Monday 13 October 2014

#RyanTalks - 'Obeying God's Voice'

A Few weeks back, I delivered my briefcase theory. Now, I want to delve a little deeper.
I want to look into why it is important to obey God's Voice and what the implications are if you don't

Whenever someone tells you something, is because there is a need for it or it's because they are warning you about a potential disaster. It might even be something simple such as to avoid a particular area. It could also mean, they've seen the first hand devastation it has caused and that they don't want you to make the same mistake.
They are almost like Instructions and Guidelines, it's to guide us and and tell us how to do it. These Instructions and Guidelines are not just because of someone's idea to rule over someone, it's not because they are bossy, it normally happens because they've actually gone through it and are now telling you how to do it.

In, everything, I consult God's word for a reference to whatever I want to talk about. There's many instances I could talk about such as Moses and the Burning Bush, Samuel and his call from God
But for now, let's look at Cain and Abel (Genesis 4) . Cain and Abel were both asked to offer up an offering unto the Lord. Now, Abel did the right thing and brought the correct offering, but Cain didn't take heed and brought an offering which he thought was acceptable. God saw this and didn't respect the offering which made Cain angry. Abel now had favour but Cain was jealous, so Cain went and killed Abel. God felt and saw what he did and confronted Cain, what took next changed his life. Verse 16 said 'And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord' . All because he never listened and followed the right instructions.

Now,  lets look at this from a different perspective. When God tells us something and we do it, it's because we love him. If we don't do it, could this also mean there is no respect or love Now we have heard the saying 'If you Love, you will do anything for me' So, could we now apply the same logic to the Cain and Abel situation. If Cain loved God, he probably would of followed the right path.

We live In a Society, where people don't like following instructions. They prefer to do things their way, they pay no attention to what he has been said, they would prefer to be left alone and get on with it.
They know that if they look at instructions, it might take them longer than expected but in reality, instructions are there for a reason. Guidelines are like a 'blueprint manual', what has been set out has been designed by someone who has walked that path and are now guiding you along the way.
Now, the reason why marriages fail, people lose favor, businesses break down, they get lost or something falls apart is because of the inability to follow simple instructions and guidelines. There's no respect shown to the person telling them or showing them the way forward.

In Society, we also have people who love to challenge instructions and guidelines. They want to build things their way, fix screws into different holes, force things into an impossible space. When they challenge these instructions, the things they have built, begins to fall apart but imagine if they have  listened to the instructions in the first place? The thing they have built will still be here to this very day

As you read this, think of the many structures, buildings, businesses, or even people who fallen from their position. Managers who have lost their job. Why do think this could be? Could it be because they never followed instructions?

It's of sheer importance that we follow God's voice and obey his voice. If we don't, people's lives can be affected in a huge way. A Family who have lost a son because he never followed the family principle, a marriage breaking down within months because they refused to listen, a tower being destroyed because people built it incorrectly. This can all be avoided if we take time to listen rather than go against a proven way of life.

Lets do things the right way, stop trying to figure it out for yourself, follow the instructions and you will have a long lasting life.

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