifice him. As he got ready. An Angel of the Lord told him to stop what he was doing. They now know that Abraham feared the Lord, so they provided him with a Lamb to offer a burnt offering. From that day, that place is known as Jehovah-Jireh: "in the mount of the lord it shall be seen"

The Angel of the Lord then called Abraham for a 2nd time and said to him that due to his obedience and his faith in God, he will now be blessed and he will be made a father of many nations. 

So, here was a man, who acted upon God's word. He trusted God even though he never knew what God had planned for him or where he wanted him to go. Hebrews 11 v 8 states that "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went"
Due to Abraham and his everlasting faith, he was rewarded for it. All through his life, he obeyed and did what the Lord had commanded. 

Let's now take a look at Moses and see what happens when he don't have faith. Moses was commanded that he would go to Pharoah and demand that the Children of Israel be let go. At that point, Moses wasn't confident that this would happen, he had so many questions which indicated his unbelief. All throughout the journey, Moses would continue to doubt God which then resulted in him being removed from leading the children into the Promise Land. Joshua and Caleb were rewarded because they were the only ones who had faith that they could enter the Promise Land and dispossess the enemies.  
So with Moses, we can see that he didn't believe nor did he have faith so he was punished. Moses was told what would took place but because he couldn't see it, he didn't believe but it's only when he saw the Promise Land, he soon regretted not believing or trusting God. 

When you truly know God, you will put your trust and faith in him, even though you haven't seen the end result, you know it's going to happen. 

So, lets start trusting God and putting our faith in him. What God had said he will do and what he will do he has said. Put your faith in him and you shall be greatly rewarded