Friday, 31 October 2014

#RyanSays - I Am #FreetoWorship

So Many Words to Say
So Many things to talk about
I really wanted to express myself
I really wanted to express what was on my mind

The Words never came out
The Words were stuck inside
In the end I just bottled it up
Nobody ever knew how greatful I was

I was bound by shackles
There were chains all around me
I wasn't able to wriggle free
I wasn't able to open my eyes and see

But on One Night, I closed me eyes and I began to see
I began to realise what God did for me
I began to realise that he set me free
I began to realise what that meant to me

My Mouth opened up with praise
Tears rolling down my face
Hands Lifted High, Down on my Knees
Saying 'Thank you Jesus'

The Shackles were broken
The Chains were loosened
Sin was removed from me
I had been set free

I am Free to Worship, Free to Worship, Free to Worship, Worship


#RyanTalks - Where Are You

"Where are You" 
This Question at one stage used to get me quite bothered with people. In fact, I know most of us all had this problem. Someone asked where you are and you might say something like "What's it got to do with you" or "Don't worry where I am, you will see me when you see me" 

When someone asks you where you are there's usually a few reasons behind it
1. They Miss you
2. They miss your presence
3. They need you for something
4. They want to spend time with you
5. They care about you

So, instantly we can see there's always a reason why they will ask where you are. Back then, I honestly thought they wanted to control my life. I know that you feel me on this one, because we were all young once.

Recently, a relative asked where I am but before I could respond, I thought that because I wasn't in their presence they wanted to know where I am so they can have peace and also they miss my presence. This made me look at myself in a different light. They actually miss me, my presence is actually felt. If they didn't ask where I was, it would be like I had no impact.
I actually never used to tell people where I went before this but from them on, I get in the habit of telling people where I am.

In Genesis 2, we see that God created Eden, which was his dwelling place and he planted Adam there to rule over it. The Garden of Eden means 'The Dwelling Place, God's Secret Place'. So instantly we see that God desired to have a close relationship so he designed a place where Adam and him could build their relationship. We then see that Adam ate from the tree of evil which was forbidden so In doing that, Adam hid, he fell away from God's Presence. So, now, In Genesis 3, we can see that God said “Adam, where art thou”. It wasn't because he wanted to control Adam, Adam had a free reign over Eden. God asking where Adam was is because God didn't feel Adam's presence and he wanted to know why. So when God asks a question, we shouldn't now ask him why, it's for us to find out what he didn't already know.
This indicates to me that God missed the relationship he had with Adam, which is why he gave us his only begotten son, Jesus, who is the 2nd Adam or the Last Adam so we can see firsthand the relationship we can have if we stay in the Father's Presence.

So, in essence that whenever we leave God's presence, he will always come looking for us. He will ask us where we are, he longs to have a relationship with us, he wants that daily communication with us. When we don't talk to him or share with him what's happened, it's almost like he feels left out. But he will wait until you answer, he isn't going to leave us, he will wait for us to return.

When we now start to build a relationship with God, it gets easier, we can now start sharing our deepest fears with him and he can now comfort us.

So, whenever, you are asked “Where are You”, it's not a bad thing, you are generally missed. But what you need to watch out is when people don't ask for you, it means you're presence is not instantly felt. You haven't made an instant impact, you will make one but it will take time. A relationship needs to be built for that to happen.

Build a relationship with God because he is waiting for you. He is asking “Where Are You” so you also can have a relationship with him. He wants you to be in his presence and he wants to be in your presence. So, Stop Hiding and Present Yourself. Start building that relationship with God today.

Where Are You”

Thursday, 30 October 2014

'Obeying God's Voice' - Part 6: Be Connected

Be Connected
Connection is one the major things which makes everything tick. Information flows freely, people get what they need and are satisfied but what happens when you lose connection? You miss vital information, you have no clue what's going on around you. Not being connected can cause people to miss out on so much, there's times people want to impart some information to us but because we aren't connected, we miss out. Imagine if the Government (10 Downing Street) lost contact with the World, i'd imagine it would be catastrophic. Their allies won't be able to get information across to them. 

So, why could this be? I've often wondered what it's like to not have connection. Think of it as not having mobile data on your phone which means you can't check your emails, check social media or even connect via Whatsapp. There could be some vital information that you will miss out on because you are not connected.

Colossians 2:19 states “They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and joints, and it grows as God nourishes it”

So, we can see that people have lost connection, they just aren't receiving the right information. The Head is where everything takes place. The Head controls every part of the body but if that is not sending signals, nothing will move. The whole body will just stay still, dormant waiting for a signal to move.
Let's look at this another way. We need to connect our gadgets to a plug so we can give it life, if the charger isn't plugged in, it won't connect to your phone and so your gadget doesn't have life. You won't be able to use it to its full capacity.
So, what am I trying to say?
In order to receive information, we have to be connected at all times.

I then began to look at this from a heavenly perspective. There will be certain times God wants to tell us something, there will be times he needs us to give him our full attention but how can we do that if we are not connected. If we are not in tune with the Holy Spirit, how will we ever know what God wants us to do? Let's remember, if we really want to connect to the frequency of the heavenly realm, we must first connect to it, get in tune and pay attention.
Imagine losing connection in times of trials and tribulations, who do you contact? Because you aren't connected you can't get through. God can't get through to you and deliver what you need? I know that I would be at my wits end if I ever lost connection, even for a day. But there are some people who have no connection at all, they haven't plugged in.

So, how can we connect to God. First of all we need Access, we need a connection.
In John 14:6 Jesus states this “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man can come to the father but by me”
This lets me know that we have to call on Jesus so we gain Access, so we can connect to the Father. It also lets me that there is no other way to connect to the Father, no other source will connect me. It's like trying to use a bootleg version, it's not the original source. It won't work, no matter how many times you plug, you just can't connect.

We can also access the Father by praying. Talk to God and then listen for what he says.
Luke 18:1 states “Then he spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart”
This gives me the knowledge that if I talk to God on a daily basis, we will start to build a relationship. We will then start building something called 'Open Access'. It means you can plug in straight away and you know that you will be able to freely receive information.

What if now, we connect but we can't speak the heavenly language? Through the fire of the Holy Spirit, everyone was in one accord. We can also connect through the Holy Spirit because Acts 2:4 states “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues and the spirit gave them utterance”
Jude 1:20 states “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit”
This lets me know that by connecting to the frequency of the Holy Spirit, I can now connect to the Father.
But how do we activate it? We can activate it by Praise. Praising God is one of the quickest ways to access God's Presence. This activates the awareness of the Holy Spirit and it also increases angelic activity from above. As you begin to Praise, other people will join in because they want to connect to that same source.
Psalm 22:3 states “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel”
God loves our Praise, it moves Heaven when we give him Praise.
People like Paul and Silas knew how to activate God's Presence. Despite their troubles they praised God.
In Acts 16:23-26 it states that “And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely:
Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed”
Paul and Silas were thrown into prison, you would expect them to be moaning but no, they prayed and praise their God. At that moment, there was a release. There was a mighty earthquake which shook the foundations of the prison, every prisoner including Paul and Silas were released, they were free. It was because of their praise, this then provided God an opportunity to channel his power in their circumstances. Wow, Imagine that, Praise can set people free. Despite of your circumstances, Praise Him, Lift Him Up, Let everyone know about him and he will certainly deliver you.
Psalm 100:4 states”Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into courts with his praise, be thankful unto him and praise him”

Another way is to completely Focus on God and what he is doing around us. As we fix our eyes on him, the Holy Spirit will come alongside to help us. It's now a one on one communication between you and God. Let God lead you, let it come freely. Sometimes, you just have to be still in his Presence. Let him Come in, Give Him an Invitation to enter.
Have Fun Connecting to God, when we are in His Presence there is fullness of Joy.

