Monday 6 October 2014

#ryantalks - The Briefcase Theory

'If only I had said this sooner', 'I knew I should have said something'
You didn't say anything. You failed to pass on the message to the person who really needed it

In life, we get messages given to us and sometimes we need to pass it on to those that really need it. Whether or not we pass it on, is a whole different matter. When certain messages don't get passed on, it could be for a number of reasons.
Here could be a few reasons
- The Message is not understood
- The Message is not clear
- The Message fails to get delivered

When the message doesn't reach the intended people or area, we the messengers are to blame. It's as simple as that. We have to explain why or how it didn't get there. It's serious, when the person who the message is meant for, doesn't get it, they could drift away and there would be no way back for them. 

So, I have devised 'The Briefcase Theory' to help us understand a few things.
Picture a Briefcase, it normally has a combination code which we need to enter so we can open it up. That's pretty much it, now, lets look at the bigger picture.
People get messages through a variety forms i.e. Codes, Symbols, Signs etc. Now we may not be able to understand because it is not mean for us but It might just be for someone else.
The person who understands the codes etc might need it to piece together a message which will enable them to find out their destiny or calling or it might just be a simple message which they need to transform their life. Once they recieve that message or code, they're life could be totally transformed.

Have you recently been given a message which was mean for someone else? Did you tell them? How did it affect them?

A Briefcase might look simple but it could contain some important information which could totally transform someone's outlook on life. 
Although the message you have to give, could potentially save someone.

It's never wise to hold back on something which would benefit others. As long as you tell them and they recieved it, you have played your part. What happens next, is between the person and the sender.

The Outcome could play out in two ways - The Sender and The Recipient begin to put trust and faith in you and they see you as a reliable person or you are seen as unreliable and people lose trust in you.
Which person would you like to be? I know that I would want to be seen as that reliable person who always delivers.

So, now, ask yourself this - Are you reliable? Can God rely on you to deliver his messages to his people?

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