Thursday 16 October 2014

#RyanSays - Do What You Love, Love what You Do

'Do What you Love, Love What you Do'

For many years, since I started my working life, the first thing I was taught was to do actually that. Do something I loved.

Lately, we now see people not doing what they love. Everyday is like a struggle, they can't motivate themselves to head into work with a long day ahead of them. Everyday, they do something that they know is making them unhappy but because they are trapped in a cycle they can't bring themselves to leave. It's one of the biggest things that has crippled our society for years. It's what we called 'Purpose without Passion' Doing something without Passion, loving something without Passion. So it could be that your tasks become repetitive, it seems like you are forced to do it and seeing it as a burden rather than doing it with excitement.
Another reason why is that people are scared to leave a job what they've done for years in the fear that people will think they are silly. They've got a stable job, great money + benefits but in reality it's not what they love doing. They instead have to satisfy the universe and be involved in something which they don't have the heart for.

Looking at this from a heavenly perspective, It is because of their disobedience and lack of belief that they have ended up like this. There is no courage to pursue what they really want because they are scared of what people might say. It could be something like 'Oh, you don't want to do that, it won't benefit you' or 'Why do you want to leave, how you going to afford things'

So before I carry on, ask yourself this - Why Do I Do What I am doing now? What are your motivations behind it?

For some people, the desire to make a change for themselves and for some other people could be behind their decisions. Maybe it could be there is a particular need for people like them. But other people they make their decisions based on everyday life i.e. How Will I pay the Bills or How will I afford to go out etc, it might even be the fear that they won't be the able to find another job.

Leaving a Job can be tough, the prospects of the month ahead might look bleak but If you trust In God and believe what he says to you, you really can do What you Love and still meet the never-ending demands of society.
When we ask God to deliver our perfect Job, he will show us how to get there, what route to take, what doors to open and where to go but instead of waiting and listening to him, we go with the first option. It might of looked attractive but it's not really meant for you, the prospects might look excellent but in reality, it just doesn't suit you. God might even tell you to do certain side Jobs, just to gain experience and then when it's time, you move on. Unfortunately, people don't listen and stay somewhere when they're not supposed to.
Imagine staying in a house for a few months and then all of a sudden, your dream house appears. It's time to move but because you are trapped, you can't move. When you do get out, it's gone. Back to square one and Back in that Cycle.

If you don't love where you are, Get out of it and move on. People might miss you but you need to do what is right for you. They might not instantly understand but they will in time to come. Staying somewhere which isn't for you will cause to become unproductive, lazy and you then lose focus and then you struggle to see what's next. This Is why when at work sometimes, when the boss sees you not concentrating or targets aren't being met, they send you home and won't let you return sometime.
To avoid this, stop exactly what is is, Get Up and Get Out, Stop trying to attract something what you don't love

When you leave or you miss Jobs, it could be because we lost communication with God but the ultimate reason is that he something greater in store for us.

When looking for A Job, I try and apply for Jobs which I could imagine doing for a lifetime, I then ask God for guidance, direction, wisdom and knowledge so when the opportunity arises I will get up and take it.
If you apply these principles, I believe you will be able to be free and pursue what you have always wanted to do. It might take some time, you might have to take a few routes, exit a few places but you will eventually get to where you need to be.

When God is not consulted or he is not at the Centre, you can become distracted, you lose direction and then you get trapped. 

Let's Consult God on every decision, Let God be the centre of it all and you will truly do what you love. Put him at the heart of every move and see if it matches up with his plan for your life.

I am now doing what I Love which is watching football, writing about football and also providing inspiration and motivation in the form of #RyansWorld
I put God at the centre and let him direct my every move and now I am seeing him go great wonders in my life, people who I need to help me get to the next level are now being attracted to me. There are certain people in my life who I love dearly, They have helped me see things from a different perspective. It's only because I gave it to God and let him direct it.

Let this Inspire you and help you in your next career move. Focus On God, let him lead and you will enter your the thing that you love. You will start to attract people that you love, things that you love and into places where they will love you and will love them.

'Do What you Love, Love What you Do'

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