When we connect to God, it's the most best experience ever, things we don't know will be revealed to us, as we enter the secret place, a place of intimacy, this is when we will truly get to know God for who he really is.

The Season we are in, God is releasing some things to us. Let's get connected so we can receive, Let's get connected so we can partake in his Glory. 

Be Connected, Don't Miss Out
Be Connected

Monday, 27 October 2014

#MotivationalMonday - Power to Create

Genesis 1 v 3 "And God said, Let there be Light, and there was light"
This Sentence alone confirms to me, that God has so much power. He said something simple and it came to pass. Do you Know why? He has Power to Create. Before God, there was no light, the world was plunged into darkness so God created light by speaking life.

So, today, I want us to understand that we have the Power to Create. Think of the phones, gadgets, laptops etc that we use today even the homes we are living in right now. A man had a vision, he created it and it came to pass. He decided there was a need for it and he created it.
In essence, the man created his own destiny, he created his own legacy.

We as a Generation have the power to create the future tomorrow today. We have the power and authority to make things happen. When we don't speak life into a situation, it's dead, it's left dormant but the moment you say something like "Let there be Light" or even something like "I want to create a new device", those words are carried and are brought to life. They will then be manifested and be brought to life. Do you know how powerful it is to just say something and it comes to life.

Proverbs 23 v 7 states that "For a man thinketh, so is he". So, we now see that What we think about is what we will become. So If you think of yourself in a huge stadium performing live to 90,000 people, it will most likely happen because those thoughts will become feelings and sooner or later it will produce life

The rules to create are simply this - Saw, Speak, Manifest. Once you see what you want to create, speak life into it and then watch it manifest.
We are a lucky people because we basically have the future in front of us, The future of tomorrow can be created today. We have the power to create what we want to see happen in the next couple of years.

Try It and see what will happen. The Power to Create tomorrow's future today. Start speaking what you want to see in your life and watch it unravel before your own eyes.
You have the Power to Create your own destiny, your own tomorrow, your own legacy, your own business by speaking life. Speak Life and watch it come to life.

Power to Create

#RyanTalks - My Fitness Journey

Hey Guys, so as you know I started my Fitness Journey last week. It's been a long week *hides face* but God is my strength.

This past weekend, we had our 7th Day of Release at Salem International Christian Centre, it was a such a powerful service, I really felt a sense of release yesterday. All God was ministering to me was that he loves me and that he is the light to my path. All the years of condemnation and looking down on myself was over.

A few months ago, I was diagnosed with Hypogonadism but I can confirm I am now free of that illness. Anyways, with my fitness journey. I went to the hospital today and my consultant says that he is really happy with my progress and I can report that I have lost 20kg in weight since my last appointment in May.

This only confirmed to me that If I declare things, it will happen. So, that's my weekly report. Back in the Gym full time this week is another burden that has been released. I can now concentrate of being free, being the real me and becoming fit and healthy
P.s. I am Fit and Healthy In Jesus name. Amen

I appreciate all of those who have supported, I won't bait names lol but you know who you are.

Friday, 24 October 2014

'Obeying God's Voice' Part 5 - To Follow or Not to Follow

You can either follow me and and be blessed or you can go your own way and still be confused with life, wondering how to move on and where to go.

It's not a hard choice to make, in reality we choose not to follow and instead follow our own path with the conviction it's the correct choice to make. When we go down our path we realise it wasn't the correct path, so we spend a long time trying to right the wrongs in our life.
Wouldn't it be better if we just follow rather than trying to prove something that we know aren't ready for.
God told Peter and his fellow disciples "Follow me and I will make you fishes of men". They had to make one of the biggest decisions - To Follow or Not to Follow

Peter was one of the greatest followers, wherever Jesus went, he was there. He didn't hesitate about things, he reacted and followed Jesus. There was however one slight problem, he was clinging onto his old life as a fishermen. If Peter was going to follow Jesus, this meant giving up his fishing business and heading in a total new direction.

For many of us, it's like when have a business or a career, it's going well but then you recieve a mega offer. Follow this new way and you will be successful, you will never have to worry about money again. That's when hesitation sets in, do I really want to give up everything I have built and follow this new path or should I get out an experience something I haven't experienced before.

For Peter, just before Jesus went to the cross, he denied him three times. Peter struggled with his conscience. Thoughts such as 'Do I really want to be a follower anymore' or something like 'Following has got me into trouble, not what I expected' went through his mind
Jesus went to cross, Peter had to be by himself and figure out what was going on. The other Disciples decided to follow Peter onto his boat and go fishing with him. Even if we as leaders don't know the next route, our followers still follow. Peter was groomed to be a leader, this was him now leading the disciples. No idea what was going on but he still carried on in the hope that he would find an answer.
They toiled all night and caught nothing but in the morning, Peter was about to have an experience which would change his life. Jesus, who is now revealing himself to his closest disciples, stood on the shore. He called out and asked if they had caught anything, they said no. John, who is a worshipper, knew it was Jesus so he said "It is the Lord"
Peter, without a thought, jumped out and swam to Jesus. He forgot the fish and ran to Jesus, but when he got to shore, Jesus had already organised the fish, there was so much fish. In that instant, Peter realised that following Jesus would the right thing to do.
From then on, we don't see Peter going back to his old life, he remained a loyal follower. He was transformed

One of the greatest tests as a follower or as a leader, is to obey when things go wrong. It's one thing to lead a team but can you lead or follow in adversity, when nobody knows what is going to happen next. Can we stay loyal when everybody is telling us to give up. Giving up wasn't an option, it still isn't, the very person you are following might just depend on your obedience. They rely on your strength and your help, it will benefit both of you. Another day might come when you are in a leadership position and you now need their help, they give it knowing that you stayed faithful during their time in the wilderness.

Supermarkets give Loyalty Cards to their loyal members, the members who go back to the shop despite of what the media or what people say. Their loyalty is rewarded as they are given prizes which is a result of them being loyal. They might be attracted with a new shop, a new supermarket but they stay loyal to the thing they have followed for years.
God rewards those who are loyal, he rewarded Peter with the fish he had spent all night searching for, he propelled to a leader.
Joshua followed God, he had great faith and obedience. He was rewarded by being given the task of leading the Children of Israel into the Promise Land. For Joshua to become a great leader, he needed to have faith, obedience and loyalty. He needed to follow God on everything and follow his every command.
Loyalty brings great favor amongst men, Our Loyalty will be rewarded with something greater.

So I guess, the only question there is to answer is - To Follow or Not to Follow?

Thursday, 23 October 2014

#RyanTalks - My Fitness Journey

Heyyy Guys, so today I went to see my dietitian. Before today, I felt kinda hardened because my mentality was small but today I went in with an open mind. These feelings were like I felt someone was trying to control me and tell what to eat..............

She basically asked questions about what I eat. I admit, my eating habits aren't the best but I'm learning. I will get better and I will live a healthy life in Jesus name but she said that this healthy eating malarkey is fun if you do it right.
Previously, people have told me you have to watch what you eat etc but today my view was changed.

I told her that due to my household being small, I don't feel the need to cook big meals and do a big shop. I only buy what I need for that week (It saves money), correct me if i'm wrong but lately I have been spending only £20-25 a week on food so that's an improvement.

