Thursday 16 October 2014

#RyanSays - Jesus at the Centre of It All

Put Jesus the Centre of it All and everything will work out perfectly. It may take time, but it will happen. You will see the full manifestation.

Let's look at in the reality of our world today. When deciding how to word it, Jesus showed me a map. He then said he represents access to the Father. He directs our path and our every move.

So, what do we use maps for? We use maps for directions, finding things and location certain places. When we use a map and follow it correctly, we will arrive where need to be. It might take a while, but we will get there. When we don't use a map, we will eventually get lost
Some people declare that they don't need a map and that they know how to get there because they've been to a certain place before. Knowing this, they follow the directions of this person but it turns out the route they once took is not available anymore.
You are now lost in the middle of nowhere, but the person who has the map comes to your rescue. They give it to you and then you finally get to the place way after you were supposed to arrive.

So this teaches us that not many people know the right directions, if we believe their word, we will eventually get lost.

Let's now put it in a heavenly perspective. When we don't follow Jesus, we get lost. When we don't put Jesus at the centre of our universe, our world becomes confused, we don't know what to do, we become tangled up in so many things. We then try to figure out what exactly took place which results in us not going anywhere fast.

So, Let's put Jesus at the Centre of our universe. We will then find our way to where we need to be. Our lives will become clearer and then we will be more confident about ourselves. Our world doesn't move without Jesus at the Centre.

Now, Let's take a look at it from another perspective.

I have devised the #trafficlightsystem to help us

Red - Stop
Amber - Get Ready
Green - Go

In our lives, sometimes we have to wait or stop before moving on to a new place or a new job. Once we are close, we need to get ready, get our engines revved up so when we get the Green Light, we are able to go.

If we cross Red, we are most likely going to crash or enter another traffic jam which might delay our journey to where we need to be. We might even have to pay a penalty for crossing Red.
Once it gets to Amber, we need to get ready, be at the right gear, put our foot on the accelerator and be alert. Once you get the Green Light, you are free to go, free to pursue what you need.

Now Jesus, is like a Traffic Light System. There will be times where he will need us to stop and don't go any further. It's because ahead of us there will be things ahead of us which will cause us to crash. Once that is clear, he will tell us to get ready, get into gear and be be alert for when he gives us the Green light.

If we don't pay attention to his voice or be alert to what he wants from us, we then get left behind because we wasn't ready.

So, Let's Put Jesus at the Centre of it All. Nobody else but Jesus

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