Friday 24 October 2014

'Obeying God's Voice' Part 5 - To Follow or Not to Follow

You can either follow me and and be blessed or you can go your own way and still be confused with life, wondering how to move on and where to go.

It's not a hard choice to make, in reality we choose not to follow and instead follow our own path with the conviction it's the correct choice to make. When we go down our path we realise it wasn't the correct path, so we spend a long time trying to right the wrongs in our life.
Wouldn't it be better if we just follow rather than trying to prove something that we know aren't ready for.
God told Peter and his fellow disciples "Follow me and I will make you fishes of men". They had to make one of the biggest decisions - To Follow or Not to Follow

Peter was one of the greatest followers, wherever Jesus went, he was there. He didn't hesitate about things, he reacted and followed Jesus. There was however one slight problem, he was clinging onto his old life as a fishermen. If Peter was going to follow Jesus, this meant giving up his fishing business and heading in a total new direction.

For many of us, it's like when have a business or a career, it's going well but then you recieve a mega offer. Follow this new way and you will be successful, you will never have to worry about money again. That's when hesitation sets in, do I really want to give up everything I have built and follow this new path or should I get out an experience something I haven't experienced before.

For Peter, just before Jesus went to the cross, he denied him three times. Peter struggled with his conscience. Thoughts such as 'Do I really want to be a follower anymore' or something like 'Following has got me into trouble, not what I expected' went through his mind
Jesus went to cross, Peter had to be by himself and figure out what was going on. The other Disciples decided to follow Peter onto his boat and go fishing with him. Even if we as leaders don't know the next route, our followers still follow. Peter was groomed to be a leader, this was him now leading the disciples. No idea what was going on but he still carried on in the hope that he would find an answer.
They toiled all night and caught nothing but in the morning, Peter was about to have an experience which would change his life. Jesus, who is now revealing himself to his closest disciples, stood on the shore. He called out and asked if they had caught anything, they said no. John, who is a worshipper, knew it was Jesus so he said "It is the Lord"
Peter, without a thought, jumped out and swam to Jesus. He forgot the fish and ran to Jesus, but when he got to shore, Jesus had already organised the fish, there was so much fish. In that instant, Peter realised that following Jesus would the right thing to do.
From then on, we don't see Peter going back to his old life, he remained a loyal follower. He was transformed

One of the greatest tests as a follower or as a leader, is to obey when things go wrong. It's one thing to lead a team but can you lead or follow in adversity, when nobody knows what is going to happen next. Can we stay loyal when everybody is telling us to give up. Giving up wasn't an option, it still isn't, the very person you are following might just depend on your obedience. They rely on your strength and your help, it will benefit both of you. Another day might come when you are in a leadership position and you now need their help, they give it knowing that you stayed faithful during their time in the wilderness.

Supermarkets give Loyalty Cards to their loyal members, the members who go back to the shop despite of what the media or what people say. Their loyalty is rewarded as they are given prizes which is a result of them being loyal. They might be attracted with a new shop, a new supermarket but they stay loyal to the thing they have followed for years.
God rewards those who are loyal, he rewarded Peter with the fish he had spent all night searching for, he propelled to a leader.
Joshua followed God, he had great faith and obedience. He was rewarded by being given the task of leading the Children of Israel into the Promise Land. For Joshua to become a great leader, he needed to have faith, obedience and loyalty. He needed to follow God on everything and follow his every command.
Loyalty brings great favor amongst men, Our Loyalty will be rewarded with something greater.

So I guess, the only question there is to answer is - To Follow or Not to Follow?

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