We then talked my diet. At the moment, it's going calmly, it can be better but I have the faith and belief that it will be perfect. We created a fitness and healthy eating plan. My Fitness Plan consists of Gym, Walking. Any other activity suggestions would be great, so fire away.

Recently my friend told me that Declaring that I will have a fit and healthy body will help see instant results. I've been declaring it every day and i'm starting to see results
So for the next couple of weeks, i'll be updating you all on my fitness journey. Feel free to support and inspire me, God will bless you abundantly as you do.

So what was discussed today is the following
- More Exercise or improve the levels
- No more Pizza, fast food.
- More Vegetables, Fruit
- Eat Less, watch my portions

She also suggested I have an accountability / fitness partner to help me along so if you want to offer, feel free.

This is me 'Stepping out and doing what I want to do' It will open up many doors and opportunities.

Thank you in advance to providing your support. Love you all.

The next update will be next week.

My Fitness Journey has begun

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

#RyanTalks 'Obeying God's Voice Part 4 - Trust and Faith

"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
When you have faith in something, you instantly believe in it, even though you haven't seen it yet but you know it's going to happen. So, due to your faith you then begin to trust in the knowledge that it shall be delivered. 

Let's now break this down. When promised something, you begin to put your trust and belief that what you have wanted will be delivered i.e. a new phone. Once you are told it's on its way, you get excited and happy, you begin to plan out what you can do with it. Even though you haven't seen this new phone but you have faith it's going to be the best thing right now. 

One of the main problems society has today is the ability to put their faith and trust in someone or something. They want to see it before they trust and put their faith in them, they don't like to wait and see it being done. 

In the bible, we see so many great men of God who had everlasting faith and they were rewarded for it. Let's have a look at Abraham. Abraham's Faith was severely tested (Genesis 22 v 1 - 24), God told him that he had to go and offer his son as a sacrifice on the mountains, which God will show him. Abraham, got up and done as commanded, he didn't what was going to happen but he obeyed and followed command. He took his son and two of his servants up to where to God had told him to go. After days of traveling, on the third day, Abraham saw the place and told his men to wait there, he told his servants to wait with the donkey and he and his son, Isaac would go and worship on the mountains. Isaac asked his father where the lamb was for the burnt offering, Abraham replied and said that God would provide. 
So, they reached the place where God told him to go, once they arrived Abraham took his only son and prepared to sacrifice him. As he got ready. An Angel of the Lord told him to stop what he was doing. They now know that Abraham feared the Lord, so they provided him with a Lamb to offer a burnt offering. From that day, that place is known as Jehovah-Jireh: "in the mount of the lord it shall be seen"

The Angel of the Lord then called Abraham for a 2nd time and said to him that due to his obedience and his faith in God, he will now be blessed and he will be made a father of many nations. 

So, here was a man, who acted upon God's word. He trusted God even though he never knew what God had planned for him or where he wanted him to go. Hebrews 11 v 8 states that "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went"
Due to Abraham and his everlasting faith, he was rewarded for it. All through his life, he obeyed and did what the Lord had commanded. 

Let's now take a look at Moses and see what happens when he don't have faith. Moses was commanded that he would go to Pharoah and demand that the Children of Israel be let go. At that point, Moses wasn't confident that this would happen, he had so many questions which indicated his unbelief. All throughout the journey, Moses would continue to doubt God which then resulted in him being removed from leading the children into the Promise Land. Joshua and Caleb were rewarded because they were the only ones who had faith that they could enter the Promise Land and dispossess the enemies.  
So with Moses, we can see that he didn't believe nor did he have faith so he was punished. Moses was told what would took place but because he couldn't see it, he didn't believe but it's only when he saw the Promise Land, he soon regretted not believing or trusting God. 

When you truly know God, you will put your trust and faith in him, even though you haven't seen the end result, you know it's going to happen. 

So, lets start trusting God and putting our faith in him. What God had said he will do and what he will do he has said. Put your faith in him and you shall be greatly rewarded

Monday, 20 October 2014

#RyanSays - Why Are You Running

"You can Run, but you can't hide"

Why are You Running, where actually are you running to. If you're going to run, you'll have to be fast because you will soon eventually be caught and returned to where you came from.
When we run away from God, it doesn't matter how far away we run to or how fast we are, God will always find us.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam knew he did something wrong so he ran. He began to hide but eventually God saw what he did and started looking for him. "Adam, Where Art Thou"
Adam had to make a decision, carry on running with all that Guilt or come back to God. Adam eventually returned to God and made peace but there was consequences.

When life gets tough or when things get on top of you, when you know you have done wrong, you flee the scene, you try and cover your tracks, you become afraid. Nevertheless, it doesn't work and you have to return and try and fix your mess.

Let's look at this logically. Intelligence Units are very clever in stopping attacks or foiling plots, they know what is going to happen and who is going to do it. When you think you have been let off, we are mistaken. They put out a surveillance watch out on you and to track your every move. It could take them years to catch you, but they will. Even if you left the country, they will still catch you and bring you to justice.

So, If that's what the Intelligence Units can do, what makes us think we can run away from God? When we do wrong or we think that God doesn't want to talk to us or he is angry with us, we start to run. This is what Jonah did, he ran away from God's presence. (Jonah 1 and 2)

Jonah was given a task, he was told to go to Nineveh and cry against it, because that city was wicked. Jonah didn't fulfill it, he ran away to a place called Tarshish and found a place called Joppa. He jumped on a ship which was heading to Tarshish. On the way, The Lord sent out a mighty storm which eventually broke the ship into pieces. The Lord then sent a huge whale to come and swallow Jonah for three days and three nights. For Jonah, it was like being captured, no where to go, he couldn't anymore. So, he broke down and cried unto God to deliver him, upon hearing Jonah's request, the whale delivered Jonah unto the dry land.

That period in the belly of the whale, really humbled Jonah to the point that he recognised he couldn't run away anymore. No matter, what he did, where he ran to, God captured him. For God to capture, he sends things your way to completely humble you to the point of no return, the place that you realise you can't carry on without God. Jonah might have trekked for days, running away from God. He initially thought the responsibility was too much to bear so he took a chance and ran.

In our days, we don't have our ships broken etc but we do have prayer warriors, outreach teams looking out for us, praying for our safe return. Sometimes they will invade the territory in order to find you. So, stop running and go back to God.

Close your eyes and imagine someone running, where could they go? Who would they run to?
There's only so much running a person can do before they stop and decide to go Back. The place they ran to was a dead end but fortunately, God provides a way out, a way to get back to shore. A way to come back into his presence.

Stop Running to nowhere, turn around and run back to God. It's where you belong, It's where your meant to be.

#MondayMotivation - One Step Forward

'All it Takes is one Step and the rest will follow'

I Remember when I was growing up, I was told this 'Stop Thinking about It and Try It'. I had so many questions, questions like 'What if I don't like it' or 'What If it doesn't work'
Generally when people tell us to do something new or do something we haven't done before, we will have reservations but sometimes we just have to take One Step Forward.

For us to get somewhere in Life, we have to take steps to get where we need to be. How will we ever get anywhere, if we don't take One Step Forward in the right direction.
You might want to start a business, start a blog, start a ministry, open a venue/building, the world is your oyster, the sky is the limit but all it requires you to take One Step Forward

Look at it through the world of a little child. They've just learnt to stand by themselves but they need to walk. It make them someone holding their hand to do it, but they take One Step Forward and the rest will follow. Nothing comes to us unless we go to it, we must activate our plans and set goals and then take that crucial step.

