Monday 6 October 2014

#MotivationalMondays - It's not too late to start again

It's not too late to start again. You still have time to repair and renew your future. You still have time to create a better path for yourself
I've heard people say things like - 'It's too late, I'll leave it and do it another day' , 'It's not going to work' , 'Time isn't on my side to start again' , 'What If I get there too late'
All of these are technically valid sayings but when you have God on your side, nothing, absolutely nothing will be too impossible.

A lot of people will look at time and think that they don't have long left so they need to do something now rather than later. There is that fear they will miss out or that they will not be able to do what they wanted to do.

Well, I have some news for you. It's not too late for you to start again, It's not too late to revive that failing company, It's not too late to repair that broken relationship, It's not too late to create a new job.
There may be times that you feel you have missed out on an opportunity or that time is against you to achieve something but when you have God with you, time will be no bother. God created time, so if anybody is able to stop time or give extra time, it is God

Many stories have been told where we see that people don't fulfill their destiny because of the fact they were late. When I mean 'late', I don't mean not arriving at a particular time, I mean it when we don't take heed of God's voice or we respond some time after he has spoken. You might be doubting whether you can really make it or whether you have the courage and the faith to really trust in God's word

Don't let this alarm you because these people still reached their destiny but through another route. You still can reach your promised land if you get rid of your fear of failure and follow God's way because after all God knew us before we were born. The plans he has for us are already pre-destined, so could it be that your project could be delayed because God wants to plant it at a specific time

It really isn't too late to start again. You can achieve all things with God by your side. Study a new course, speak to that long lost relative, confront those demons, take up that job offer. Soar High like an Eagle, The Sky is your Limit. There could be that project you have always wanted to start, You started it but you left to do other things and pursue other suitable careers but now is the time to revive the project. It's not too late, dig out those plans and put them into action. Stop Pondering and Start Doing.
It is better to be active than be stagnant worrying about what will happen next

Above all, It's not too late to start again. You can do all things with God by your side

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