Thursday 2 October 2014

#RyanSays - Leave your Pride and Be Humble

Always thought you could do the same thing you are used to but now it is not working no more? What do you do? Do you ask for help or do you carry on and try and work a way out?

It takes a great deal of courage and strength to admit that you need help, that the thing you've been trying to work out or battle just isn't working. Believe it or not, admitting you need help will bring you a great deal of respect. There will be a sense of calmness to your life, a weight will be lifted of your shoulders.

Let's take a moment to consider what can happen if you are not humble and you let your pride get the better of you. Now, I've heard many people say things like - 'I'm used to doing things by myself', 'If I ask for help, they might think im useless' . This is why many relationships break up, businesses fail and most of all, someone has a breakdown.

Now lets see what the Bible says about being humble

2 Chronicles 7 v 14 - If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land

James 4 v 6 - God opposes the proud but gives favor to the humble

James 4 v 10 - Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up

In the dictionary, the world 'humble' means - not proud or arrogant, modest
So, even though you might own a multi-million business or you have some extensive knowledge, you know that at any give stage, it could be taken away.
God knows everything, he knows what we can do and what we can't do, he knows our strengths and our weaknesses, he knows our every thought.
When we humble ourselves before God, we are saying to him that we worship and reverence him. We understand that he can do everything and that his plans are far greater that ours.
It's at that stage, that God will intervene, and restore you and lift you up

As you go through life, there will be situations where you are going to have to consult God on situations relating to your life, but, Imagine he showed you the way and you went a different way just because you thought that was the way you have always gone and known.
The way God is showing us, in your mind, is the correct way but due to pride and arrogance, you ignore and go your own way.

Lets take a look at Job. Here was a man who was severely tested by Satan and his many associates. God wanted to test Job's faithfulness so he allowed these attacks to take place. Now many people would buckle under pressure and admit defeat but Job never gave up. Job's friends gave him bad advice, they blamed him for what was happening due to his sins rather than noticing that God wanted to humble Job. There came a time his wife and friends told him to commit suicide but all the way through, Job remained strong and faithful.
At the end, God shows Job the error of his ways and shows him that Humans don't know everything. He did this by asking him questions which of course, Job couldn't answer. God then brings an understanding that even as believers, we don't always know what's happening in our lives.
Job then humbled himself and explains that he has declared all that he doesn't understand. God then blessed him with double portion than before.

A perfect example that at times, God brings us through trials to see how strong we are and whether we are faithful.

Pride can really destroy a man and his destiny. It could leave him with nothing, far away from where he was before

Get rid of your Pride and Be Humble

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