Tuesday 14 October 2014

#RyanTalks - 'Obeying God's Voice' Part 2

'I will believe it when I see it'
This has become one of the many phrases that has been used by today's society. Lets admit, we have all said this or thought about it once in a while.
Society these days don't generally like to wait and see the finished article. They want everything now, without it being ready or without it being tangible, they refused to believe what people say. No matter what anyone says or what they see, without it being tangible there is no way they will believe.

We also live in an age where we love to complain about everything. When things don't go our own way, we tend to look at our problems and become disheartened rather than trust in God and obey his word and follow him.

In the books of Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua, we see the journey that the Children of Israel took on the way towards the Promise Land. They were bound in slavery by the Egyptians, the pain and anguish was too much that they cried to God begging for their release. God heard their cry and sent Moses and Aaron to rescue them. Now, you would think they would of been grateful. They expected to be released straight away but when it didn't happen, they complained to Moses and Aaron. They didn't believe that what God had told Moses and Aaron would come to pass. Eventually, they did escape but Pharaoh and his army were determined to take them back but God rescued them, he parted the Red Sea and they reached the other side, Pharaoh and his army were destroyed. The Children of Israel danced and partied but still they didn't believe God's word that they could dispossess the enemies in the Promise Land and take control.

We then see that they were now in the Wilderness, it took them forty years to reach the Promised Land. Before that, in the wilderness, they complained and complained. They even gathered together and put together a plan to return to Egypt. Moses sent forth Joshua and Caleb a few other guys to go and spy on a land and to see everything about it and what they will need to destroy the enemy. On return, Joshua and Caleb said that it was very possible for them to take control of the Promise Land but the 10 other guys claimed that it was impossible, they were giants bigger than them and that they would be crushed. On hearing that, the Children of Israel complained and their faith and belief diminished even further. The people who delivered that bad report then perished in the Wilderness, the children of Israel who failed to believe in God's word also perished but Joshua and Caleb, the faithful servants who believed in God's word, were allowed to enter the Promise Land and inherit it along with their future generations.

Due to the unbelief and their lack of faith, The Children of Israel perished in the wilderness. After all the signs and wonders, the miracles they had seen before their own eyes, all the words that had been spoken they still didn't believe. As a result, they never got to reach the Promise Land which the God had promised their forefathers. A Whole Generation never got to see the Land due to their lack of unbelief.

So, what we have seen here is a nation that were promised a great promise. They had heard but they hadn't seen, they couldn't comprehend that they were finally going to escape Pharaoh and enter the Promise Land. So, we can see that if we disobey God's word, we ourselves might not enter the Promise Land. Our dreams, hopes could die as a result of our unbelief. When we hear the saying 'This will separate the men from the boys', it is basically that. Your period in the wilderness will either make or break you, it will determine whether you will make it to other side and you just stay in the wilderness and live a lonely life.

For such a long time, we hear plans and God tells what he has planned for us but so many people have abandoned their calling in favor of a quick solution. What once looked attractive has now turned into a hostile situation.
We, as a Generation, are suffering for what our forefathers did. We may not have contributed directly but as a result of their actions, we are now suffering.  It could generally cost us our own life.
It's something that we as a Generation have to deal with, the next Generation is in our hands. Our disobedience could cost them, their access to their land could be denied if we don't act now. Maybe God has already told you about the future, even though you haven't seen it, do you believe it?

Disobeying God's Word can cause a lot of tangled webs that you cannot escape without fervent prayer or even repenting and turning your back on the ways set by your forefathers.I believe that we have grown up in a society where we struggle to believe things which people tells us due to our lack of unbelief. This is the reason why we see broken families, children living a life of unseen potential, marriage breakdowns, generational illnesses / curses. It's real

Remember this - 'One man's actions can affect a whole nation'

Right now, we can either believe and enter the Promise Land or disobey and enter perish in the Wilderness.

Let us start obeying and securing Future Generations. It's Now or Never

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