So, what could that crucial step be? What do you have planned which requires you to take One Step Forward. It might be deciding on a name for your business, writing your first piece for your blog, recording your very first vlog or deciding to have that first meeting with an estate agent about a venue or you might have decided to put on a huge event but first you need to put a plan together.

In our world, we believe in encouraging people to pursue what they love. For you to do that, you must get rid of the negative voices and thoughts that you have in your mind. Replace them with positive thoughts, voice and people. People that will keep you in line and ask you questions relating to your dream. It worked for us and we would love it to work for you?

Don't be afraid to Step Out and take One Step Forward. That One Step Forward will be all you need to get things going. The Rest Will Follow, The Contracts will be signed, The Views will start building up. You can't, however, achieve what you want by standing still, you will never get anywhere. Up to this date, we haven't witnessed anyone every achieve anything by standing still, they had to take that first step forward.

Set the standard for your generation and take that One Step Forward. Don't Stand Still. I challenge you from you today till the end of 2014, take One Step Forward and the rest will follow.

If you need help finding out what it is or how to do it, leave a message or contact us. We will be glad to help.

'All it Takes is one Step and the rest will follow'

Thursday, 16 October 2014

#RyanSays - Jesus at the Centre of It All

Put Jesus the Centre of it All and everything will work out perfectly. It may take time, but it will happen. You will see the full manifestation.

Let's look at in the reality of our world today. When deciding how to word it, Jesus showed me a map. He then said he represents access to the Father. He directs our path and our every move.

So, what do we use maps for? We use maps for directions, finding things and location certain places. When we use a map and follow it correctly, we will arrive where need to be. It might take a while, but we will get there. When we don't use a map, we will eventually get lost
Some people declare that they don't need a map and that they know how to get there because they've been to a certain place before. Knowing this, they follow the directions of this person but it turns out the route they once took is not available anymore.
You are now lost in the middle of nowhere, but the person who has the map comes to your rescue. They give it to you and then you finally get to the place way after you were supposed to arrive.

So this teaches us that not many people know the right directions, if we believe their word, we will eventually get lost.

Let's now put it in a heavenly perspective. When we don't follow Jesus, we get lost. When we don't put Jesus at the centre of our universe, our world becomes confused, we don't know what to do, we become tangled up in so many things. We then try to figure out what exactly took place which results in us not going anywhere fast.

So, Let's put Jesus at the Centre of our universe. We will then find our way to where we need to be. Our lives will become clearer and then we will be more confident about ourselves. Our world doesn't move without Jesus at the Centre.

Now, Let's take a look at it from another perspective.

I have devised the #trafficlightsystem to help us

Red - Stop
Amber - Get Ready
Green - Go

In our lives, sometimes we have to wait or stop before moving on to a new place or a new job. Once we are close, we need to get ready, get our engines revved up so when we get the Green Light, we are able to go.

If we cross Red, we are most likely going to crash or enter another traffic jam which might delay our journey to where we need to be. We might even have to pay a penalty for crossing Red.
Once it gets to Amber, we need to get ready, be at the right gear, put our foot on the accelerator and be alert. Once you get the Green Light, you are free to go, free to pursue what you need.

Now Jesus, is like a Traffic Light System. There will be times where he will need us to stop and don't go any further. It's because ahead of us there will be things ahead of us which will cause us to crash. Once that is clear, he will tell us to get ready, get into gear and be be alert for when he gives us the Green light.

If we don't pay attention to his voice or be alert to what he wants from us, we then get left behind because we wasn't ready.

So, Let's Put Jesus at the Centre of it All. Nobody else but Jesus

#RyanSays - Do What You Love, Love what You Do

'Do What you Love, Love What you Do'

For many years, since I started my working life, the first thing I was taught was to do actually that. Do something I loved.

Lately, we now see people not doing what they love. Everyday is like a struggle, they can't motivate themselves to head into work with a long day ahead of them. Everyday, they do something that they know is making them unhappy but because they are trapped in a cycle they can't bring themselves to leave. It's one of the biggest things that has crippled our society for years. It's what we called 'Purpose without Passion' Doing something without Passion, loving something without Passion. So it could be that your tasks become repetitive, it seems like you are forced to do it and seeing it as a burden rather than doing it with excitement.
Another reason why is that people are scared to leave a job what they've done for years in the fear that people will think they are silly. They've got a stable job, great money + benefits but in reality it's not what they love doing. They instead have to satisfy the universe and be involved in something which they don't have the heart for.

Looking at this from a heavenly perspective, It is because of their disobedience and lack of belief that they have ended up like this. There is no courage to pursue what they really want because they are scared of what people might say. It could be something like 'Oh, you don't want to do that, it won't benefit you' or 'Why do you want to leave, how you going to afford things'

So before I carry on, ask yourself this - Why Do I Do What I am doing now? What are your motivations behind it?

For some people, the desire to make a change for themselves and for some other people could be behind their decisions. Maybe it could be there is a particular need for people like them. But other people they make their decisions based on everyday life i.e. How Will I pay the Bills or How will I afford to go out etc, it might even be the fear that they won't be the able to find another job.

Leaving a Job can be tough, the prospects of the month ahead might look bleak but If you trust In God and believe what he says to you, you really can do What you Love and still meet the never-ending demands of society.
When we ask God to deliver our perfect Job, he will show us how to get there, what route to take, what doors to open and where to go but instead of waiting and listening to him, we go with the first option. It might of looked attractive but it's not really meant for you, the prospects might look excellent but in reality, it just doesn't suit you. God might even tell you to do certain side Jobs, just to gain experience and then when it's time, you move on. Unfortunately, people don't listen and stay somewhere when they're not supposed to.
Imagine staying in a house for a few months and then all of a sudden, your dream house appears. It's time to move but because you are trapped, you can't move. When you do get out, it's gone. Back to square one and Back in that Cycle.

If you don't love where you are, Get out of it and move on. People might miss you but you need to do what is right for you. They might not instantly understand but they will in time to come. Staying somewhere which isn't for you will cause to become unproductive, lazy and you then lose focus and then you struggle to see what's next. This Is why when at work sometimes, when the boss sees you not concentrating or targets aren't being met, they send you home and won't let you return sometime.
To avoid this, stop exactly what is is, Get Up and Get Out, Stop trying to attract something what you don't love

When you leave or you miss Jobs, it could be because we lost communication with God but the ultimate reason is that he something greater in store for us.

When looking for A Job, I try and apply for Jobs which I could imagine doing for a lifetime, I then ask God for guidance, direction, wisdom and knowledge so when the opportunity arises I will get up and take it.
If you apply these principles, I believe you will be able to be free and pursue what you have always wanted to do. It might take some time, you might have to take a few routes, exit a few places but you will eventually get to where you need to be.

When God is not consulted or he is not at the Centre, you can become distracted, you lose direction and then you get trapped. 

Let's Consult God on every decision, Let God be the centre of it all and you will truly do what you love. Put him at the heart of every move and see if it matches up with his plan for your life.

I am now doing what I Love which is watching football, writing about football and also providing inspiration and motivation in the form of #RyansWorld
I put God at the centre and let him direct my every move and now I am seeing him go great wonders in my life, people who I need to help me get to the next level are now being attracted to me. There are certain people in my life who I love dearly, They have helped me see things from a different perspective. It's only because I gave it to God and let him direct it.

