Wednesday 22 October 2014

#RyanTalks 'Obeying God's Voice Part 4 - Trust and Faith

"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
When you have faith in something, you instantly believe in it, even though you haven't seen it yet but you know it's going to happen. So, due to your faith you then begin to trust in the knowledge that it shall be delivered. 

Let's now break this down. When promised something, you begin to put your trust and belief that what you have wanted will be delivered i.e. a new phone. Once you are told it's on its way, you get excited and happy, you begin to plan out what you can do with it. Even though you haven't seen this new phone but you have faith it's going to be the best thing right now. 

One of the main problems society has today is the ability to put their faith and trust in someone or something. They want to see it before they trust and put their faith in them, they don't like to wait and see it being done. 

In the bible, we see so many great men of God who had everlasting faith and they were rewarded for it. Let's have a look at Abraham. Abraham's Faith was severely tested (Genesis 22 v 1 - 24), God told him that he had to go and offer his son as a sacrifice on the mountains, which God will show him. Abraham, got up and done as commanded, he didn't what was going to happen but he obeyed and followed command. He took his son and two of his servants up to where to God had told him to go. After days of traveling, on the third day, Abraham saw the place and told his men to wait there, he told his servants to wait with the donkey and he and his son, Isaac would go and worship on the mountains. Isaac asked his father where the lamb was for the burnt offering, Abraham replied and said that God would provide. 
So, they reached the place where God told him to go, once they arrived Abraham took his only son and prepared to sacrifice him. As he got ready. An Angel of the Lord told him to stop what he was doing. They now know that Abraham feared the Lord, so they provided him with a Lamb to offer a burnt offering. From that day, that place is known as Jehovah-Jireh: "in the mount of the lord it shall be seen"

The Angel of the Lord then called Abraham for a 2nd time and said to him that due to his obedience and his faith in God, he will now be blessed and he will be made a father of many nations. 

So, here was a man, who acted upon God's word. He trusted God even though he never knew what God had planned for him or where he wanted him to go. Hebrews 11 v 8 states that "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went"
Due to Abraham and his everlasting faith, he was rewarded for it. All through his life, he obeyed and did what the Lord had commanded. 

Let's now take a look at Moses and see what happens when he don't have faith. Moses was commanded that he would go to Pharoah and demand that the Children of Israel be let go. At that point, Moses wasn't confident that this would happen, he had so many questions which indicated his unbelief. All throughout the journey, Moses would continue to doubt God which then resulted in him being removed from leading the children into the Promise Land. Joshua and Caleb were rewarded because they were the only ones who had faith that they could enter the Promise Land and dispossess the enemies.  
So with Moses, we can see that he didn't believe nor did he have faith so he was punished. Moses was told what would took place but because he couldn't see it, he didn't believe but it's only when he saw the Promise Land, he soon regretted not believing or trusting God. 

When you truly know God, you will put your trust and faith in him, even though you haven't seen the end result, you know it's going to happen. 

So, lets start trusting God and putting our faith in him. What God had said he will do and what he will do he has said. Put your faith in him and you shall be greatly rewarded

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