Monday 27 October 2014

#MotivationalMonday - Power to Create

Genesis 1 v 3 "And God said, Let there be Light, and there was light"
This Sentence alone confirms to me, that God has so much power. He said something simple and it came to pass. Do you Know why? He has Power to Create. Before God, there was no light, the world was plunged into darkness so God created light by speaking life.

So, today, I want us to understand that we have the Power to Create. Think of the phones, gadgets, laptops etc that we use today even the homes we are living in right now. A man had a vision, he created it and it came to pass. He decided there was a need for it and he created it.
In essence, the man created his own destiny, he created his own legacy.

We as a Generation have the power to create the future tomorrow today. We have the power and authority to make things happen. When we don't speak life into a situation, it's dead, it's left dormant but the moment you say something like "Let there be Light" or even something like "I want to create a new device", those words are carried and are brought to life. They will then be manifested and be brought to life. Do you know how powerful it is to just say something and it comes to life.

Proverbs 23 v 7 states that "For a man thinketh, so is he". So, we now see that What we think about is what we will become. So If you think of yourself in a huge stadium performing live to 90,000 people, it will most likely happen because those thoughts will become feelings and sooner or later it will produce life

The rules to create are simply this - Saw, Speak, Manifest. Once you see what you want to create, speak life into it and then watch it manifest.
We are a lucky people because we basically have the future in front of us, The future of tomorrow can be created today. We have the power to create what we want to see happen in the next couple of years.

Try It and see what will happen. The Power to Create tomorrow's future today. Start speaking what you want to see in your life and watch it unravel before your own eyes.
You have the Power to Create your own destiny, your own tomorrow, your own legacy, your own business by speaking life. Speak Life and watch it come to life.

Power to Create

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