Let this Inspire you and help you in your next career move. Focus On God, let him lead and you will enter your the thing that you love. You will start to attract people that you love, things that you love and into places where they will love you and will love them.

'Do What you Love, Love What you Do'

#RyanTalks - 'Obeying God's Voice' Part 3 - Accountability

At the very beginning of time when God created Adam, we saw that Adam was told not to eat the apple from the forbidden tree. Now,his wife Eve, ate from the Apple tree. She believed the Serpent over God. Eve then gave the Apple to Adam, he knew clearly that God told him to not the Apple. He went ahead which then caused God to punish both Adam and Eve, just because they disobeyed God and for their lack of belief. So we see that this disobedience and lack of belief mentality started with Adam and Eve and then carried on. 

Carrying on with the theme of 'Obeying God's Voice', we saw that The Children of Israel perished in the wilderness due to their lack of belief and disobedience. You could say that they were held accountable for their actions.
Now, we never saw anything mentioned about Moses reaching the Promise Land. Why could this be? Well, due to Moses disobeying and also doubting himself and God, he too was held accountable for his actions.

Understandably, Moses would have questions. Before you start something, get that out the way before you accept. There's no point accepting and after you start asking questions i.e. What If I say the wrong thing or What If they don't believe me etc.
At the beginning of the task, God spoke to Moses at the Burning Bush. The Instructions were clear but Moses doubted himself which itself was very dangerous. For every excuse, God provided him with an answer. During this Journey we see that because Moses doubted himself, the Children of Israel doubted his every word. How can you lead a community when you doubt yourself, it didn't give them the confidence. 
When we don't feel confident about ourselves, other people will not be confident in us which could cause us to lose our position. 

So, Lets look at what the term Accountable and Accountability means.
Accountable - required or expected to justify actions or decisions, responsible
 - able to be explained or understood

Accountability - the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable

Lets look at why Moses never reached the Promise Land. In Deuteronomy 32, we see that God talked to Moses. Think of it like being hauled into the director's office and now having to explain your actions. This is what God told Moses.

Deuteronomy 32 v 51 - 52
"Because ye trespassed against me among the children of Israel at the waters of Meribah-Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin; because ye sanctified me not in the midst of the children of Israel.
Yet thou shalt see the land before thee but thou shalt not go thither unto the land which I give the children of Israel"

So, Moses actually saw the Promise Land, he could see it from the distance. God allowed him to see it from where he was but he was not allowed to enter. Imagine having your dream or vision in front of you snatched away at the last minute. I'd imagine you'd be upset, angry with yourself, wondering what you did to deserve it.
Moses didn't obey what had God told him and in turn he was held accountable for his actions. Now, lets take an actual look at what went down which caused Moses to miss the Promise Land

Numbers 20 v 7 - 12
Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Take the rod; you and your brother Aaron gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their animals.” So Moses took the rod from before the Lord as He commanded him.
10 And Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock; and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?” 11 Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank.
12 Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.”

Just before that, the Children of Israel had complained to Moses and Aaron that was no water, so they in turn went to the Lord and asked for a solution. The Lord clearly told Moses directly to speak to the rock and water will come out but Moses had other plans. Instead, he struck the rock twice, it still brought out water but not the way the Lord told him to do it. So, with that, The Lord confronted them and basically said that because they didn't believe him, they were not to enter the Promise Land. 
There were yet more reasons which given which caused Moses to miss the Promise Land. 
1 - Moses disobeyed a direct command from God
2 - Moses took all the credit for bringing out the water, rather than credit it to God
3 - Moses did this act in front of the Israelites, such public disobedience could not be allowed 

So, before being told he would not be allowed to lead the Israelites into the Promise Land, I wonder if Moses attempted to explain his actions. So, we can clearly see that because Moses did not believe in God, he was punished and was held accountable. 

Let's look at this in a more simpler term:
You are a Project Manager, the Project is to successfully transition your team from one area of the country to another area. A lot needs to be done, you are given a partner to help you. You have now left the area and are now hitched up halfway. You then doubt then you will be able to carry out the job, so to make life easier, you do things your own way. 
It brings a result but now you have embarrassed the directors, you are displaying you have no faith in their ways even though it has worked for many years. As a result, you are called in. They say that you can see the finished work but you can not lead the project and as result you must leave. Your reputation is now ruined and if you apply for other jobs, the chances look bleak because you lack belief and obedience.
Personally, I would be upset but I can't blame anyone but myself. As a result, I am now being held accountable for my actions.

Let's learn from Moses, when given a task or a project, we should clearly follow the set guidelines and work with it. Even if you have your own ideas, save that for your own project. For now, prove that you are the man for the job and you will find favor on other projects.
If you can get an Accountable Partner, make sure they won't let you slip or fall away. They should be able to keep you on the correct path.

God gave Moses a direct command, he disobeyed and now he had to face the penalty - not leading the Children of Israel and not entering the Promised Land.

We are Accountable for our own Actions, no one else but us. Let's make right decisions, head down the right path, start listening and more importantly let's finish the job. 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

#RyanTalks - 'Obeying God's Voice' Part 2

'I will believe it when I see it'
This has become one of the many phrases that has been used by today's society. Lets admit, we have all said this or thought about it once in a while.
Society these days don't generally like to wait and see the finished article. They want everything now, without it being ready or without it being tangible, they refused to believe what people say. No matter what anyone says or what they see, without it being tangible there is no way they will believe.

We also live in an age where we love to complain about everything. When things don't go our own way, we tend to look at our problems and become disheartened rather than trust in God and obey his word and follow him.

In the books of Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua, we see the journey that the Children of Israel took on the way towards the Promise Land. They were bound in slavery by the Egyptians, the pain and anguish was too much that they cried to God begging for their release. God heard their cry and sent Moses and Aaron to rescue them. Now, you would think they would of been grateful. They expected to be released straight away but when it didn't happen, they complained to Moses and Aaron. They didn't believe that what God had told Moses and Aaron would come to pass. Eventually, they did escape but Pharaoh and his army were determined to take them back but God rescued them, he parted the Red Sea and they reached the other side, Pharaoh and his army were destroyed. The Children of Israel danced and partied but still they didn't believe God's word that they could dispossess the enemies in the Promise Land and take control.

We then see that they were now in the Wilderness, it took them forty years to reach the Promised Land. Before that, in the wilderness, they complained and complained. They even gathered together and put together a plan to return to Egypt. Moses sent forth Joshua and Caleb a few other guys to go and spy on a land and to see everything about it and what they will need to destroy the enemy. On return, Joshua and Caleb said that it was very possible for them to take control of the Promise Land but the 10 other guys claimed that it was impossible, they were giants bigger than them and that they would be crushed. On hearing that, the Children of Israel complained and their faith and belief diminished even further. The people who delivered that bad report then perished in the Wilderness, the children of Israel who failed to believe in God's word also perished but Joshua and Caleb, the faithful servants who believed in God's word, were allowed to enter the Promise Land and inherit it along with their future generations.

Due to the unbelief and their lack of faith, The Children of Israel perished in the wilderness. After all the signs and wonders, the miracles they had seen before their own eyes, all the words that had been spoken they still didn't believe. As a result, they never got to reach the Promise Land which the God had promised their forefathers. A Whole Generation never got to see the Land due to their lack of unbelief.

