Monday 20 October 2014

#RyanSays - Why Are You Running

"You can Run, but you can't hide"

Why are You Running, where actually are you running to. If you're going to run, you'll have to be fast because you will soon eventually be caught and returned to where you came from.
When we run away from God, it doesn't matter how far away we run to or how fast we are, God will always find us.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam knew he did something wrong so he ran. He began to hide but eventually God saw what he did and started looking for him. "Adam, Where Art Thou"
Adam had to make a decision, carry on running with all that Guilt or come back to God. Adam eventually returned to God and made peace but there was consequences.

When life gets tough or when things get on top of you, when you know you have done wrong, you flee the scene, you try and cover your tracks, you become afraid. Nevertheless, it doesn't work and you have to return and try and fix your mess.

Let's look at this logically. Intelligence Units are very clever in stopping attacks or foiling plots, they know what is going to happen and who is going to do it. When you think you have been let off, we are mistaken. They put out a surveillance watch out on you and to track your every move. It could take them years to catch you, but they will. Even if you left the country, they will still catch you and bring you to justice.

So, If that's what the Intelligence Units can do, what makes us think we can run away from God? When we do wrong or we think that God doesn't want to talk to us or he is angry with us, we start to run. This is what Jonah did, he ran away from God's presence. (Jonah 1 and 2)

Jonah was given a task, he was told to go to Nineveh and cry against it, because that city was wicked. Jonah didn't fulfill it, he ran away to a place called Tarshish and found a place called Joppa. He jumped on a ship which was heading to Tarshish. On the way, The Lord sent out a mighty storm which eventually broke the ship into pieces. The Lord then sent a huge whale to come and swallow Jonah for three days and three nights. For Jonah, it was like being captured, no where to go, he couldn't anymore. So, he broke down and cried unto God to deliver him, upon hearing Jonah's request, the whale delivered Jonah unto the dry land.

That period in the belly of the whale, really humbled Jonah to the point that he recognised he couldn't run away anymore. No matter, what he did, where he ran to, God captured him. For God to capture, he sends things your way to completely humble you to the point of no return, the place that you realise you can't carry on without God. Jonah might have trekked for days, running away from God. He initially thought the responsibility was too much to bear so he took a chance and ran.

In our days, we don't have our ships broken etc but we do have prayer warriors, outreach teams looking out for us, praying for our safe return. Sometimes they will invade the territory in order to find you. So, stop running and go back to God.

Close your eyes and imagine someone running, where could they go? Who would they run to?
There's only so much running a person can do before they stop and decide to go Back. The place they ran to was a dead end but fortunately, God provides a way out, a way to get back to shore. A way to come back into his presence.

Stop Running to nowhere, turn around and run back to God. It's where you belong, It's where your meant to be.

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