So, what we have seen here is a nation that were promised a great promise. They had heard but they hadn't seen, they couldn't comprehend that they were finally going to escape Pharaoh and enter the Promise Land. So, we can see that if we disobey God's word, we ourselves might not enter the Promise Land. Our dreams, hopes could die as a result of our unbelief. When we hear the saying 'This will separate the men from the boys', it is basically that. Your period in the wilderness will either make or break you, it will determine whether you will make it to other side and you just stay in the wilderness and live a lonely life.

For such a long time, we hear plans and God tells what he has planned for us but so many people have abandoned their calling in favor of a quick solution. What once looked attractive has now turned into a hostile situation.
We, as a Generation, are suffering for what our forefathers did. We may not have contributed directly but as a result of their actions, we are now suffering.  It could generally cost us our own life.
It's something that we as a Generation have to deal with, the next Generation is in our hands. Our disobedience could cost them, their access to their land could be denied if we don't act now. Maybe God has already told you about the future, even though you haven't seen it, do you believe it?

Disobeying God's Word can cause a lot of tangled webs that you cannot escape without fervent prayer or even repenting and turning your back on the ways set by your forefathers.I believe that we have grown up in a society where we struggle to believe things which people tells us due to our lack of unbelief. This is the reason why we see broken families, children living a life of unseen potential, marriage breakdowns, generational illnesses / curses. It's real

Remember this - 'One man's actions can affect a whole nation'

Right now, we can either believe and enter the Promise Land or disobey and enter perish in the Wilderness.

Let us start obeying and securing Future Generations. It's Now or Never

Monday, 13 October 2014

#RyanTalks - 'Obeying God's Voice'

A Few weeks back, I delivered my briefcase theory. Now, I want to delve a little deeper.
I want to look into why it is important to obey God's Voice and what the implications are if you don't

Whenever someone tells you something, is because there is a need for it or it's because they are warning you about a potential disaster. It might even be something simple such as to avoid a particular area. It could also mean, they've seen the first hand devastation it has caused and that they don't want you to make the same mistake.
They are almost like Instructions and Guidelines, it's to guide us and and tell us how to do it. These Instructions and Guidelines are not just because of someone's idea to rule over someone, it's not because they are bossy, it normally happens because they've actually gone through it and are now telling you how to do it.

In, everything, I consult God's word for a reference to whatever I want to talk about. There's many instances I could talk about such as Moses and the Burning Bush, Samuel and his call from God
But for now, let's look at Cain and Abel (Genesis 4) . Cain and Abel were both asked to offer up an offering unto the Lord. Now, Abel did the right thing and brought the correct offering, but Cain didn't take heed and brought an offering which he thought was acceptable. God saw this and didn't respect the offering which made Cain angry. Abel now had favour but Cain was jealous, so Cain went and killed Abel. God felt and saw what he did and confronted Cain, what took next changed his life. Verse 16 said 'And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord' . All because he never listened and followed the right instructions.

Now,  lets look at this from a different perspective. When God tells us something and we do it, it's because we love him. If we don't do it, could this also mean there is no respect or love Now we have heard the saying 'If you Love, you will do anything for me' So, could we now apply the same logic to the Cain and Abel situation. If Cain loved God, he probably would of followed the right path.

We live In a Society, where people don't like following instructions. They prefer to do things their way, they pay no attention to what he has been said, they would prefer to be left alone and get on with it.
They know that if they look at instructions, it might take them longer than expected but in reality, instructions are there for a reason. Guidelines are like a 'blueprint manual', what has been set out has been designed by someone who has walked that path and are now guiding you along the way.
Now, the reason why marriages fail, people lose favor, businesses break down, they get lost or something falls apart is because of the inability to follow simple instructions and guidelines. There's no respect shown to the person telling them or showing them the way forward.

In Society, we also have people who love to challenge instructions and guidelines. They want to build things their way, fix screws into different holes, force things into an impossible space. When they challenge these instructions, the things they have built, begins to fall apart but imagine if they have  listened to the instructions in the first place? The thing they have built will still be here to this very day

As you read this, think of the many structures, buildings, businesses, or even people who fallen from their position. Managers who have lost their job. Why do think this could be? Could it be because they never followed instructions?

It's of sheer importance that we follow God's voice and obey his voice. If we don't, people's lives can be affected in a huge way. A Family who have lost a son because he never followed the family principle, a marriage breaking down within months because they refused to listen, a tower being destroyed because people built it incorrectly. This can all be avoided if we take time to listen rather than go against a proven way of life.

Lets do things the right way, stop trying to figure it out for yourself, follow the instructions and you will have a long lasting life.

Friday, 10 October 2014

#RyanSays - Are You Available

28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come

Put yourself in that Position. You've seen the person you need to access your miracle, that person is Jesus. You ask him whether it is really him. Jesus, replies with that one word 'Come'. What do you do, Will you forget all your troubles and your struggles and go and follow or will you stay behind until your life is perfect before you follow. 
Are you Available? 

I want to use the three times when Peter encountered Jesus as my basis for what I want to share. I believe that it will share some light at what God wants us to realise when he says 'Are you Available'

The first time Peter encountered Jesus was when Jesus used his boat to do a little preaching and share the glory. Jesus came to Peter in the midst of his trade of being a fishermen. God will always find a way to present himself in what you are doing. At the end, Jesus said to Peter, down your nets, follow me and I will make you fishes of men. I'll give you everything you need. It's attractive, God can see the potential and is willing to work with you at the place you are now. Maybe where you are now, it could be teaching, singing, retail, football or even writing, is that platform ready for when Jesus wants to use it. Will you be willing to allow God to enter your place of work or business and express his love? 

The 2nd time Peter encountered Jesus was when Peter and his fellow disciples were in the middle of a storm. Jesus appeared on the shore, Peter called out to him. Jesus responded and what happened next literally blew the mind of Peter. 
You have been searching high and low, you are in the middle of a storm, unshakable, unsteady, the conditions aren't safe, you are hoping for a saviour. In the middle of your storm, Jesus rocks up and says 'Come'. Will you Step out of the storm and allow Jesus inside to calm down your storm?
Maybe your going through a career change or you are experiencing stagnation in your business, you might even be going through some troubles no one knows about. Will you be available and allow Jesus to calm down the situation?

The 3rd time Peter encountered Jesus was just after Jesus rose from the Grave. Peter is a lil confused, so he goes back to know what he does best - Fishing. His Fellow Disciples decided to follow and go fishing as well. They were fishing all night but yet they had caught nothing. In the Morning, Jesus saw how tired they were, how unproductive the night was so he decided to ask them a question. He asked whether they had caught anything or not. So Peter says no but then Jesus tells him to look in the other direction and then told him to bring what he had to the shore. At that moment, what Peter had been craving was on the shore, it was with Jesus all the time. 
You've been praying for weeks, months, years for a miracle. You've gone on numerous fasts, gone to many conferences searching for a miracle. Jesus then shows up and says to go with him, he wants to show you something. Do you follow or carry on searching? Are you available?

In the three scenes, the three encounters, Jesus came to Peter and showed him some signs which indicated that Peter should trust in him and follow him. Maybe Jesus wants to see whether Peter is available. Yes, whether Peter is available. Remember, Peter was a fishermen, it's all he knew. If anybody could catch fish, ask Peter but lately Jesus had been dealing with him. Would Peter down his trade, shut up shop and follow Jesus. 
We all have business plans and dreams that we want to pursue but sometimes it don't go the way you planned. You try to figure out just what it is that you need to move to the next level. Is it Finance, a business partner or rip up your plans and pack it all in. Jesus may just want to use your business as a way of releasing his glory, he may want you to start a blog and start imparting glory to his people and win back the lost souls, maybe he wants you to start a music company and start a praise and worship team and just praise him everyday, maybe he wants you to go into teaching and start teaching people about his glory or maybe he wants to go into partnership with you and create something new. Whatever it is, will you make yourself available so he can use you for his glory and for his kingdom

So, Now, Let's look at this in the reality form. 

A Man Has a Business which had been doing ok, its floating above board but disaster strikes, the storm hits. You literally have 24 hours to find a solution or you have to shut up shop and give it up. You get on your hands on your hands and knees and pray like never before and all of a sudden, in the midst of your storm, Jesus shows up. He says, allow him to take control, let him direct the ship and he will save your business. 
What exactly do you do at that point. I'd imagine you would say something like 'Why not' or maybe something like 'Is this to good to be true'. At that moment you're desperate for anything, Jesus has said that he has everything you need and more. If only you reposition your business and make it about him, it will then produce fruits. 
So, Morning comes, you take Jesus up on his offer and to your amazement he has taken care of your worries. The threat of closure has been removed and the administrators have handed control back to you. 
Your Business then starts to attract worldwide clients etc but really Jesus is at the centre of it all, orchestrating things from the back, from behind the scene. Basically like the director
After all that, would you acknowledge him and follow him? Would you make yourself available to him?

The very person you need to access your miracle is standing in front of you. He tells you to come. Are You Available? Will you be willing to give up everything or maybe reposition your dream so you can be available to God. 
What would you say? Would you check your diary or check your phone calendar or even tell him to come back another day because you have to watch Eastenders or Hollyoaks or would you leave everything behind and follow him and find out what he has in store for you

Now, lets see this again

28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come

Will you stay or Will you Go?

Are you Available? 

#RyansWorld - The Return Journey

'The Return Journey is always harder than the Journey you initially make'

' Heaven Rejoices as a Son returns home to his father'

Wow, what a powerful sentence. Returning Home to see all your friends, family and neighbours all welcoming you back home. Wouldn't you like that? All your brothers and sisters in Christ welcoming you back home with warm embraces.The thing that is more heartfelt is that they were anticipating your arrival. You didn't need to communicate your return but they knew you could come back one day. A Father waiting to greet his son and to welcome his back into his fold.
You can have that if you turn around and make 'The Return Journey'

Lets look at the Story of the Prodigal Son in reality terms. Imagine your Son or Daughter, leaving home or 'fleeing the nest' as they call it. You are going to be thinking about them, wishing they would just come back home, the place where everything they need is provided. Each Day they are out there by themselves, you worry about what they are getting themselves into but one day as you are out on your doorstep, you spot them with all their bags. Without a thought, you go and embrace them and throw a homecoming party for them. I'd imagine you would have a lot of questions for them such as "Where have you been" or "What did you get upto" or even "Why are you home, what's wrong"
Save the questions for another day, your child has returned home. Even though you are keen to find out, it's an historic day, a very important day because your child has come back home.

I believe that this is the same scenario that happened in the Story of the Prodigal Son. The Son had left his father's house, eager to experience life so he took all his belongings and decided to take a Journey. On that Journey he encountered some things which would knock him for six, it would really mess him up. Maybe that was the moment he decided to go back home. Lets take a look at verses 17 - 20 of Luke 15
17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!
18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,
19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.
20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.

So from that, we see that he finally came to himself, he came to his senses. He realized that he had to go back home and more importantly repent unto his Father. So he rose up, gathered up his belongings and started 'The Return Journey'
I believe the journey was a hard one, maybe the Son was thinking what he could say to his father or how his father would react. Maybe he stopped for a rest because he needed to reserve his energy for when he meets his Father. Nevertheless, he carried on and entered the home stretch, the road he lived on, the area he grew up in. All the familiar surroundings that he became familiar with. As he approached, his father saw him in the distance and ran up to him and and kissed him. Wow, what a greeting. No questions asked, just a warm embrace. So, the son, who had time to think of what he would say, had told his Father he is no longer worthy to be called a Son.

Imagine the sheer pain the Father went through, waiting for his Son, the sleepless nights only to think that the Son thinks he is not worthy. The Father forgave him and threw a party for him.
Now, the Son had an older brother. The Brother was more of like the homeboy, he never left his father's sight. On hearing of his brother's return, he came angry but the Father met him outside and said to him

31 - Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

I can just imagine the scenes up in Heaven at the time, everyone would have been rejoicing the Son has returned home to his Father. Lost but he was found, Alone but now he is loved. 

Now, all of us have at one time or another left home for one reason or another. You might be out in the wilderness right now or you might even be approaching the home straight. Make the Return Journey for our Father is waiting for you, he is anticipating your arrival, he wants to welcome you back into his fold. He will never give up until all his Sons have returned home. Heaven is not complete without you, you are an integral part of his flock. 

Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him.
And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.
And he spake this parable unto them, saying,
What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.
I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

So, Lets Remember this -
' Heaven Rejoices as a Son returns home to his father'
'The Return Journey is always harder than the Journey you initially make". It may seem that way at first but don't give up. What the Father has in store for you will be better than what you experience in the Wilderness

Making that Return Journey can become one full of guilt and shame due to what you have done but the Father loves each and everyone of us that he is ready to forgive you and wash away your sins and iniquities.

Returning Home to see all your friends, family and neighbors all welcoming you back home. Wouldn't you like that? All your brothers and sisters in Christ welcoming you back home with warm embraces.The thing that is more heartfelt is that they were anticipating your arrival. You didn't need to communicate your return via phone, social media etc but they knew you could come back one day. A Father waiting to greet his son and to welcome his back into his fold.
You can have that if you turn around and make 'The Return Journey'
The Journey back home to your father

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

#RyanTalks - Undelivered Promises

A Child left Waiting
A Mother left Worrying
A Family left Broken all because of Undelivered Promises
Undelivered Promises are the reason why many relationship breakdown happens,the reason why many people lose their hope in other people,the reason why people can't bring themselves to love again.

Over the years, we have been made promises that for some reason or another, has not taken place. We are at our wits end, we are waiting around for what he have been promised but yet we fail to recieve it. This makes us feel upset, it makes us feel empty. When we are promised something, we expect it to take place and we expect to see the end result.
I'm gonna share with you a story which can help us understand it a bit better

The Sender, Messenger and Recipient
The Sender has told the Recipient that they will recieve something in the post. In fact, they promised it would be there asap. The Recipient is all excited, telling everyone he knows that he is going to get something special in the post.
The Sender then gives the messenger a task, to deliver the goods to the recipient. When the Messenger turns up to collect it, the Sender fails to appear. Confused, The Messenger then heads to the recipient and tells him the news. Now, understand the pressure the Messenger is under. Having to break the news that he hasn't got the parcel.
Upon Arrival, the Recipient is on the doorstep, his face beaming with joy and delight. Within a matter of seconds, his face has crumbled, he is on his knees in tears. The Recipient then questions the Messenger why he has not got it. The Messenger is left defenseless, with nothing to say.
As the Messenger departs, he ponders on this and tries to think why this has taken place. The Sender knew he couldn't deliver so why promise it in the first place. Why say to the recipient that he will recieve something huge when he knows full well that is not going to happen.

So, as a result of that, The Recipient is now in a place where he can't trust other people again.

In the story, we see a promise has been made. That Promise now needs to be made manifest and be delivered. Only thing is, it doesn't and lives are changed. The Sender is hiding, knowing that people have heard the news, he knows no one will trust his word ever again.

People who make empty promises, are often not aware of the huge consequences it can have on someone's life. It may not happen immediately but when they get older we will see it start to take place.
You start to see them become distant, they have no trust in people, they have no sense of commitment or loyalty. We may think they could get over the disappointment but in reality, they have it lodged in the back of their mind.

When someone tries to get close to them or tries to tell them something, they don't give them the time of day. The Memories of what happened will still have an impact later on in life.
Ever heard someone say "I can't trust you, I refuse to believe anything you say" or they could say "No point promising anything, I know it's not going to happen". From Childhood to Adulthood, they are left with the mental scares of their previous experiences. However we dress the issue, it could take them a long time to ever trust someone again or even get close to someone.
This is due to Undelivered Promises

So, let's put ourselves in the position of both the Sender and the Recipient. Do we say things we can't deliver? Have you been promised something but it hasn't taken place? How did you feel? How did you get over it?

A Child left Waiting
A Mother left Worrying
A Marriage left ruined
A Business left failing
A Family left Broken all because of Undelivered Promises

Undelivered Promises can ruin a man's future. Don't let it ruin yours. If you know you can't deliver, don't make the promise. 

Monday, 6 October 2014

#MotivationalMondays - It's not too late to start again

It's not too late to start again. You still have time to repair and renew your future. You still have time to create a better path for yourself
I've heard people say things like - 'It's too late, I'll leave it and do it another day' , 'It's not going to work' , 'Time isn't on my side to start again' , 'What If I get there too late'
All of these are technically valid sayings but when you have God on your side, nothing, absolutely nothing will be too impossible.

A lot of people will look at time and think that they don't have long left so they need to do something now rather than later. There is that fear they will miss out or that they will not be able to do what they wanted to do.

Well, I have some news for you. It's not too late for you to start again, It's not too late to revive that failing company, It's not too late to repair that broken relationship, It's not too late to create a new job.
There may be times that you feel you have missed out on an opportunity or that time is against you to achieve something but when you have God with you, time will be no bother. God created time, so if anybody is able to stop time or give extra time, it is God

Many stories have been told where we see that people don't fulfill their destiny because of the fact they were late. When I mean 'late', I don't mean not arriving at a particular time, I mean it when we don't take heed of God's voice or we respond some time after he has spoken. You might be doubting whether you can really make it or whether you have the courage and the faith to really trust in God's word

Don't let this alarm you because these people still reached their destiny but through another route. You still can reach your promised land if you get rid of your fear of failure and follow God's way because after all God knew us before we were born. The plans he has for us are already pre-destined, so could it be that your project could be delayed because God wants to plant it at a specific time

It really isn't too late to start again. You can achieve all things with God by your side. Study a new course, speak to that long lost relative, confront those demons, take up that job offer. Soar High like an Eagle, The Sky is your Limit. There could be that project you have always wanted to start, You started it but you left to do other things and pursue other suitable careers but now is the time to revive the project. It's not too late, dig out those plans and put them into action. Stop Pondering and Start Doing.
It is better to be active than be stagnant worrying about what will happen next

Above all, It's not too late to start again. You can do all things with God by your side

#ryantalks - The Briefcase Theory

'If only I had said this sooner', 'I knew I should have said something'
You didn't say anything. You failed to pass on the message to the person who really needed it

In life, we get messages given to us and sometimes we need to pass it on to those that really need it. Whether or not we pass it on, is a whole different matter. When certain messages don't get passed on, it could be for a number of reasons.
Here could be a few reasons
- The Message is not understood
- The Message is not clear
- The Message fails to get delivered

When the message doesn't reach the intended people or area, we the messengers are to blame. It's as simple as that. We have to explain why or how it didn't get there. It's serious, when the person who the message is meant for, doesn't get it, they could drift away and there would be no way back for them. 

So, I have devised 'The Briefcase Theory' to help us understand a few things.
Picture a Briefcase, it normally has a combination code which we need to enter so we can open it up. That's pretty much it, now, lets look at the bigger picture.
People get messages through a variety forms i.e. Codes, Symbols, Signs etc. Now we may not be able to understand because it is not mean for us but It might just be for someone else.
The person who understands the codes etc might need it to piece together a message which will enable them to find out their destiny or calling or it might just be a simple message which they need to transform their life. Once they recieve that message or code, they're life could be totally transformed.

Have you recently been given a message which was mean for someone else? Did you tell them? How did it affect them?

A Briefcase might look simple but it could contain some important information which could totally transform someone's outlook on life. 
Although the message you have to give, could potentially save someone.

It's never wise to hold back on something which would benefit others. As long as you tell them and they recieved it, you have played your part. What happens next, is between the person and the sender.

The Outcome could play out in two ways - The Sender and The Recipient begin to put trust and faith in you and they see you as a reliable person or you are seen as unreliable and people lose trust in you.
Which person would you like to be? I know that I would want to be seen as that reliable person who always delivers.

So, now, ask yourself this - Are you reliable? Can God rely on you to deliver his messages to his people?

Thursday, 2 October 2014

#RyanSays - Leave your Pride and Be Humble

Always thought you could do the same thing you are used to but now it is not working no more? What do you do? Do you ask for help or do you carry on and try and work a way out?

It takes a great deal of courage and strength to admit that you need help, that the thing you've been trying to work out or battle just isn't working. Believe it or not, admitting you need help will bring you a great deal of respect. There will be a sense of calmness to your life, a weight will be lifted of your shoulders.

Let's take a moment to consider what can happen if you are not humble and you let your pride get the better of you. Now, I've heard many people say things like - 'I'm used to doing things by myself', 'If I ask for help, they might think im useless' . This is why many relationships break up, businesses fail and most of all, someone has a breakdown.

Now lets see what the Bible says about being humble

2 Chronicles 7 v 14 - If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land

James 4 v 6 - God opposes the proud but gives favor to the humble

James 4 v 10 - Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up

In the dictionary, the world 'humble' means - not proud or arrogant, modest
So, even though you might own a multi-million business or you have some extensive knowledge, you know that at any give stage, it could be taken away.
God knows everything, he knows what we can do and what we can't do, he knows our strengths and our weaknesses, he knows our every thought.
When we humble ourselves before God, we are saying to him that we worship and reverence him. We understand that he can do everything and that his plans are far greater that ours.
It's at that stage, that God will intervene, and restore you and lift you up

As you go through life, there will be situations where you are going to have to consult God on situations relating to your life, but, Imagine he showed you the way and you went a different way just because you thought that was the way you have always gone and known.
The way God is showing us, in your mind, is the correct way but due to pride and arrogance, you ignore and go your own way.

Lets take a look at Job. Here was a man who was severely tested by Satan and his many associates. God wanted to test Job's faithfulness so he allowed these attacks to take place. Now many people would buckle under pressure and admit defeat but Job never gave up. Job's friends gave him bad advice, they blamed him for what was happening due to his sins rather than noticing that God wanted to humble Job. There came a time his wife and friends told him to commit suicide but all the way through, Job remained strong and faithful.
At the end, God shows Job the error of his ways and shows him that Humans don't know everything. He did this by asking him questions which of course, Job couldn't answer. God then brings an understanding that even as believers, we don't always know what's happening in our lives.
Job then humbled himself and explains that he has declared all that he doesn't understand. God then blessed him with double portion than before.

A perfect example that at times, God brings us through trials to see how strong we are and whether we are faithful.

Pride can really destroy a man and his destiny. It could leave him with nothing, far away from where he was before

Get rid of your Pride and Be Humble